Public Comments

All feedback received has been reviewed by a department moderator guided by the comments policy  and posted here . The names of individuals are not disclosed. Submissions from not-for-profit groups and municipalities are referenced by organization name only. See Disclaimer.
Islanders were invited to take part in creating effective land-related legislation and policies, with the opportunity to provide feedback over the past 12 months (July 2020 to July 2021).
329 responses were received and processed as of July 29, 2021.

Respondent #2

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward? Priority #1 Provide municipalities with full control over land administration

  • Key Actions
    • More pressure on municipalities to govern land
    • Governance training for municipalities
    • Amalgamation

Priority #2 Make land more affordable for young Islanders

  • Key Actions
    • Subsidies from government

Priority #3 More privacy for land owners

  • Key Actions
    • Less rules for land owners to make public the land they own

Why did you choose these priorities?

  • They seem to relate to my perspective

Respondent #3

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward? Priority #1 Buffer zones

  • Key Actions
    • Enforce the need for a buffer zone
    • Have more buffer zones
    • Determine what can be used for these zones I.e. vegetation

Priority #2 Nature preservation

  • Key Actions
    • More green spaces around the island
    • More land allowed to naturalize
    • Limit over developing of small properties

Priority #3 Erosion issues

  • Key Actions
    • Accurate measurements of erosion in the most affected areas
    • Plans initiated to protect coastlines
    • Commitment by government to act on decision in a timely basis

Why did you choose these priorities? >Erosion is changing the island drastically. Our natural areas are being built upon thus affecting flora and fauna. Buffer zones are essential in containing possible contaminate.

Respondent #4

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Give Islanders a chance to purchase land

  • Key Actions
    • Cap property prices for Islanders

Priority #2 Limit foreign buyers

  • Key Actions
    • Limit how much non Canadians can purchase

Priority #3 Erosion issues

  • Key Actions
    • Accurate measurements of erosion in the most affected areas
    • Plans initiated to protect coastlines
    • Commitment by government to act on decision in a timely basis

Why did you choose these priorities? I am from the Island and would like to go back at some stage.

Respondent #5

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Limiting the numbers of acres a group can own

  • Key Actions
    • Limiting the number of acres a group can own  

Priority #2 Replanting after tree harvesting

  • Key Actions
    • Legislation to make sure all land is replanted with trees after tree harvesting.

Priority #3 Protecting our water

  • Key Actions
    • Protect our water

Why did you choose these priorities?

Important to myself and future generations

Respondent #6

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy

I believe the present acreage limit is outdated for today agriculture it need to be doubled to meet the requirements for the farmers today

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 increase the acreage limit for Island farmers

Priority #2 Arial make sure the land is farmed not sitting idle growing weeds

Respondent #7

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy

It’s difficult and costly to purchase land previously used for farming. It shouldn’t be so restrictive. If restrictions are lifted cost of land will decrease making new builds less expensive helping first time homeowners be able to build a home- affordably.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Allowing more farm land to be sold

Priority #2 Allowing more land near Charlottetown to be sold

Respondent #8 

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy

Multiple people from same family getting around the non-resident land ownership clauses. Going against the intent of the regulation!

Creating holding ponds that contravene the intent of the water act against deep wells.

Farmers who ignore buffer zones and are thus poisoning and killing our streams with sediment, fertilizer and pesticides causing algae and moss growth.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Prevent more destruction of natural areas in public AND private land.

  • Key Actions
    • Education and forethought for the future.
    • Add an environmental veto clause in EVERY development project!
    • Review of past decisions as a learning tool.

Like the development of many lovely small green space's in Charlottetown!... stupid and unnecessary.

    • House on Park street - Just rude!
    • Apartments beside Culinary Institute - Completely unnecessary and a bad decision.  

Priority #2 Arial Claw back existing issues and police the areas that are breaking known environmental best practices.

  • Key Actions
    • Legislation making owners of land financially responsible for their property where known, good environmental practices are not adhered to.
    • Policing and reporting mechanisms!
    • Teeth in the law without loopholes!

Priority #3 Protect the Watershed...

  • Key Actions
    • Just some friggin’ common sense!

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because they are important.

Respondent #9

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy

Some of the processes seem outdated and need to be brought up to current standards (i.e. the way the department engages with the public and how information is provided)

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Information is readily available

  • Key Actions
    • Have a location (website) that lists all of the current proposals with the information and allow people more time to educate themselves.
    • Provide resources (such as studies) that educate them on certain topics such as land use, habitats, etc.  

Priority #2 Communication methods are updated

  • Key Actions
    • Newspaper advertisements for a public meeting about a proposal seem very outdated, especially for younger generations. Make the process more inclusive for all groups by using various ways to advertise to increase public engagement. When you do host a meeting, make it more accessible (online streaming, visual aids, increased interaction for questions, etc.).

Priority #3 Arial Processes are better explained (how the process is done and the reasons behind decisions)    

  • Key Actions
    • Provide an explanation about how a process works (easily explained without all of the jargon). When a decision is made update the website to include the reason for the decision.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I think that engagement needs to be increased for public consultations. People need to be more invested in their province but cannot do that if they do not know about the process or are unaware of how it works.

Respondent #11

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy

Need better public notifications for when land zoning is being looked in terms of changing the zoning.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Land zoning

  • Key Actions
    • Better system

Priority #2 Land preservation

Respondent #12

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy

Not prepared to mitigate climate change, too much land left unproductive when could be used to increase biodiversity

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Biodiversity

  • Key Actions
    • Mandate home owners replace monoculture lawns with biodiverse wildflowers, plant trees and reduce illegal dumping sites

Priority #2 Climate change mitigation

  • Key Actions
    • Decarbonize PEI - fully renewable electric grid, electric vehicles, tractors. 
    • Seawalls for low lying areas
    • Carbon tax for 400$/tonne

Priority #3 Rising sea levels     

  • Key Actions
    • Seawalls

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because PEI will be under the ocean in about 20 years if we don't do something

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

I'll miss PEI when it's gone

Respondent #13

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy

Large corporations buying large parcels of land for corporate farming. Land in PEI needs protection against the greed of corporations.

The loop holes allowing large holding ponds to get around the use of deep water wells.

Lack of land stewardship allowing for the clearing of hedgerows and promoting soil erosion and poor soil quality.

Forests need to be protected, especially old growth. All forest tree cutting/land clearing needs approval in advance to protect and promote forests.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Land stewardship

  • Key Actions
    • Stop the removal of hedge rows
    • Provide education on land stewardship
    • Reward those who are responsible in land stewardship, penalize those who are not.

Priority #2 Protect forests

  • Key Actions
    • Protect old growth forests.
    • Cuts should be approved
    • Replanting must occur for twice the amount cut within a specific period of time

Priority #3 Large corporations buying large parcels of land    

  • Key Actions
    • Close the loopholes allowing them to go around current regulations.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because they are important to me. Our land is all we have, once it is destroyed, it is a long way back. There is a fine line between profits and greed. Corporate morality is an oxymoron.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

I certainly don't have all the answers or solutions but living in beautiful rural PEI, our land needs to be protected. Watching the destruction is heartbreaking!

Respondent #14

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy

Lack of transparency when those who purchase land can hide behind numbered corporations and purchase land by manipulation.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Soil health

  • Key Actions
    • Ban chemicals such as glyphosate.
    • Provide incentives and learning opportunities for small regenerative farms and organic farms.
    • Increase and enforce higher fines for chemical pollution of land, water and air.

Priority #2 Corporate ownership

  • Key Actions
    • Say goodbye to the Irvings.
    • Enforce strict crop rotations.
    • Establish a land bank.

Priority #3 Run-off into waterways.

  • Key Actions
    • Increase and enforce higher fines for chemical pollution of land, water and air.
    • Re-establish hedgerows.
    • Double the size of buffer zones.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because we have the advantage of being an island and we don't use it. We could be entirely organic here and promoting PEI as a wellness resort where people can detox from the daily barrage or chemicals. If we don't make PEI into something to be proud of others will make it into something that will advantage them and their shareholders.

Respondent #15

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Conservation

  • Key Actions
    • expand parks, create trails, kids activities (ie Wild Child)

Priority #2 Arial Keep outside influence out of politics

  • Key Actions
    • keep voting/influence restricted to residents

Why did you choose these priorities?

Keep our island beautiful/accessible and owned/run by islanders

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

close loopholes exploited by outside interests (ask any accountant or lawyer)

Respondent #16

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Leave decisions on land owned by farmers more to the farm

  • Key Actions
    • listen to farms that are saying they need to be the decision maker on that farm.
    • Listen to science that is based on farm trials
    • Stop listening to groups that don't have any intention in listening to agricultural science  

Priority #2 Arial Let the farm use practices that contribute to soil health and so they make rotation choices. Legislating rotations is handcuffing farms from making the choices they need to fix soil health and have the ability to pay bills.

  • Key Actions
    • have farms work with farm organizations to find the best ways to get the most from the land and leave their soil in better shape.

Why did you choose these priorities?

There’s way too many variables that affect a farm from being profitable. Weather is our best or worst friend. There may be need for legislation in rare cases but leave the special interest groups out of the discussion.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Would like to leave a name but I don't have time for some that can never be pleased.

Respondent #17

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Housing insecurity

  • Key Actions
    • Making it easier for first-time buyers to purchase land.
    • Make it more difficult for large corporations to purchase land.  

Priority #2 Environmental protection

  • Key Actions
    • Ensure that land development progresses in ways that disrupt local wildlife and eco systems as minimally as possible.

Priority #3 Resource hoarding 

  • Key Actions
    • Limit the land that can be purchased by single individuals, particularly when not for primary residency, farming, etc. Make it challenging for people to buy up investment properties in a housing crisis and pandemic.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Housing is a human right. Resources are not scarce, but resource hoarding creates scarcity for many Islanders.  We need to ensure that people have places to live safely, and renting from landlords is simply not providing the stability that people need.

Respondent #18

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy

There are current legal loopholes that have and will likely be employed in the future by individuals and corporations to purchases more land than allowed.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Limit the amount of arable land sold to corporations.

  • Key Actions
    • I think the priority is self-descriptive.  

Priority #2 Ban all use of Round Up on PEI

  • Key Actions
    • Round UP has been proven to be cancer causing and dangerous and is banned in countries that take the health care of its citizens seriously. The science is clear...eliminate Round Up!.

Priority #3 Supports for new farmers.

  • Key Actions

Why did you choose these priorities?

Too much of our land is sold without these priorities in mind. Too much current foreign ownership of our land.

Respondent #20

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Conservation of land for migrating animal reproduction

  • Key Actions
    • extension of protected beaches for pipping- plover
    • no dog allowed on beach from early season
    • no high buildings (5 floors maximum)  

Priority #2 Conservation of natural zone

  • Key Actions
    • More conservation land recognition
    • no extension of cities past existing boundary lines
    • enforce the dunes zones and no walking in order to prevent erosion.

Priority #3 Fair agricultural practice        

  • Key Actions
    • No harsh pesticides
    • high fine if the culture is not changed every year (4 years rotation)

Why did you choose these priorities?

It is important to preserve the richness offered by the soil. By demanding too much of it, we will exhaust its capacity of providing in the future.  If we don't conserve our land and keep exploiting it or building onto it, we will not be able to provide to the economy.  Flore and faune are important so we need to preserve it.

Respondent #21

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Basically it would seem the current legislation is impotent. The Buddhists and the Irvings never run out of ways to circumvent the rules, and it would appear it is simply an inconvenience to them.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Limited Holdings

  • Key Actions
    • There has to be a way to prevent a single family and their associates and/or a single organization and their associates from continually buying large tracts of land.

Priority #2 Limited non-resident holdings

  • Key Actions
    • Stop rubber-stamping land sales to non- residents.

Priority #3 Restrictions on use 

  • Key Actions
    • Restriction have to be put in place at times of sale regarding deep-water wells, holding ponds, density and subdivision.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because the land around me has been bought up by non-resident owners. The monks built a 'Temple' as big as a Holiday Inn, which I am pretty sure would not have been approved it they asked to build a Holiday Inn.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Yeah, it may be too late, but it's worth a try. We've been losing ground, literally, since the 1980s.

Respondent #22

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

New construction of single-family dwellings in Agricultural areas can often lead to complaints about farming practices, which is not right.  Rural PEI and suitable Agriculture land should be preserved for Agriculture. If people do want to build in a rural area, they should be made well aware that they may smell manure, or see a Sprayer applying crop protectant. 

Also, there should be more done to ensure new building lots have proper drainage around them. If they build a house at the bottom of a potato field, they should expect some runoff. Sufficient grading should be done to divert water away from the property, and this shouldn’t be on the farmer’s dime. The province should be looking at elevations/topography in a 500m area around a property, not just the property itself when reviewing plot plans

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Preserve Agricultural land

  • Key Actions
    • Tighten restrictions on rural subdivisions even further than what they are now.
    • Identify unsuitable Agricultural land for potential new development
    • Do not allow entities such as GEBIS to buy large amounts of land and let it go to fallow. This will only limit the amount of Ag land available and drive prices up for farmers in the area.

Priority #2 Enforce stricter criteria for new SFD in rural areas

Priority #3 Arial Full incorporation across the Island with only 3-5 regional municipalities. We have way too many now.

Respondent #23

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Loopholes that let some work around the intent of the rules, such as the Irving purchase.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Local Ownership

Priority #2 Keep quality farmland as farmland

Priority #3Arial Protect our natural environment

Respondent #24  

no answers

Respondent #25

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Land holding limits for farmers don't reflect the current or future profile of agriculture; rather they are reflective of the state of agriculture 35 years ago.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Allowing PEI farmers to build and invest in their businesses while maintaining three-year crop rotations.

  • Key Actions
    • Inform the public on the fact that most so-called "corporate" farms are actually family farms; and that they are following land-holding limits that restrict their ability to maintain a three-year crop rotation while investing in their farm business for the future.
    • Ensure small farmers are not disadvantaged and pushed out of the land market.
    • Better enforcement of the Agricultural Crop Rotation Act.

Priority #2 Keeping off-Island landowners (agricultural, recreational, etc) within their land-holding limits.

  • Key Actions
    • Close loopholes that have been exploited by off- Island landowners
    • Ensure Islanders have access to waterfront and recreational property for the long run

Priority #3 Arial Developing an overall strategy for land use on PEI for the improvement of our Island's economy, environment and lifestyle.

  • Key Actions
    • Engage with all Islanders to garner their ideas
    • Comprehensive consultation processes

Why did you choose these priorities?

I have a concern for the viability of our agriculture industry in the long run, and believe that land-holding limits are a barrier to land stewardship, in some cases.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

I tend to think of this policy mainly in relation to agriculture. Again, the public needs to understand the implications to ALL agricultural producers; NOT just the off-Island agricultural landowners.

Respondent #26

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy. >Too much foreign ownership of farmable land that is not being looked after.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #Arial 1 Minimize foreign ownership.

  • Key Actions
    • Actually enforce the current laws and close loopholes.

Priority #2 Minimize land grabbing for “investment purposes.

  • K
  • Not sure

Priority #3 Arial Give farmers a fair opportunity to purchase land when it comes for sale.    

  • Key Actions
    • Not sure

Why did you choose these priorities?

We are farmers who believe that land is a gift that should be used in a stewardship and sustainable manner.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?


Respondent #27

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

No clarity, difficult to insure the Act is being followed.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #Arial 1 Protection to the environment

  • Key Actions
    • More monitoring
    • Tighter legislation
    • More guidelines with clear direction.

Priority #2 Water Quality

  • Key Actions
    • Legislation or guidelines for soil loss into watercourses
    • Limiting nitrates

Priority #3 Arial Limit land ownership    

  • Key Actions
    • Enforce current legislation
    • Tighten loopholes
    • Limit foreign land ownership

Respondent #28 

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy

Non-resident land ownership regulations appear to be easily circumvented

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial If there is a land use policy it should be enforced

  • Key Actions
    • Remove the politicians from control of the law.  

Respondent #29

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy

Farmers are not being regulated enough when it comes to enforcement to environmental responsibility of runoff from their fields. In addition, there is little enforcement in terms of farmers sticking to their potato rotations or farming on highly sloped fields. I support turning provincially owned farmed land into forested land.

Respondent #30

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

  1. I understand it's complicated to close all loopholes. But this needs to be done somehow.  Islander's do not want all land being controlled by a few, and simply to be the minions working the land.
  2. Little value is placed on the remaining natural areas (i.e. forests). This is deep in the Island ethos, and needs to be remedied by placing more value (economic and otherwise) on the land. For example, saying your 400-acre woodlot is 'unproductive', and therefore you can buy 400 more acres of cleared farmland is counterproductive. However, also having farmers clear their own land continually is unsustainable.
  3. No net-loss of natural areas (by that I mean primarily forest, and not necessarily forest under the PNA legislation) allowed. I understand this will drive up prices of land in many cases, but it's required to save these valuable ecosystems for future generations.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #Arial 1 Maintain and enforce maximum land-holding limits

  • Key Actions
    • Ensure the area of landholdings allowed under regulation and legislation remains
    • Ensure the limits on out-of-province ownership are maintained and strengthened
    • Clarify roles and responsibilities in ensuring these rules are adhered to

Priority #2 Ensure that land remains 'working'

  • Key Actions
    • Ensure non-farmer purchases of agricultural land are justified (and not for development/speculative investment)
    • Support low-impact agricultural/forestry practices to keep farmland in use/production by non-traditional farmers (i.e. new recruits to the profession)
    • Do not over-prioritize preservation of land over conservation - in my opinion, the PEI land ethic includes the people as a piece of the puzzle of the land. For example, taking all Provincial forestland out of production could potentially have a negative impact on the forest sector and those that make their living there, when this land could really be a model of sustainable forest management practices.  Furthermore, long-term forest health (and other values such as carbon sequestration) can be improved via climate-informed forest management planning for this large Public resource - rather than setting it aside permanently to meet Federally-imposed conservation goals even where little ecological value may be realized (i.e. plantations). I do support preservation in many circumstances, i.e. unploughed forest, but not blanketing all non-agricultural land under the Natural Areas Act simply to meet targets without further thought.

Priority #3 Arial Support young local people and groups in ownership and/or management of land 

  • Key Actions
    • Support young people through ensuring Priority #1 is enforced, therefore limiting unrealistic increases in land prices, and allowing small scale/part-time farmers to keep a place in the PEI agricultural community
    • Provide grant/low-interest loans for new farmers/other resource industry entrants (i.e. small-scale forestry)
    • Commonly-held land is managed by local (within some distance) groups and/or farmers co-operatives (i.e. Publicly owned community pastures, for example)

Why did you choose these priorities?

Personal opinions/experience/thoughts on these issues.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

My thoughts:

  1. Land Banking - Great idea, but in the end, people need to 'own' the land. I personally, would not be interested in farming Government owned land as a new farmer. Ownership instills pride and something to work toward (i.e improvement of the farm/business for passing down through generations).
  2. Public investment is required to ensure land management practices are in the great Public good. For example, the Forest Enhancement Program is a great example of a program that sees the value in improved land management practices for everyone. It incentivizes actions such as non-clearcut harvesting (which generally are less profitable in the short-term for landowners), and invests back in the forest via silviculture. However, this specific program needs to be grown in both budget and capacity if the Province wants to see a viable forest sector and ecologically healthy forests in the future.
  3. Provide tax incentives and/or other incentives to generate buy-in from landowners to enter programs. For example, the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program in Ontario recognizes that a managed forest contributes to the economy. Therefore, rather than having people buy forest land and having it sit idle, a sustainable management plan could be developed and as long as the woodlot owner implements the plan, they should be given recognition for contributing to the greater good. Similar programs should be available for the agriculture sector.
  4. One piece of potentially very contentious legislation I would support would be some sort of no-net-loss of forest (certain types). We have very little natural forestland around, and clearing for agriculture or development on our small Island is not sustainable.  Specifically, with the increasing price of land - the economics are now ever more in favour of buying woodlots and clearing for agriculture (i.e. potato production, orchards, etc.). For example, the southeast (Iona/Caledonia) of the Province is seeing increased pressure where some of the most untouched large chunks of forest remain from alternative land-uses. Also, for definition - a clearcut (that regenerates to forest) is not what I am talking about. Although it may be a poor forest management practice in many instances, it's not near as devastating as clearing land for an alternative land-use practice.

Many of my thoughts are likely related more to programs/regulations and policy. However, I generally do support further strengthening of land-related legislation and the Lands Protection Act in general.

Respondent # 31

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

land limits/ ownership out of province

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 limites

  • Key Actions
    • lowers cost of land.

Priority #2 ownership

  • Key Actions
    • PEI residents only to own land.
    • protect agriculture land

Why did you choose these priorities?

big items in news

Respondent #32

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Land protection and conservation

  • Key Actions
    • To have a long-term and sustainable plan for land protection and conservation.
    • To have a plan to encourage residents joining in a land protection program.
    • To implement a policy for promoting land and water conservation.

Priority #2 Shoreline protection

  • Key Actions
    • Joint effort in shoreline protection financially between government and land owners.
    • Policy to encourage resident's activities for shoreline protection.
    • Penalties for failure in protection of shorelines by residents or companies.

Priority #3 Protection of land owner's right on renting properties

  • Key Actions
    • Enhance the protection on land owner's right on renting properties.
    • Enhance the protection on land owner's right on renting properties.
    • Enhance the protection on land owner's right on renting properties.

Respondent #33

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

I understand that these are difficult pieces of legislation to navigate in practice, because the individuals in question, and the politics associated with land claims, are more complicated than the acts suggest. However, it is clear that in practice the acts are often ignored when interested parties with strong financial backing or political clout are involved. In practice, political interference seems to be too easy.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Environmental sustainability

  • Key Actions
    • Stronger environmental laws, with stronger enforcement

Priority #2 Local landholding by locals

  • Key Actions
    • Stronger enforcement of already existing laws, together with more careful consultation about difficult ethical issues associated with newcomer purchasers

Priority #3 No extra-large corporations

  • Key Actions
    • Much stronger adherence to the rules already in place

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because I believe they are of critical importance for the health of the province

Respondent #34

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

I understand that the ownership and use of land are more complicated issues than the acts can capture. In practice, there must always be exceptions and nuanced understandings. However, I believe that there is a strong tendency to bend the rules when money and political expediency are involved. These forms of interference in the application of the acts should not be permitted.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Environmental sustainability

  • Key Actions
    • Stronger laws, more firmly enforced

Priority #2 Local landholding by locals

  • Key Actions
    • Stronger adherence to the laws already in place; consultation with a wider variety of parties concerning difficult subjects, such as land purchasing by incoming newcomers

Priority #3 No extra-large corporations

  • Key Actions
    • Stronger adherence to the laws already in place

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because they are of critical importance to the health of the province and its people

Respondent #35

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

It’s increasingly more difficult for young farmers or islanders who live here to own and farm land for a living. Corporate interests have an advantage because market Conditions have selected for bigger more cost efficient highly capitalized farms.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Farm (acreage) size and local ownership

  • Key Actions
    • Locality clause to force farms to have locally accountable decisions makers, ceo, chairman, the entire governance structure has to be a bonafide farm. The definition of bonafide needs to clearly distinguish farmer from owner/investor/ etc. Acreage limits cannot be skirted with documents that create separate corporations so there needs to be some cleaner judgement of when the act is violated followed by action.

Priority #2 Cultural Outcome based policy versus let the market decide

  • Key Actions
    • The market forces will continue to make farms bigger so that food can be maximally competitive across borders. It doesn’t care that young farmers are losing out on a lifestyle, so our government has to do the caring for a market that is incapable of doing so. Programs that make smaller farms more competitive or help farmers form cooperatives for input buying, etc need to be implemented. Farms that are actively pursuing more sustainable systems can be looked at not just as commodity producers but as service providers. Tax dollars have paid for worse things than paying farmers to produce food AND ecosystem services.

Priority #3 Diversifying cropping systems to save soil for future generations

  • Key Actions
    • Land use mix has to be looked at scientifically. We are running out of wildlife corridors. Yields are dropping where there are wide open fields for winds and water to carry soil. Without a balanced cropping and/or forestry land use policy, we could start seeing early stage desertification and depletion On large areas such as those we currently see on smaller exposed hilltops, etc.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because farmers who live in the community they farm in are more likely to balance community concerns with their private business. Local farms care by virtue of their history. Corporate farms are structurally unable to strike this balance.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

The next generation will not forget easily the steps we take or don’t take to at least give them a chance to use land to produce food. If it’s all bought up for export the lifeblood of the island farm And the culture attached to it will go with it.

Respondent #36

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

The issues are that you don’t have a land protection act or planning act and if you do it must be a complete joke drive around this island you can build where you want and what you want including selling a lot off your front yard most people on this island would sell their mothers grave for a building lot it’s sad and pathetic you can’t drive anywhere without seeing a house or a mini home. And planning developments that doesn’t happen instead of expanding around the major cities you allow retired and operating farmers and foreign and local developers to pop off lots where ever and then farmers are blamed for pollution and water use what about all the leaching septic systems and water wells going in not to mention the commuting drive way cleaning and of course the mowing of your 2 acre lot with your fancy lawn mower. Not only the pollution from development and loss of wetland and wildlife you’ve also driven up the price of farm land so only the largest farms and immigrating farmers mostly from Ontario and of whom a certain group of farmers that are massively immigrating to the island provide very little to economy and drive up the price of land so good buy young farmers and change the slogan to come buy my island because I think your too late

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Stop developing stupidly and stop developing farm land people who do not farm do not need two to three acres of land to waste for lawns

  • Key Actions
    • Stop developing farm land
    • Work with young farmers and retiring farmers to work together to succession
    • Develop around cities remove your community classes to only a name their doesn’t need to be a different community every kilometre

Priority #2 Actually plan your subdivisions to maximize your land use

  • Key Actions
    • Plan your subdivisions better maximize land use stop the sale of multiple acre lots make it known that just because you hold a deed to land dosent mean you own it.

Priority #3 Maybe look after and promote farmers within instead of selling off your farms and farm lands to foreign farmers and developers but hey food just comes from the groceries store right

  • Key Actions
    • Work with retiring farmers and young farmers for succession give encentives or help for local young farmers to start and expand and be more efficient stop just selling land and farms to the highest bidder especially ahmish and Mennonite farmers give your head a shake a young modern farmer is going to provide a lot more to the economy than an ahmish or Mennonite farmer not only in equipment clothing etc etc etc purchases but hockey registration soccer for their kids.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because I farm and work in the construction industry on pei and its about time you idiots did something about the sheer disregard for the land of this island or all your gonna have left is a bunch of house everywhere and I mean everywhere scattered stupidly and unplanned

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Perhaps you should fire a politician that is supposed to have the land of pei in his best interest yet had know idea when 500 acres of land is sold to a Taiwanese developer what a joke and I don’t hold my breath that anything will change about this island and how it’s planned and developed.......... maybe I’ll just subdivide my whole farm and join the band wagon

Respondent #37

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

From what I can see there are zero regulations about what and where people can build. In rural PEI sub-standard homes, mobile homes and shacks seem to appear more and more. The quality of finish to these homes is poor. They blot the landscape and take away from the scenic view. Even large homes are being built with what seems to be zero concept for the surrounding homes and feel for the community. In South Rustico a massive home just appeared right off Barachois beach. This can be seen from everywhere and is completely at odds to the other homes in the area.

To preserve the PEI feel and look there should be some island wide planning that defies a the standard of home, the general style of home and the location in which new homes can be built.

New home builds should be focused around urban centers where proper services can be provided at a sustainable cost to the community. Ribbon development of inappropriate or poorly designed / finished homes in rural settings is only going to detract from PEI as being the beautiful island that it is.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Adequate zoning of land and restrictions on ribbon development in rural areas

  • Key Actions
    • Implement strict zoning laws on property to incentive urban growth.
    • Limit new rural construction to existing families and siblings.

Priority #2 Regulation on the style and finish to new homes

  • Key Actions
    • Implement a policy where architecture review is required for every new build and ensure all builds meet a certain standard for (1) energy efficiency and (2) suitability to the local environment / community and (3) design is appropriate for PEI.

Priority #3 Tax new builds in rural environments appropriately for the services they will require (school transport, roads, internet etc.)

  • Key Actions
    • Implement a property tax policy that charges people based on the services they require. Urban centers are much more sustainable in providing services to communities. Let this reality be reflected in the property tax and incentivize people to live in the urban centers (Tignish, Summerside, Charlottetown, Souris, Montague)

Why did you choose these priorities?

I fear the landscape and beauty of PEI has been severely impacted by poor property development in the last 5 - 7 years.

Respondent #38

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

There are restrictions that increase the cost of selling buying and owning land but really don’t prevent much.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protect quality of farm land

  • Key Actions
    • Increase rotations
    • Support business opportunities for profitable use and support structures that protect land

Priority #2 Allow for efficient land ownership transfers

  • Key Actions
    • If we increase the cost of land ownership then only large corporations will be able to own land.

Priority #3 Allow for cooperative land planning and use between owners and users

  • Key Actions
    • Support cooperative structures ie irrigation or erosion control.
    • Promote cooperative use of land between varied operations ie dairy and potato.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Thought they were important

Respondent #40

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

That the Irvings can own so much land and use loopholes in legislation to acquire more land. I’m also concerned about agricultural land being developed into suburbs.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Sustainability

  • Key Actions
    • Reduce the number of pesticides and fungicides used
    • Higher fines for those who cause river kills
    • Incentives for conventional farmers to make the switch to organic.

Priority #2 Planning with a multi generational focus

  • Key Actions
    • Use best practices from around the world to inform land use planning.
    • Educate the public and farmers about land use planning.
    • Think 200 years ahead, not 20.

Priority #3 How planning impacts our water supply. Water needs to be priority number 1.

  • Key Actions
    • Water must be at the centre of all the land use planning.
    • Legislate to protect water
    • Ban artificial water ponds being pumped out for big agricultural use.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because water is undervalued. It needs to be prioritized for the good of Islanders and farmers.

Respondent #41

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Multiple corporations skirting the rules, foreign ownership. And Mennonites from outside the province buying farms that are not ever listed for islanders. Let alone the 3 month? minimum.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Just that we need to support island farmers, and give them every opportunity first. There hasn’t been a dairy farm sell that hasn’t gone to a Dutch farmer in years. And every small farm is going to Mennonites or Amish without ever being listed.

Respondent #42

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Too much land bought up by large company's. Holding Ponds. disrespect for buffer areas, erosion from large huge open fields. protection of endangered species on public and private land. If they cut the trees on the other side of our shared creek a large patch of Ladies Slippers will be destroyed, not to mention all the birds hares fox fish coyotes squirrels chipmunk salamanders bugs mushrooms shrubs and water will be destroyed.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 protection of wildlife

  • Key Actions
    • hedgerows for land protection silt catching water saving shade cooler climate.
    • Leave watersheds alone, increase them.
    • Have a person who looks for endangered species plant and animal or habitat before woods are cut our land is changed.
    • NO clear cutting.

Priority #2 More forest for watershed health. I do like the holding pond collecting snow and rain runoff that's smart. Why do we waste the snow. pile it at the top of a farm or holing ponds, don't put pollution on the roads,

  • Key Actions
    • in answer 1

Priority #3 sustainable land and water use We have to stop trying to be big when our strengths are with small unique quality of our environment More Bike walking trails.

  • Key Actions
    • So much trouble from trying to have so many large open spaces. killing the Winter River watershed environment by sucking all the water out of it. Think of what your resources are while your planning use not after. Living beyond our means.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Healthy environment healthy people.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

DO NOT LET CORPERATIONS OWN THIS BEAUTIFUL ISLAND> they will suck the life from it. Put Communities at the top of the list spread the wealth and the pain around. Plan communities not cities .stop prioritizing cars. give the Mi'kmaq a large area for them to be theirs's I would love to see what they could do.

Respondent #43

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Large corps. Being irvings hiding land in other names this kind off land holdings will destroy all small farms with more diseases to come.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Full disclouser off land holdings

  • Key Actions
    • Put the land first not the money. the way farming is know it is not sustainable.

Priority #2 Top land holdings at 3000 acres

  • Key Actions
    • Put everyone at table not just chosen few then you can have true dialog.

Priority #3 Stop large corporations slipping through loop holes

  • Key Actions
    • Got to stop bowing to same few that dont want things to change. need to stand up for the land and everyone be its voice. i love potatoes but at what cost.

Why did you choose these priorities?

These are the issues that come up all the time

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Time to change to smaller farms disease will come and the cost will be greater.

Respondent #44

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Unclear rules about interlocking corporations

Corporate land transfers allow corporations to circumvent land holding limits.

Poor enforcement of the LPA (spirit and letter)

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Closing Loopholes in the LPA

  • Key Actions
    • Forcing corporations that own land on PEI to disclose their land holdings and share holders.
    • Closing corporate land transfer loophole
    • Clarifying what is meant by an 'inter-locking corporation'!

Priority #2 Development of a Land Bank

  • Key Actions
    • Follow the recommendations of the Arsenault report.

Priority #3 Enforcement of Land Protection Act

  • Key Actions
    • Investigation and public disclosure of land holdings
    • Greater scrutiny of land transfers going forward.
    • Enforcement of the spirit and letter of the law. Including forced divestment of land holdings

Why did you choose these priorities?

As a young farmer, I feel it is very important to ensure that our very limited land base is available for the next generation wishing to farm. If the trends of large consolidation continue accessing land on the island will become an even greater v burden for those wishing to farm.

We also must remember our history. Our island was once owned by 65 British nobles. Do we wish to return to a state where our land is owned and controlled by a small group of rich and influential people?

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Though I did not mention it in my top three, we also need to look into slowing the loss of prime agricultural land to real estate development.

Respondent #45

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

The government needs to start addressing climate change and its related issues NOW. Our government must stop cutting of waterfront trees, make buffers in rivers (especially those in tidal rivers as they are more prone to erosion), stop clear cutting of land for agriculture use. Current modern fertilizer and spray methods are destroying our soil, rivers, and ecosystems. We need to save mature trees for carbon collection to offset our carbon foot prints. Planting trees only works if we’re planting more than cutting down. The government also needs to start looking to the future or our coastline, as it is in for big changes with ever increasing ocean levels, storms and storm surges. Many people are building houses in areas that might not be habitable during the hurricanes we are seeing the last few years. Prevention of dangerous build sites will save countless dollars for home builders and tax payers down the road

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protect our coastlines and people who live on them (moving if necessary)

  • Key Actions
    • Find the locations of highest concern. Use storm and flood models to prevent more new builds in these areas. Make action plans to help people who are stuck and cannot leave by their own means

Priority #2 Stop all clear cutting of land for modern agriculture (we need to grow food for humans not animals)

  • Key Actions
    • Stop all clear cutting for agriculture. Convert farmland to growing food for people not animals. Make incentives for organic farms to start up, selling to local grocery stores

Priority #3 Make more diverse green areas all over the island to help restore soil quality. We’re running out of good soil

  • Key Actions
    • Build green parks with local flora and fauna to help our ecosystems. Educate islanders to help. Help islanders create green areas on their own properties. Community vegetable gardens would be a good idea to include

Why did you choose these priorities?

We need to act now to get to carbon zero in order to have a chance to mitigate climate change

Respondent #46

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

ownership, usage,

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 usage

  • Key Actions
    • acknowledge people taking exception care of land and topsoil help take sensitive land out of constant row crop product and increase grassland farming

Priority #2 ownership

  • Key Actions
    • help industry that cannot competitive with supply managed commodities and potato production acquire land

Priority #3 carbon footprint, capture

  • Key Actions
    • reward producers who long term pasture and hay production, encourage those that do not to trade land and apply manure

Why did you choose these priorities?

as a beef producer I see it as impossible to get more land and feed and straw get harder to access every year

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

99% of farmers care about the land and try and do what is right.

Respondent #47

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

I know only about the concerns raised by media organizations not by reading existing legislation.

  1. The lack of a water act.
  2. The apparent lack of concern over pumping too much water. We have salt water intrusion in places in PEI. Do we actually know how much water is too much to take?
  3. The prolific purchases of land by non resident interests. This could lead to further food insecurity, I would like to have more information on that.
  4. The use of so much agricultural land to grow potatoes to make french fries. The food if you want to call it that, that provides next to no nutritional value and the considerable large use of chemicals to keep the crop healthy very possibly at the expense of the people who live close to these crops. These are also the crops that require so much water/irrigation. This should be #1 on my list.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, whatArial three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Getting away from growing potatoes to make French fries and Potato chips

  • Key Actions
    • Moving toward crops that are used for healthy reasons.

Priority #2 Making legislation about how the use of water should be prioritized. To irrigate french fries or for people to drink and possibly to irrigate crops that are useful.

  • Key Actions
    • Investigating how renewable our water is. It is a vital resource and needs to be researched by scientists who are not tainted by being attached to industry.

Priority #3 A land bank for farmers sounds like a good plan.

Respondent #48

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

The lands protection act is being circumvented. They're finding loopholes that should be plugged. The entire north shore for example is owned by out of province residents or by out of country residents.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Limiting price barriers for locals.

  • Key Actions
    • Stop foreign land grabs

Priority #2 Enforcing land limits (no exceptions) to be owned by non residents/citizens

  • Key Actions
    • Limit them to 3 acres.

Priority #3 Treating every corporation as a single corporation if owned by the same shareholders. Even if just one shareholder is the same.

  • Key Actions
    • Enforce the wording in the lands protection act that clearly states regardless of how many corporations are listed, if they have even 1 shareholder in both corps, it's to be treated as ONLY ONE CORPORATION.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because it's literally killing our province.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Please grow a backbone before it's too late.

Respondent #49

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

I believe we need a vision to improve the type of agriculture promoted on this province. I believe there should be a focus on organic and regenerative ag. Practices instead of the current monoculture, heavy chemical use, biodiversity killing, export market farming structure our gov. Spends millions to encourage every year.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 increase amount of organic ag land by a certain % every year.

  • Key Actions
    • gov. Needs to incentivize organic/regenrative by addressing the main hurdles to
    • We need to be transparent with our agrochemicals use and then work with farmers to move them to more #1 style farming. No till farming is a solution that could work beautifully on pei having a whole sweep of benefits but weed control (less roundup) being one of them. Planting for biodiversity (pollinator strips) can have huge impacts on controlling pests. Not allowing for people like Cavendish to dictate how often farmers have to spray the chemicals they sell.

Priority #3 Increase the % of forested land every year.

  • Key Actions
    • Control how much land can be clear cut per county for instance. And in reverse mandate how much land must be planted per year. Pay local land owners to plant trees with a requirement that they do not cut for certain time.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because I see the devastation brought to this island with our greedy style of resource extraction (soil, water, forests etc) and all the warning signs are there that we are heading for a disaster.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Listen to farmers first, not who they are selling their product to. Direct money to them not big business and give the farmers back the control, because it is currently gone.

Respondent #50

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Cooperate Ownership

  • Key Actions
    • Plug loopholes and enforce act

Priority #2 Foreign Ownership

  • Key Actions
    • Plug loopholes and enforce act

Priority # 3 Lack of adequate soil Conservation activities  

  • Key Actions
    • More incentives for soil conservation activities

Why did you choose these priorities?

They pose a threat to sustainability of PEI Agriculture

Respondent #51

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

3 year mandatory rotation not enforced

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 mandatory crop rotation

  • Key Actions
    • Yearly crop reporting by property parcel#, stiff fines for non-compliance, abolishment of current management plan allowing 2 year rotation.

Priority #2 Close loopholes for corporate purchases

  • Key Actions
    • Uphold the intent of the law

Priority #3 Crop restrictions on 0% organic matter soils

  • Key Actions
    • Mandatory soil sampling on marginal soils with a minimum 2 year cover crop root system management program.

Respondent #52

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Ownership of land must be limited to a certain amount. Need for corporations to follow this and not own more than set out on the policies.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Everyone follow limit on land ownership

  • Key Actions
    • Have iron-clad legislation that will keep all land ownership within the stated limits.

Priority #2 Arial Establish a land bank for Farmers to use rather than wall to corporations.

  • Key Actions
    • Establish land bank
    • Stop sale of farmland to large foreign companies
    • Take back land acreage from those who are over limit and charge corporations who violate law

Priority #3 No holding ponds or deep water wells

  • Key Actions
    • Stop deep water wells
    • Change those who violate rules surrounding this
    • No large holding ponds

Why did you choose these priorities?

There is a blatant disregard by government to protect resources including land and water. They have allowed corporations to circumvent laws and put these Island resources in jeopardy

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Stop the Irving's from any more land purchase and to take back land that was obtained using other companies basically doing what they wanted with no government standing up and saying no.

Respondent #53

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Government helps eliminate barriers stopping cavendish farms and Irving companies from amassing massive quantities of land. Just create another company name if you want more land we all know this is standard on PEI. As soon as a smaller company expands (hilltop produce made a pond this year and government moves against it, Irving’s made multiple ponds last year is one example of preferential treatment regarding land use). Give incentive to not plant potatoes near streams, a simple solution to massive silt and nitrogen runoff issues give people a reason to plant something besides potatoes and improve stream banks while reducing silt and runoff.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Reduce acres of potatoes being farmed near buffer zones through incentive programs

  • Key Actions
    • Research alternative crops, create incentive program, advertise it

Priority #2 Arial Make it easier for small farms to get started purchasing land

  • Key Actions
    • Stop allowing a family of companies to buy land under 3+ names, create a land bank or another alternative

Why did you choose these priorities?

Glaring gaps in policy that are leading to massive areas being overwatered and over fertilized just so a handful of companies can keep their profits growing year after year while reducing soil quality on the island. They are only allowed to do this because they are such large companies and hold power over pei gov. Small farmers cannot pressure government for what they want like this they don’t have a portion of the island GDP to throw around as weight

Respondent #54

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

People building cottages on the coast line. I think if you are not permanent resident you shouldn’t be able to build more than a one story dwelling. You’re allowing tourists to destroy our coastline with these unnecessary monster mansions. Not to mention, once they build them it’s impossible to get to the beach

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Planting trees

  • Key Actions
    • planting trees
    • requiring a certain amount of trees on coastal land
    • among deforestation something we all talk about

Priority #2 Reducing coastal erosion

  • Key Actions
    • no more building anywhere near the water
    • permanent residents only allowed to build for the next 5 years
    • aid for property owners who live on coast. Plant more trees on the coast

Priority #3 Protecting wetlands

  • Key Actions
    • ask indigenous people’s advice
    • stricter building codes
    • emphasis on long term

Why did you choose these priorities?

I don’t know...?

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Destroy houses that are LITERALY built on the dunes

Respondent #55

Incomplete.  Did not provide any answers

Respondent #56

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

IRAC processes makes purchasing land very difficult for a young corporation, even if one is greatly below the holding threshold. The land limits and declaration is a joke, all it is doing is hurting the smaller farms which are in compliance, while the larger farms can find work arounds for the limits.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Enforce or drop the land limits

  • Key Actions
    • Simply vet new company's, if they say they are farming, see the books, ask some questions, make a visit. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell if the farm is only on paper.

Priority #2 Quit talking about a land bank and do it

  • Key Actions
    • Make a plan around buying land for the province, that will be fair to all. This will not be easy as, the last thing we need is the province driving up land prices, and politics getting involved in renting land.

Priority #Arial 3 Stop subdividing agricultural land into residential to sit vacant for years.

  • Key Actions
    • Make a policy that only agricultural land directly outside of towns or villages is given priority when it comes to re- identifying. Imply penalties to subdivision holders/owners who have vacant lots for x number of years.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I believe these are some of the issues facing emerging farmers, with land acquisition being one of the largest hurdles in expanding.

Respondent #57

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

I think the land holding limits are important for sustaining PEI vistas and family farms but there is always a balance between traditions and progress. Updates should consider both as rules are reviewed for 2020 and beyond. Tighten development or pristine pei vistas is a bigger threat to our way of life compared to large farms.  I think there should be rules to prohibit farmland to be developed for subdivisions and housing.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Developing agriculture land into residential

  • Key Actions
    • Deter people from purchasing Ag land and developing it by rules, taxes, or a combination.
    • Provide some sort of programming to keep agriculture land intact.
    • Limit the percentage of a block of farmland that can be developed.

Priority #2 Shoreline/ waterfront development rules

  • Key Actions
    • Deter waterfront and shoreline development by a combination of rules/ taxes or maximum densities. We aren’t noted for mansions lining our coastline.
    • Amend the planning act.
    • Stricter erosion and climate change setbacks from the shorelines.

Priority #3 Review land holding limits and/or land bank

  • Key Actions
    • Develop a land bank for new farm entrants.
    • Help small Family farms keep or buy more modest tracts of farmland. Make it viable by tax incentives for off farm income but still trying to generate farm income from ancestors land.
    • Adjust land holding limits from corporations and family farms to equal the same.
    • Close loophole in lands act for multiple companies.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I think keeping land in traditional family farms is important for PEIs future, tourism and farming industries. But I understand that is extremely difficult to not lose money (let alone live off) on a small 40-200 acre farm at the moment. Land development typically buys land from small family farms that can’t afford to farm the land anymore and development will pay handsome money to acquire the land.

Respondent #58

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Non farmers are buying farmland as an investment, thus pushing prices up. Higher prices are good for sellers, but not for farmers wanting to buy land to produce food. Too much land is being bought up by 'non farmers'.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 land limits

  • Key Actions
    • land limits is a priority.

Priority #2 land ownership

  • Key Actions
    • Ownership of land for speculation. ownership of land that is not farmed by the owner, land limits

Why did you choose these priorities?

We farm/ live in Heatherdale. Budhist monks are buying land, with their bottomless pockets, and are not farming it. They are buying up the community parcel by parcel. As they own more of the community no one wants to buy a home in the community.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Non Islanders buying enormous amounts of land needs to stop. Land is our most valuable commodity and it is moving into the wrong hands.

Respondent #59

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

The obvious one in the news is the loop holes and conditions being put on land that are pointless

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 loopholes, folks not sticking to the spirit of the rules

  • Key Actions
    • Review the issues, fix the loopholes and conditions that get placed and then fall off or are ignored

Why did you choose these priorities?

Everyone should be playing by the same rules.

Respondent #60

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Seems too easy to bypass the rules for some

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Island ownership to 3000 acres

  • Key Actions
    • Data should be easily available to know who owns what. Legislation and enforcement of the rules

Priority #2 Protecting farmland

  • Key Actions
    • Farmland can’t be sold for development unless it’s no longer farmable. Government can buy farmland and make a land bank

Priority #3 Protecting organic matter in the soil

  • Key Actions

Legislate the use of farmland usage to ensure organic matter is increased. Fall plowing should be banned

Respondent #61

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

There is no consist Island-wide zoning or plan for land-use. There are some areas under municipal official plans and other that under the Province. Some areas allow renewable energy development without approval others don't allow without an application and approval. Farm land needs better protection from development, since we can't get it back once it is developed. This needs to be balance the financial implications for retiring farmers. Climate change and environmental impacts need to be factored into policy and regulations in a great way. Limit foreign land ownership, completely.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Island-wide Land use plan

  • Key Actions
    • work with FPEIM/Municipalities to create a unified Island-wide Land use plan
    • revise the current acts/regulations

Priority #2 Climate change/Environmental Impacts

  • Key Actions
    • review the impacts of climate change and environment as they relate to land
    • create policy, regulations to mitigate

Priority #3 Limit foreign land ownership

  • Key Actions
    • review the current statistics of land ownership i.e resident/non-resident and the percentage of land owned by non- residents.
    • jurisdictional review of Islands (Island Institute) to understand how other Islands deal with this issue. Some islands will not let non-Island residents own land.
    • create legislation/regulations

Why did you choose these priorities?

PEI has limited land that is eroding and we need to be good stewards of our land. Outside owners don't have the best interest of the Island always on their minds, it could just be a business transaction.

Respondent #62

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Sale of land to corporate interests

Loss of organic matter.

Removal of hedge rows

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Establish a land bank

  • Key Actions
    • Refer to the study done by Kevin Arsenault

Priority #2 More support for micro farms and organic farms

  • Key Actions
    • Provide incentives and learning opportunities for small regenerative farms and organic farms.
    • Eliminate some of the red tape for organic growers.
    • Ban glyphosate and other harsh chemicals.

Priority #3 Enforce land purchase limits

  • Key Actions
    • Close the loopholes in the act.
    • Make land purchases more transparent so Islanders can see who is actually purchasing the land

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

  1. Enforce strict crop rotations.
  2. Increase and enforce higher fines for chemical pollution of land, water and air.
  3. Say goodbye to the Irvings.
  4. Re-establish hedgerows.

Respondent #63

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Cabinet should not be involved in approving land sales..... it should be a non-political transparent and accountable process.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 create an unbreakable agricultural reserve

  • Key Actions
    • Look to other jurisdictions for how they created and maintain their agricultural reserves

Priority #2 province wide official plan to support unincorporated areas and also support our ability to respond to climate change

  • Key Actions
    • Have a learning session across departments to understand the role of local government. 2) strategize about how to share resources and coordinate efforts. 3) visit all municipalities and communities to discuss and identify future priorities so that these priorities can be codified

Priority #3 remove politicians from approving land sales and transfers

  • Key Actions
    • Create a public and transparent rubric for assessing land sales 2) create a publicly accessible database of land that clearly identifies development opportunities and restrictions without ownership details 3) redirect the politicians to other tasks.

Why did you choose these priorities?

For transparency and equality in land management

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Be systematic and equitable... think to the future

Respondent #64

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

For a company to own 3000 acres you need 3 people to do so

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Less people to own 3000 acres for a company

  • Key Actions
    • A company is a company does not matter how many people own it

Priority #2  If government tells you there is land you can't use they should buy it if you want to sell

Why did you choose these priorities?

Running into a problem taking over the farm

Respondent #65

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Not sure

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Mono crops like potatoes are very hard on the land and water.

  • Key Actions
    • I realize in today's world that farmers have to go big in order to make a profit. I feel this happens because big companies like the Irving's set the prices for potatoes. This makes it harder for farmers to compete when prices are low. It also forces farmers to increase their acreage. More acreage means more chemicals and fertilizers going into our soil and streams during big rain storms There have been many fish kills over the years. Increase buffer zones to 100 meters may be a help. Encourage farmers to diversify their crops. This would help if the potato market breaks down. More people are eating healthier now and French fries are not a good choice for healthy eaters. People don't mind paying extra for organic produce. This leads me to my second priority.

Priority #2 Promote micro farming and homesteading with today's technology

  • Key Actions
    • I feel the government should promote micro farming and organic farming practices. Also promote homesteading with today's technology this could be done efficiently. Let's get back to the 100 acre mixed farms with produce and livestock. Diversity is much better than mono crops. I feel that PEI is too small to go big. We could be an example to the world if we wanted.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Between fish kills and the over use of chemicals and pesticides on our fields we are heading for disaster.

Respondent #66

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Too many farms are able to go above the maximum land holding through loopholes

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Enforce three year rotation

Priority #2 Maintain moratorium on deep water wells

Priority #3 Maintain land holdings cap

Respondent #67

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

The right to farm does not seem to be protected as communities move further into rural areas or rural lands are subdivided for cottages or temporary residents.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 protecting right to farm

  • Key Actions
    • legislation and regulations that protect a farmers right to farm and use approved farming practices

Priority #2 the majority of the land owned by islanders

  • Key Actions

continue to limit the amount of property owned by non-residents

    • land for sale in rural areas, especially along coastline, must go through an approval process which would include consideration for
    • environment and community
    • Islanders given priority for purchase (at fair market price)

Priority #3 Arial urban encroachment on rural areas and sale of sensitive areas

  • Key Actions
    • Mapping to identify areas where urban areas are approaching rural areas
    • developing mitigation measures to prevent a drastic change in landscape and protect rural areas/farms
    • Identify sensitive areas using mapping and have them flagged for additional approval processes/consideration should to current owner attempt to sell.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Seems the urban population is getting a bigger voice over how the rural areas are farmed and making it very challenging for farmers, who are using approved techniques.  The coastline seems to have more and more cottages on it with non-residents and is changing the rural landscape and the non-residents seem to have a larger voice in dictating how the rural land is farmed around them (even though the farm was there first).

Respondent #68

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Our current policies are unrealistic and fail to take in to account the necessities of modern business and agriculture. The rules are enforced in a bureaucratic fashion with a lack of discretion or goal oriented approaches.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial encouragement of proper land use development and usage

  • Key Actions
    • Development of proper land use plans and zoning requirements.

Priority #2 promoting profitable and prosperous agriculture uses

  • Key Actions
    • Attention to farmers in terms of what is required for profitable farming rather than pandering to ill-informed populace.

Priority #3 reduction in bureaucracy and red tape

  • Key Actions
    • The current system is overly bureaucratic, requires applications and submissions for what are very small transactions and generally is administered in a heavy-handed manner.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I believe that the government of this province has for years been unwilling to tackle the real issues of land use, that being the loss of agricultural land to other uses and the creep of suburbs into rural areas. I also believe that our largest industry, agriculture, cannot hive itself off from the rest of the world, the changes occurring in agriculture across the world are taking place here at the same rate.

Respondent #69

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

There is currently too much unincorporated area and too many small communities. Amalgamate small communities and unincorporated areas. Also, current regulations regarding shoreline protections and vehicles on dunes and beaches are not being enforced. Also, not enough protection of natural areas. Too much non-sustainable wood harvesting. Also, too many junk/scrapyards in rural areas. Also, eliminate strip development outside major municipalities. Also, more active transportation and public transportation infrastructure is required.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Amalgamation of small communities and unincorporated areas.

  • Key Actions
    • Political will.

Priority #2 Arial Protection of shorelines, dunes, buffer zones.

  • Key Actions
    • Enforcement of current regulations.

Priority #3 More designated natural protected areas.

Why did you choose these priorities?

We live in one of the most beautiful places in the world and we are not doing near enough to protect it. We take it for granted and we are slowly destroying it.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

There have been so many studies on land use on PEI. The Thompson report is the one I'm most familiar with. We already have the blueprints. We need political will to enact the necessary recommendations. I believe the silent majority of Islanders will reward action on long-term visions.

Respondent #70

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

  1. Corporations can get around the land limits by various loopholes, which should be stopped.
  2. Government can remove NAPA designation too easily.
    Enforcement of violations by farmers, ATV drivers etc. is totally inadequate.
  3. The Water Act needs to be enacted, it has been five years since the process started.
  4. Many perfectly good recommendations have been left on the shelf gathering dust. I have been involved in a number of these, so can we expect anything different this time around?

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Enforcement of existing legislation

  • Key Actions
    • Hire more conservation officers.
    • Enforce rules and regulations, prosecute offenders.
    • Close loopholes - such as false corporations, holding ponds

Priority #2 Arial Enact the Water Act and previous recommendations

  • Key Actions
    • Proclaim the Water Act.
    • Implement all the recommendations from all the past reports.
    • Set up an advisory group of qualified individuals to advise the government on land and water policy.

Priority #3 Arial Encourage diversification away from industrial farming

  • Key Actions
    • Reduce the massive subsidies, in both money and government manpower, that are given to undesirable and damaging farming practices such as excessive row cropping, use of chemicals, and automated farming that reduces employment.
    • Subsidize trials of alternate crops which are not damaging to the environment and our health.
    • Publish data that shows cancer and other disease rates related to chemical use. Record and publish all chemical use on a daily basis.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because there have been good reports whose results have been ignored, going back to the 1970s.  Because we need to undo the damage being done to our land, our health, and the future of this Island, by industrial farming that was mistakenly promoted and subsidized by the government some 50 years ago.  Because we are all breathing, drinking, and eating poisonous and carcinogenic chemicals in order to allow a few corporations to complete in a market to which our Island is entirely unsuited (and will probably collapse very soon).  Because the pressure on our land and our water is at breaking point, and we seem to be happy endlessly debating this while the issue gets worse yearly.  Because I love PEI and it sickens me to see the growing damage being done by a few greedy corporations and a few irresponsible individuals.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

If, as one large corporation insists, a farmer can't make a living off 'only' 3000 acres, then something is wrong on the farm. 100 years ago, 50 acres could support a family. I know we can't go back to the past, but neither can we mortgage our children's future by selling our Island's soil and water in the name of profit. There is a better way.

I heard from a contract farmer who has a contract with a certain big company. He told me that 90% of his fellow contract holders don't want high capacity wells. They want to get out - but their debt won't let them. They don't want to have to borrow another million to build an irrigation system. He wouldn't tell me who he was, for fear of losing his contract. It was all very sad. There is a better way.

Respondent #71

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

I think it is time to revisit the Special Planning Area Zones to allow further subdivision of land in located in those zones.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Removal of Special Planning Area Zones

  • Key Actions
    • Only one action is required - removal of special planning area zones.

Priority #2 Arial Smaller Rural municipalities tend to be too restrictive in zoning bylaws

Priority #3 Arial Section 45(2) of the Planning Act should be revised or repealed.

  • Key Actions
    • Section 45 should be revised to allow travel trailers as accessory use on residential property.

Why did you choose these priorities?

We had contemplated purchasing a lot for the purpose of building our home but the proposed vendor was unable subdivide the land any further as the land is in a special zoning area.

Respondent #72

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

The special planning area zones need to be changed so land owners can divide land they wish to sell or give to family.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Removal of special planning area zones

  • Key Actions
    • Removal of the special planning area zones.

Priority #2 Arial Municipalities are very restrictive with their zoning bylaws

  • Key Actions

Priority #3 Travel trailers on private property

  • Key Actions
    • This section should be revised to allow travel trailers use on residential property

Why did you choose these priorities?

We would like to sell some of our property to family. Our land is in a special planning area zone and we are not allowed to divide it. Its our land and we would like to do with it what we wish as we will not be farming it.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

With the influx of people in major cities/towns, land needs to be made available in the country for people to build homes. If the land is not farmed why can't it be used for homes.

Respondent #73

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

We need to reduce the amount of land that non-residents and corporations can own on PEI.

We also need to close loopholes that allow individuals and corporations to acquire more land than they are entitled to.

Why did you choose these priorities?

We need to protect the health of the land on PEI. We need to protect the health of all residents of PEI. We need to protect the family farm on PEI.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Respondent #74

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

There needs to be better planning of land use throughout PEI especially in rural areas and areas with scenic landscape values in order to preserve the cultural heritage of PEI as well as the environmental integrity of soil and water resources. Planning legislation is not strict enough and too often in PEI planning is merely responsive to developers of land rather than developers needing to follow the legislative and regulatory guidelines.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Protect water resources

  • Key Actions
    • Limit access to water resources, Increase buffer zones, de-incentivize industrial agriculture.

Priority #2 Arial Curtail ribbon development on highways and by- ways

  • Key Actions
    • Encourage housing in small towns and villages, discourage sub-division of agricultural land

Priority #3 Arial Curtail development of seasonal sub-divisions in coastal areas

  • Key Actions
    • Strengthen environmental guidelines for seasonal development, discourage sub-division of agricultural land, remove Executive Council discretion for approval of coastal properties and excessive land holdings and make it a function of regulatory framework with no discretion as actions at Executive Council lack transparency.

Respondent #75

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Loopholes that allow ownership of more than the intended allowed acreage limits.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Close the loopholes that allow ownership of more than the intended allowed acreage limits

  • Key Actions
    • Find the loopholes, change the legislation or regulations, enforce the law

Priority #2 Arial protect coastlines and waterways from nitrates and other pollution

  • Key Actions
    • Enact buffer zones, stop encouraging industrial farming, eliminate sewage pollution into waterways

Priority #3 Arial protect coastlines and waterways from overdevelopment

  • Key Actions
    • Enact buffer zones, stop encouraging inappropriate development

Why did you choose these priorities?

To prevent abusive land use practices

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

These issues are not new- act quickly

Respondent #76

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

As is the case with most PEI legislation, more than simple "update" is required. Oftentimes, updating the existing text creates confusion and loses the linkages to other sections AND to related and/or other impacting legislation. This review might require "repeal" and "rewrite" to ensure all the issues are addressed and all the components properly organized into a logical order. The existing legislation has not kept pace with reality. Among the problems are -- lack of knowledge of the content; lack of understanding of the intent; and an almost total lack of enforcement.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Lack of notification of applications and/or proposed changes to land use and development. It is impossible to challenge or complain if the information is not properly disseminated.

  • Key Actions
    • Increase transparency by direct notification to adjoining & affected land owners -- and also, but NOT exclusively, by public notice.
    • Increase transparency of any and all proposed changes to land use across the Island via public notice to all residents.
    • Advance notification -- well in advance of decision making ... and NOT "after the fact"

Priority #2 Arial Enforcement -- simple, direct and immediate. It is critical that the content and intent be enforced in relation to everyone, without concerns over "who" the enforcement affects. Nepotism and favouritism must be eliminated.

  • Key Actions
    • Ensure there are adequate staff levels to ensure enforcement.
    • Ensure adequate training is provided in relation to the legislation (act, regulations) and enforcement "methods".
    • Ensure that management and politicians demonstrate support for enforcement staff in the conduct of their duties

Priority #3 Arial Control of foreign / non-resident / corporate ownership -- including eliminating the possibility of manipulating / evading / avoiding the legislative requirements.

  • Key Actions
    • Retain current requirements
    • Clarify the definitions
    • Eliminate loopholes

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because this is NOT what is happening now. There is a lack of transparency. There is both blatant and subtle nepotism and favouritism. There is "fear" on the part of staff to enforce. There is a lack of support to staff to conduct enforcement.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Committees should NOT be restricted to politicians and government staff. Review committees should include members of the public -- not simply public "consultation" ... the latter of which can then be discarded.

Respondent #77

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

I believe there are issues regarding the continuity of the intent of the legislation.  Policy issues regarding land use in general

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Review of and enhancement of ownership legislation

  • Key Actions
    • Historical prospective, original implementation issues and current goals.

Priority #2 Arial Comprehensive review of forests and forestry priorities and issues

  • Key Actions
    • Forest conservation, enhanced emphasis by government and carbon capture goals and potential

Priority #3 Arial Comprehensive implementation of better soil conservation practices

  • Key Actions
    • A much more in depth soil organic matter survey, a comprehensive study of excellent soil enhancement techniques successfully used in other provinces and states and incentives to protect.

Why did you choose these priorities?

As a result of my many years experience in agriculture and forestry - as a participant, then 25 years as a regulator and now as a owners of farm and forests.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

I volunteer to serve on Advisory committee

Respondent #78

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

I believe that the land limitations should be modified to allow PEI farmers to own more land. There are a large amount of farmers that are going to need to retire soon and if it is not possible for young farmers to purchase the land, or other farmers to expand their operations, then our agriculture industry will slowly disappear.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Ensure that land stays in the hands of PEI residents.

Priority #2 Arial Allow Island Farmers the opportunity to grow their operations.

  • Key Actions
    • Increase land holding limits to allow farmers to grow with the industry.

Priority #3 Arial Update the regulations regularly to ensure that the limits are updated.

  • Key Actions
    • Review the limits every 5 or 10 years to see if they are still reasonable.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because our land is limited and I would rather see the land used rather than have land sit vacant because no one is allowed to buy it.

Respondent #79

did not answer questions

Respondent #80

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Enforcement issues

Loopholes that prevent enforcement

Government apathy to the issue.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Strengthen the Act.

  • Key Actions
    • Government must act now. This whole issue has been debated for many years with no firm response.

Priority #2 Arial Curtail Corporate ownership and consolidation

  • Key Actions
    • Make certain that the Act is being followed.

Priority #3 Arial Implement changes that presently allow parties to circumvent the Act

  • Key Actions
    • Follow through on government promises to act on this. It has become somewhat of a joke up to this point in time. It is time to react. We do not need more study this is only a delay tactic.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Tired of hearing the same old stories about the way government is allowing this injustice to the Island community to continue.  Government must fulfill promises or not make them.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Get on with it!

Respondent #81

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

It seems many land owners don’t in fact live on PEI. Prices of land continue to increase making purchasing land/a home less achievable for many islanders.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Increase the number of properties that are primary residences

Priority #2 Arial Increase development through allowing land to be subdivided and funding roads and infrastructure.

Respondent #82

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Keep the Island safe and green, protect our drinking water Sources.

  • Key Actions
    • Herbicides, pesticides should have limited use only. Major corporations should respect the land and if they are not Island companies, they should not make the rules or be part of the decision making regarding our homeland. Our water is one of our natural resources and should be treated with respect and proper use, when it is gone, it is gone. Deep water wells should not be allowed, let nature take its course.

Priority #2 Arial Keep green space and woodlands for future generations

  • Key Actions
    • Respect for the land and nature and all the birds and creatures that call the protected areas home so that they may survive and thrive on our Island.

Priority #3 Arial Public access available to all waterways

  • Key Actions
    • Parking available close to a beach or waterway area. Not every Islander owns a cottage and many do the weekend or day outing and enjoy the beaches and waters as much as cottage owners. Don’t allow cottage owners or homeowners to deny access to the water to anyone, no closing off roadways or beach access paths.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Important to all, Islanders and our way of life and survival and to protect the Island way of life for future generations.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Prince Edward Island is a little piece of heaven just southwest of Newfoundland. Let’s keep our Island gem pristine and green and our calm and relaxed way of life intact, nothing compares to the emerald green, red iron earth and perfect blue skies, the best place on earth to live or visit if you are not lucky enough to live here.  Make wise decisions with considerable thought and input from a cross section of Islanders, not just a chosen few . No conflict of interest with ties to large corporations with invested interest in profits first and our way of life second. Where there’s a will, there’s a way!

Respondent #85

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Preservation of beauty of viewscapes and landscape

  • Key Actions
    • An examination of regulations in places like Ireland, England, Scotland, Italy. These countries seem to have been able to preserve viewscapes and landscapes. These are 2 of our biggest assets and need to be protected.  Increase amount of public lands by financially supporting groups like LM Montgomery Land Trust and Island Nature Trust.  Strong support of smaller farms.

Priority #2 Arial Zoning of PEI leading to thoughtful protection of Priority #1.

  • Key Actions
    • Put in place all of PEI zoning which reflects how we want PEI to look 100 years from now.  Regulations to curtail strip housing development along our roadways. 

Priority #3 Arial Enforcement of total # of acres owned/controlled by any corporate entity

  • Key Actions
    • Close loopholes which allow larger corporate companies to circumvent existing maximum number of acres they own/control.

Respondent #86

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Too large farms. Too large potato field with removal of hedgerows

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Field size

  • Key Actions
    • Stop removing hedgerows and plant more.  Restrict field size.

Priority #2 Arial insufficient buffer zones

  • Key Actions
    • Enforce buffer zones now across the board. Maintain natural areas around Brooks and rivers

Priority #3 Arial soil erosion

  • Key Actions
    • Enforce good farming practices. Plowing, planting, crop rotation, smaller fields, especially for row crops 50 acres

Why did you choose these priorities?

I see large bare fields with soil blowing away, run off into my brook and hedgerows being removed.

Respondent #87 

Marked incomplete

Respondent #88

same IP address as #87

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Too much farm land being developed.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial stop out of province cottages being built

Priority #2 Arial stop taking farm land for developing

Priority #3 Arial charge double tax on out of the province owners

Respondent #89

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

A standard land-use plan should be developed for the unincorporated areas so that property values are protected.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Land use planning for unincorporated areas

  • Key Actions
    • Have community halls or other avenues for those who own homes/property in the unincorporated areas to provide feedback.
    • Someone/means to enforce this

Why did you choose these priorities?

I work for a municipality but I live in an unincorporated area.

Respondent #90

note different IP address but duplicate answers as #71

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

The Special Planning Area zones should be reviewed especially Miltonvale Park. Subdivision of one's property (more than one lot) should be allowed.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Remove or less strict with Special Planning Area (Miltonvale Park)

Priority #2 Arial Zoning bylaws reviewed for rural municipalities (can be restrictive)

Priority #3 Arial Revision or deletion of Section 45(2) of Planning Act

  • Key Actions
    • Travel trailers should be allowed as accessory use on residential property.

Why did you choose these priorities?

My husband and I wanted to purchase a lot off someone who purchased a large property and had intentions of subdividing it. Currently, he is not permitted to subdivide his 14 + acreage because it's in the Special Planning Area.

Respondent #91

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

There are a number of fundamental issues, including:

Many areas are unincorporated

Many incorporated areas have no land use plan

Many areas with land use plans don't have the resources to enforce them.

I think the Province is aware of these issues, and the New Municipal Government Act should eventually improve these issues.

Beyond this, there are a number of changes to the Planning Act and Regulations that could be helpful:

Implement Statements of Provincial Interest to provide a baseline of what an Official Plan should achieve

Provide greater clarity around public engagement, and the difference between a legislated public meeting ("Public Hearing") and additional engagement meetings a municipality might hold

Consider that many municipalities no longer have a local newspaper

Remove minimum lot frontage requirements from "Province-wide Minimum Development Standards Regulations"; this should be up to the municipality and is low-risk if minimum circle diameters are maintained. For example, it could be possible to build a multi-unit building that has a small frontage for access but then a large back portion of the lot that accommodates the building + septic + water supply.

Respondent #92

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Families holding too much land through multiple corps

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Limit holdings.

Respondent #93


Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Legislation on land use needs to be upgraded.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Preserve prime agricultural land.

Respondent #94

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

The huge amount of land that is being bought by individual and corporations from Taiwan and other Asian countries

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Land being sold to off island individuals and corporations

  • Key Actions
    • Amount of land sold to these individuals and corporations need to be limited and ways of getting around present laws stopped.

Priority #2 Arial Increase in cost of land.

Respondent #95

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Corporations own too much land and non-islanders land needs to be lowered in acreage.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Limit the number of acres owned by non- islanders

  • Key Actions

Better definition of Residents and non-residents.  Acres depends on what you are going to put on the land

Priority #2 Arial Limit the number of acres owned by corporations

  • Key Actions
    • Limit the number of acres owned by corporation

Priority #3 Arial Restrictions with Covenants

  • Key Actions
    • Lift covenant restrictions outside of the city area.

Why did you choose these priorities?

It is what I hear when I am in line at the grocery store

Respondent #96

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land- related legislation and/or policy.

Organizations and non-residents are purchasing mass amounts of land - I thought that the Lands protection act was supposed to prevent that!

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Arial Protect land for PEI residents

  • Key Actions
    • Limit amounts of land allowed to be purchased by non-residents
    • Limit waterfront purchases for non-residents
    • Limit amounts of land to be purchased by organizations/non-profits

Why did you choose these priorities?

There is a lot of land in eastern PEI currently owned by non- residents, and they appear to be continuing to purchase massive amounts!  If this continues, my children will not have access to affordable land in PEI when they become adults.

Respondent #97

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Ribbon development along highways, too much development in rural, agricultural lands rather than in towns and communities, Land Protection Act design allows individuals/families to own multiple landholding corporations.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 

  • Too much development in rural, agricultural lands rather than in towns and communities.

Key Actions

  1. Taxation of residences/business in rural areas of non-farming nature should rise to be more equivalent to that in towns, to reflect the costs of providing services to low density development.
  2. Restrict the subdivision of agricultural land,
  3. Fund the communities to develop more building lots, as market demand/planning requires

Priority #2

  • Ribbon development along highways

Key Actions

  • As above in #9

Priority #3

  • Land Protection Act design allows individuals/families to own multiple landholding corporations.

Why did you choose these priorities?

The land of PEI is being both concentrated in fewer larger landholders, and being broken up by residential development, which leads to conflict with non-farming residents.

Respondent #98 

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

No protections for roads to resources namely access to shores and beaches

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 

  • Prevent outside control of large tracts of land

Key Actions

  • Clear limits on ownership
  • Transparent ownership no numbered companies
  • Limit ownership of off island entities.

Priority #2

  • Provide reasonable limits on acreage

Key Actions

  • Public access to owners’ information.
  • Land use rules like crop rotations.
  • Buffer zones for agriculture.

Priority #3

  • Protect access to natural resources for islanders

Key Actions

  • Legislation to protect beach access.
  • Better remedies for communities that have lost access.
  • More streamlined system of appropriation when no other solution is found.

Why did you choose these priorities?

They’re important to every day islanders

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Common sense rules that prevent concentration of acreage in the hands of outside corporations or groups.

Respondent #99 

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

The land limits were picked arbitrarily years ago to preserve farming and limit ownership by non-islanders. If the concept is still sound the limits should be different for different land uses. Preservation of habitat (like the Nature Trust) is different than development. The economics of potato farming are different than wild blueberries and land limits should reflect these differences.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 

  • Allow farmers to be profitable (without bending the rules)
  • Too many to list. Allow exclusions to land limits for non-arable land (wetlands, steep slopes) or for land not used by farming operation (i.e. woodlands)

Key Actions

Priority #2

  • Limit development on lands valuable for eco diversity.

Key Actions

  • Tell rich friends of government they can't build a McMansion on the dunes.

Why did you choose these priorities?

We have to have successful economic enterprises.
To preserve the character of the Island we need to protect that character or the visitors will go elsewhere. Balancing economic growth and the environment needs to be done better.

Respondent #100 

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

The Lands Protection Act reflects farming practices of 1982. 21st century farming practices require successful farms to have a land base of considerably more than 3,000 arable acres. 5,000 arable acres is a more appropriate limit for landholdings.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 

  • Increase arable landholding limits to 5,000 acres

Key Actions 

  • Amend the LPA to increase arable landholdings to 5,000 acres

Priority #2

  • Ensure leased-out land does not count in landholdings

Key Actions

  • Amend the LPA to preserve the current leased-out exemption (set to expire at the end of 2020)

Priority #3

  • Remove industrial- or commercial-zoned land from the LPA

Key Actions

  • Amend the LPA to expressly exclude industrial- or commercial-zoned land from the definition of "land".

Why did you choose these priorities?

  1. Successful farmers are currently forced to incur legal and accounting expense to create structures to comply with the LPA limits.  Increasing the landholding limits will reduce costs to those farmers.
  2. As a landowner who has leased out land can't use it for the term of the lease, it makes no sense to have that land included in the landowner's landholdings.
  3. The LPA was intended to protect shorefront land and farmland, not industrial or commercial land. The LPA approval process simply adds cost and delay to transactions involving industrial or commercial land, to no benefit.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

The "small family farm" is a myth. Current farmers have fewer children, and fewer of them want to farm. Contemporary farming practices require larger land bases. Successful farmers should be allowed to expand and acquire land from farmers who have no succession plan. The LPA in its current form prevents that, and forces retiring farmers to sell land for development rather than for farming.

Respondent #101 

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Too many loopholes being exploited. And exceptions granted to bring in Amish and Mennonites. Rules should be the same for all people.

Respondent #103

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Too much land is being controlled by certain individuals, groups and companies making it harder for small farms to succeed or even stay in business.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 

  • Large companies using loopholes to acquire or control too much land.

Key Actions

  • Lower Limit number of acres allowed to be owned by corporations and individuals associated large corporations.
  • Create limits for immediate family members.
  • Find ways to make it easier for smaller farms to excel.

Priority #2

  • Make it more difficult for off island especially out of country ownership of land over 2 acres

Key Actions

  • Increase taxes for off-island ownership
  • Require improvement, added value to community or management plan of land over 2 acres. Otherwise land gets auctioned off.

Priority #3

  • Make it more difficult for off island especially out of country ownership of land over 2 acres

Key Actions

  • Tax credits for land kept in forestry.
  • Financial incentives for reforestation
  • Increased budgets for forestry departments to assist landowners with forest management planning

Why did you choose these priorities?

Small farms are being consolidated/eliminated for profitability of larger corporations.
Off-island ownership seems like it is increasing making it harder for islanders who live and pay taxes here to find land.
Large amounts of land are being taken out of forestry for more profitable agriculture while forests are vital to the health of the planet.

Respondent #105

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 

  • Removal of buffer zone around capital region

Key Actions

  • Simple legislation removal of so many lots off parcel. Outdated back to 1991, makes housing too expensive.

Priority #2

  • Land being bought by non-Islanders

Key Actions

  • Increase property tax even higher, do not worry, they cannot vote.

Respondent #106

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

The process of obtaining subdivision approval and or building permits etc. seems to be an unreasonably long process which in many instances seems to be geared to advise applicants why they can't obtain approval, rather than assisting the applicants with their application. The process goes on and on .......

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 

  • Planning Act applications

Key Actions

  1. Have people available to deal with matters in a much more timely manner 
  2. have department people assist in process and wishes of application 
  3. do a review of timelines on applications in the system.

Priority #2

  • IRAC applications

Key Actions

  • Review process as to why some can get approval when holdings appear well over what allowable while local farmers are held strictly to limits

Why did you choose these priorities?

Have continuously observed the issues noted

Respondent #107 

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Loopholes around ownership, difficulties for families owning a lot of land when a family member passes. Difficulties for young and beginning farms acquiring enough land to be feasible.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 

  • Loopholes in ownership

Key Actions

  • Simply screen companies that are startups buying excessive amounts of land, it shouldn't be very difficult to figure out the paper companies from the real ones.

Priority #2

  • Excessive reporting of land holdings/leases to what avail?

Key Actions

  • We have a fairly new farm, and the single most discouraging thing we do is try and find land to farm, we could easily expand with our markets, but the land base simply isn't there. Yet we spend several days each year chasing down lease agreements and PID#s, to report in a broken system.

Priority #3

  • Difficulties for expanding farms to source land

Key Actions

  • A land bank would help young or beginning farms find land to farm in a specified rental contract on price and length. I don't believe that organic farms should be given any preference over conventional, and the opposite should also not be true.

Why did you choose these priorities?

These are key issues in my day-to-day activities as a farm that started from scratch 10 years ago.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

The amount of land that is subdivided out of agriculture for residential or commercial to just be left vacant for years is despicable. If land is pulled out of Agriculture to be something else, there should be tax implications to discourage the land remaining vacant for any lengths of time.

Respondent #108

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Ensure policies protect farm use land for the future.  Allow increase in Corp. & personal land ownership in the future.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Keep agricultural land in production

  • Key Actions
    • Priority for agricultural farm sales to Island farms first
    • Allow for ag farmland sales to new farm entrants; ie farmers moving from out of province to purchase existing farms
    • Only allow industrial/residential development on farmland when no other farmers are interested in maintaining the land in agricultural use

Priority #2 Allow for growth in farmland ownership; ie increase review every three years

  • Key Action
    • Review land ownership limits on a regular basis and moderately increase it as necessary. One limit cannot last forever.
    • Farmers looking to retire need access to a market. Static/arbitrary limits prevent this.
    • Farmers can't compete in the marketplace without allowing for growth in the future.

Priority #3 Maintain overall limits for land ownership

For your chosen priority #3, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move this priority forward?

Rather than a 3,000 acre Corporate limit, it should be 4,000 to reflect the reality of some of the larger family farms already grandfathered in the legislation. An overall limit of 4,000 still prevents Multinational firms or Corporate land speculators from buying up land.
The same analogy for inshore fisheries should be used whereby the fisherman fish and the processors process.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Land ownership and land use are priorities that have been at the heart of the Island since the division of Lots by the British Empire after the expulsion of the French and the displacement of the indigenous peoples.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

We cannot turn the clocks back. Expansion of farm size began 200 years ago. We cannot bury our head in the sand & romanticize about the past and naively believe this is the future. Cultural, economic, scientific, and technological advances make our current farm practices as safe as anywhere in the world. Farm practices are fully transparent and always subject to scrutiny, review and improvement, no different than any other industry. Allowing for the future growth of farms is a logical and fair policy. Have courage to let this happen.

Respondent #110

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Lack of transparency, lack of vision for the future, issues with who you know rather than the rule of law. That is to say that former premier's brother exempted from the Act.  

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Closing the loopholes regarding land holdings keep the spirit and intent of the Act.

  • Key Actions
    • The government seems unwilling and or unable to keep track of who owns land. There are a number of off-shore investors buying up land without any scrutiny by the government. The Act exists but is not enforced. Interlocking companies holding more land than permitted under the Act.

Priority #2 Farmers that live and farm on PEI

  • Key Actions
    • The government has to help farmers get off the treadmill of debt and ever shrinking income, so that they can farm sustainably and improve the soil organic matter, rather than deplete it.

Priority #3 Protection of the land means protecting the air, water and soil.

  • Key Actions
    • Keep to the spirit and intent of the Act. Enforce the current rules, close the loopholes. Angus MacLean intended the Act to keep the land farmed and lived on by and for Islanders.

Why did you choose these priorities?

They’re important to every day islanders The land and soil issues of PEI are very dear and close to my heart. I want my children and grandchildren to have an opportunity to farm.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

I hope that all Islanders will be consulted and then heard. Too often the government holds hearings and then does what it wants. "A done deal" has been said far too often.  The Act as it stands does not need to be "modernized" nor should it be combined with the Planning Act. The government should look at the Act as it stands, there is a section about interlocking companies and how to deal with them. The Act should be enforced any loopholes closed!

Respondent #111

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Allow local pei farmers to own more land to allow for longer crop rotations

Priority #2 Prevent non-pei residents from buying farmland.

Respondent #112

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

I farm as a sole proprietor, 2nd generation family farm. Profit Margins are tight on all crops grown on pei therefore I need acres to increase income to a sustainable level. 1000 acre limit is not enough, especially when considering crop rotation. A new combine is a million can I justify such a purchase on small acreage.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 increase limits for sole proprietors

  • Key Actions 
    • simply increase limits for family farms to remain competitive

Priority #2 it is foreign ownership that should be limited

  • Key Actions
    • very simple, Limit foreign ownership. Every tax dollar I pay stays in Canada/PEI

Priority #3 do not develop/retire good farmland

  • Key Actions
    • protect farmland.

Respondent #113

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Amount of land owned or controlled by one entity, erosion planning and overall land use planning

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 long term plan for land use

  • Key Actions
    • create a long term plan for how land is to be used in the province through consultation, considering weather patterns and water use requirements

Priority #2 environmental protection

  • Key Actions
    • understand current state with issues to be resolved, project to a future state (25 +years), and create plan to get there

Priority #3 Ownership

  • Key Actions
    • maintain current ownership restrictions, consider if some entities are controlling more land than the law allows, and enforce regulations

Why did you choose these priorities?

no plan current exists, cannot continue current path of environmental degradation and corporate or absentee owners should not control the land in the province

Respondent #114

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
recent housing boom continues to be unregulated in regards to lot access to a most roads and highways

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 soil erosion and abuse and lack of enforcement

  • Key Actions
    • enforce the 9% rule, and crop rotation and stop the clear cuttings

Priority #2 water pollution from Nitrates and sea lettuce

  • Key Actions
    • manage the N fertilization and use better.

Priority #3 no designated development areas or regions for homes

  • Key Actions
    • Increase property tax even higher, do not worry, they cannot vote. implement some of the previous recommendations from several past round tables and land policy initiatives

Respondent #115

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Islanders who have lived on PEI, worked, paid taxes and raised a family cannot afford to buy land for some strange reason while new residents can come in and push land prices out of reach. It is getting hard to compete with non residents who find bargains on PEI. It is strange how we can sustain the construction of apartment buildings, processing facilities and other water demanding enterprises when farmers are demonized at the very thought of them using alternate water sources. Land should be protected and affordable to long-time residents who have built and preserved PEI.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Affordability

  • Key Actions
    • don't know

Priority #2 Save rural PEI

  • Key Actions
    • don't know

Priority #3 Close loopholes

  • Key Actions
    • don't know

Why did you choose these priorities?

Too much speculation with regard to land dealings.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Make it easier for residents to purchase property. Takes too long to go through the process of selling or purchasing land. It appears as though accountants & lawyers are the only qualified to arrange deals.

Respondent #116

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Farmers are not allowed to own enough land to be competitive

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 raise the land ownership limits

  • Key Actions
    • change limits to 1500 acres of arable land per individual

Priority #2 legislation should be guided to help those that own and manage the land not the "Landless Intellectuals"

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Land ownership limits have not kept pace with current challenges to farming

Respondent #117

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 land limit

  • Key Actions
    • smaller farms should be able to grow if they want.  Too much land in hands of small amount of people not good for the province.

Priority #2 water use

  • Key Actions
    • should see using science if deep water wells are harmful.

Priority #3 rotation

  • Key Actions
    • potatoes should not be grown in the same field too often.

Why did you choose these priorities?

they affect the environment the most.

Respondent #118

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Community Engagement

  • Key Actions
    • Identification of Public Groups
    • Public Education of Planning Process
    • Community Feedback of Planning Process

Priority #2 Environment

  • Key Actions
    • Mapping of Environmental Sensitive Features (GIS data integration)
    • Interdepartmental Policy Integration (e.g., Dept. of Env.)
    • Reasonable and Enforceable Policies/Provisions (no policy overlapping)

Priority #3 Economy

  • Key Actions
    • Economic Analysis
    • Determining Marketable Strengths and Weaknesses
    • Development a Diverse and Sustainable Economic Strategy

Why did you choose these priorities?

Communities should guide their own development, with a focus on maintaining a diverse economy and healthy environment.

Respondent #119

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Too much land out there not being used. Should be sold or being make to make a crop

Respondent #120

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

We sold our land in 2018 thinking this is a farmer who is a steward of the land well guess what ripped out all the tree lines dividing plots of land (we need tree lines to protect land from erosion) not this farmer then he clear-cut 30 acers of hilly hillside where you can't farm anything probably just to cash in some money.  When we owned the land we striped cut our forest within a program from the government that allowed us planting new trees.  I think that farmers the same as people that has their own lot to build a house should have a permit if we want to protect our land and island that should be a good start.

Respondent #121

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Beginning with land as commodity, and not with land as mutual non-renewable resource.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Acceptance in academia and practice that land is a nonrenewable resource and thus should be democratically owned.

  • Key Actions
    • Hold a CIP conference to critically examine the status of the planning profession, and if and how the profession in any way stands for imperialism and capitalism. The conference paper should include recommendations for organizations and individual professionals.

Priority #2 Land redistribution, especially in the suburbs and the urban cores, especially to the benefit of dispossessed communities.

  • Key Actions
    • Government should make socially, financially, politically valuable gifts of land to indigenous, black, and other traditionally marginalized groups and individuals.

Priority #3 Clear definitions in academia and practice to explore the public/private divide, but with emphasis on protecting shared communal public resources.

  • Key Actions
    • Formation of a commission of experts on anti capitalist practice to study the CIP and anonymize individual planners through the planning process, to find where the current planning process neglects or outright harms communities in its normal functioning, and how we can improve. Then CIP increases dues so we can do our professional duties correctly.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Planners have power and have traditionally been part of the upward redistribution of wealth and class conflict against the impoverished.  We should seriously challenge our assumptions, and our assumptions about capitalism are rarely called into question.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Desperate times call for desperate measures - these are desperate times. Land reform is going to be a critical component of any just or effective recovery.

Respondent #122

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Water preservation

  • Key Actions 
    • Don’t allow farming corporations to access precious ground water through the use of drilling and deep water reservoirs without a public forum and input from water scientists. Stiffer penalties for poisoning water sources. Higher emphasis on public awareness. 

Priority #2 Pesticide use 

  • Key Actions
    • Ban Round up use on this island!!! Reduce or eliminate altogether the use of cosmetic pesticides and bring more awareness to alternative ways to encourage our bee population. Making industrial farmers accountable for spraying on days when it’s too windy, so having their names written on their equipment so you know who is doing it and can report accurately on who is spraying when they shouldn’t be. 

Priority #3 Forest renewal

  • Key Actions
    • Maintaining and growing bigger Hedgerows. If clear cutting for lumber, there should be a follow up to replant a variety of soft wood and hardwood trees to withstand the strong winds.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I’m aware of the problem of diminishing bee populations on the island which most people attribute to pesticide use though they are careful about saying it publicly. There are industrial farmers that come and spray in the fields around my house that do it in windy conditions but I have no way of knowing who they are or how to report it. The water issue I’ve been very concerned about, because it is obvious that money talks on that issue and people seem to think that Round Up is the ‘go to’ chemical but apparently don’t realize how it is viewed by the rest of the world.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Perhaps not related, but with regard to waste management, I wish there was a way to incentivize recycling, or at least make it free to drop off blue bags at the dump and not just on Saturdays. With the amount of recycling that you have to do, and with only one day that they pick it up, and having only Saturdays free... if you are properly recycling the way you should be, a person ends up with a lot of garbage bags sitting around their house that they maybe don’t have room for if you miss a crucial pick up day or can’t get to the dump on a Saturday. 

Respondent #123

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Irving finding loopholes to acquire more land

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 who can own land 

  • Key Actions
    • corp giants shouldn't be allowed to own big amounts of land 

Priority #2 how much are they are able to own 

  • Key Actions
    • let the farmers own and farm the land and the corporations can buy from the farmers 

Priority #3 how are they able to farm this land 

  • Key Actions
    • enforce minimum 3 year crop rotation

Why did you choose these priorities?

once these corp giants own the land it will never return to small family farm

Respondent #124

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

no protection for agricultural land

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 develop an agricultural land bank 

Priority #2 stop foreign ownership 

Priority #3 enforce acreage limits and DO NOT increase 

Respondent #125

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Indigenous led legislation and/or policy 

  • Key Actions
    • talk to indigenous people to find out these answers.
    • Never assume to know what is needed by Indigenous people here. Always ask. 

Priority #2 support farming organically 

  • Key Actions
    • financial support for small scale organic farms.
    • more regulation protecting the environment.
    • enforce those regulations.

Priority #3 food security 

  • Key Actions
    • Better access to good quality food for those who cannot afford it. (connecting people who need food directly to the farmer. ex: A program that rewards farmers for 'donating' food to people who need it)
    • More community gardens with support learning how to grow food. Educate people how to grow food in their own yards.  guerilla gardening!! EX: Put plants that grow food (squash, kale, broccoli, etc) in easy to access areas (parks, fence lines etc) and offer information and free access to it!

Why did you choose these priorities?

I believe these are things that will help us move forward together, leaving no one behind and ensuring that we all have enough. There is no reason that someone on PEI should be hungry.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Black lives matter
indigenous lives matter
keep QTBIPOC in mind at all times.

Respondent #127

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Rules that are there need to be enforced and exceptions need to be few, not the normal. eg. 3 year rotation, field next to me has been potatoes and wheat or barley for as long as I can remember.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Water protection 

  • Key Actions
    • Do not allow deep water wells (high capacity wells) or holding ponds. 

Priority #2 enforce current laws 

  • Key Actions
    • Acres of land owned or controlled, have limits that need to be enforced. 3 year crop rotation, should be the minimum for row crops.
    • Spreading straw or planting rye grass to get plowed down should not count as an additional year. 

Priority #3 Replant trees

  • Key Actions
    • For every acre of trees that are cut down an acre should be planted. This could be on land that has more marginal use.

Why did you choose these priorities?

We need to protect our water and soil.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

If a law or policy is not going to be enforced, do bother to write it. It only gives false hope to some people and gives others the challenge of how they can get around it.

Respondent #128

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Environmental impacts of land consolidation and clearing not adequately addressed land bank a good idea but soil quality/health integrally tied with quality of land being banked and with sustainable agriculture and protection of the environment in long run.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 restoration and maintenance of soil quality (soil organic content) a fundamental to long term health of agriculture and environment

  • Key Actions
    • Beneficial management practices to restore and maintain soil quality area applied (we are beyond the experimental stages) including, for example, reconsideration of slope allowed for agricultural row crops to prevent erosion and runoff, winter cover to reduce wind erosion, rotation crops that build soil not further deplete it
    • NO MORE land consolidation without a thorough assessment of environmental and soil quality impacts

Priority #2 sixty metre forested buffer along all stream courses

  • Key Actions
    • buffer zones are increased to sixty meters along viable fish bearing streams
    • fish kills should not be the barometer for failure, but water quality in general
    • provincial forest/reforestation plans should include treed riparian buffers with native species

Priority #3 protection of coastal and inland wetlands/water quality

  • Key Actions
    • stricter regulation of runoff to water bodies, including coastal areas
    • this in part can be achieved in concert with the above (increased buffers and soil quality)

Why did you choose these priorities?

Land use management is inextricably tied to the quality of the environment that provides the life support not only for agriculture but for our social and economic wellbeing. How we take care of and protect our land (including its intrinsic soil quality) will reflect our commitment to a truly sustainable future for our small Island and its limited resources. While the idea of land banking is a good one - banking infertile, depleted land is not. We must enact policy and legislation that ensures protection the quality of the land and the directly and indirectly related environmental resources. Then we pass on something of value to all Islanders.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Land-related policy must be seen through a long term sustainability and environmental lens - otherwise we might as well bank shale pits. Pretty soon it may be hard to see the difference

Respondent #129

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Perceived loopholes in ownership limits. Red tape

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 To allow young farmers access to land ownership.

  • Key Actions
    • Low interest loans or mortgage for young farmers.
    • prevent excessively large amounts of land being controlled by a small group of people. Encourage diversity in farm production.

Priority #2 To encourage long term soil conservation

  • Key Actions
    • Encourage a diverse farm sector, Livestock and a variety of cash crops. A hog and or sheep processing plant in the Maritimes.
    • Subsidize the use of cover crops.

Priority #3

  • Key Actions
    • To protect large parcels from development

Why did you choose these priorities?

Agriculture has always being important to me. I hope that the farm community has a bright future.

Respondent #130 

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Too many foreigners buying usable land
Too much development in rural areas

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 OWN land use it or rent it out

Priority #2 Stop big corporations getting too big

Priority #3 Maybe a cap on price of land?

Why did you choose these priorities?

You asked

Respondent #131

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Land prices have become too high for Island farmers to afford.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Land purchase assistance

  • Key Actions
    • The PEI government need to create a land bank to assist full time Island farms

Priority #2 Priority for land purchase given to Island farms

  • Key Actions
    • Off Island parties should be limited in amount in how much land they can purchase

Priority #3 Land rental assistance

  • Key Actions
    • Whereas land rental prices are increasingly higher maybe government could set up a land rental assistance program

Why did you choose these priorities?

We were unable to purchase a neighboring farm recently because of exorbitant price asked after renting the farm for three years and making some major improvements in it ... we are in a cash poor situation here because of recent facility construction and a land bank lease to own agreement would have been an ideal option for us ....

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?


Respondent #132

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

People outside the province buying usable land
Corporations getting too big.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Crop rotation

  • Key Actions
    • Education
    • Less bare land going in to winter season
    • Covercrops planted in fall

Priority #2 Don’t take too much land out production

  • Key Actions
    • Lot of land bought up in country for development

Priority #3 Foreigners owning land.

  • Key Actions
    • Curb amount of acres

Why did you choose these priorities?

You asked for it

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?


Respondent #133

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Farmers plough fields in fall and let them wash and blow away all winter

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Crop rotation

  • Key Actions
    • Stronger presence of enforcement and not someone that will favour the farmers

Priority #2 Tilling

  • Key Actions
    • Plant winter cover crops

Priority #3 Soil erosion

  • Key Actions
    • Buffers are working if they are using them

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because I see it in my own neighborhood

Respondent #134

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Loopholes in LPA .

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Modernize LPA

  • Key Actions
    • Allow more acres so today’s farms can be efficient
    • More restrictions on foreign ownership

Priority #2 Get the Land Bank established

  • Key Actions
    • Provide an option to buy and sell land
    • Realize the scope of this land bank
    • Will need to be competitive in land pricing

Priority #3 Get the science study done on irrigation wells and Ponds

  • Key Actions
    • Get the study done with UPEI to prove water not at risk
    • Climate change is dictating a need to be able to irrigate
    • Need to get general public to support the need to irrigate

Why did you choose these priorities?

They are front and Center to all sectors of agriculture on PEI

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Science trumps politics

Respondent #136

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Land limits on farmers following good agronomic practices including a 3 year crop rotation for row crops.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Land limits

  • Key Actions
    • Increasing land limits in conjunction with IRAC approval
    • Farmers must follow Provincial regulations with an increase of land limits

Priority #2 Limiting foreign land ownership

  • Key Actions
    • IRAC regulations
    • Land on PEI is a finite and valuable resource that I wouldn’t want large foreign businesses buying up land and Islanders not being able to own and use land on PEI

Priority #3 Vetting new land owners

  • Key Actions
    • IRAC regulations and increased monitoring of land purchases

Why did you choose these priorities?

I value the resource of land on PEI and the unique attributes that it possesses for farmers and Islanders alike.

Respondent #137

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Land holding limits that are restrictive to farmers. Conversion of agricultural land out of agricultural use.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Increase in land holding limits

  • Key Actions
    • Increase limits so farms can own enough land to be sustainable within their business. The government dictating such low holding limits has increased costs to producers. I do not want to see a complete removal of holding limits, but farming in globalized times has changed food production and limits must reflect the new reality of business.

Priority #2 Stop conversion of agricultural land out of agricultural use

  • Key Actions
    • make it difficult for land zoned agriculture to be rezoned to other use. Small personal lots being exempt.
    • agricultural land not being used for agriculture be taxed at an increased rate.

Priority #3 Non resident land owner controlling agricultural land

  • Key Actions
    • limit sale of agricultural land to no residents.
    • more strictly enforce the demand for sellers to advertise locally and sell locally first

Why did you choose these priorities?

Agriculture is the backbone of this province. We don’t need to stifle producers, 98% of which are family owned businesses, the province needs to help them be successful. They aren’t making any more agricultural land, it needs to be a priority of this province to keep our land in the hands of farmers who are using it to feed people. Caution also need to placed on keeping out non resident holders and land speculators who will drive up the cost of land to farmers.

Respondent #138

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

I see a preponderance of this province is farmland of some sort or other. Industrial farmland. And I see little if any recognition that farmland, just like golf greens, is not good for the environment. In fact, it is just the opposite: these activities are environmentally negative. Yet, I still see wood lots mowed down and plowed under to grow crops. When is enough, enough? You can’t go past 100%!  
Brazil is approximately 34% farm land. PEI.? 42.5%!
There is nowhere on this island safe from the incursion of pesticides. Shameful.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Stop deforestation

  • Key Actions
    • The public to understand the health risks to themselves and the planet when deforestation occurs.
    •  Government willingness to proactively promote reforestation.
    • Funds to promote tree planting, and forest preservation.

Priority #2 Protect existing forests

  • Key Actions
    • Political will
    • Funding for forest owners
    • Environmental penalties for negative impacts of removing forests.

Priority #3 Greater restrictions on pesticide usage

  • Key Actions
    • Environmental taxes on use of pesticides
    • Incentives for alternatives to use of pesticides
    • Political will to inform the public of the alternatives to industrial farming.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because I live here. This promotion of PEI as this idyllic agricultural haven is in actuality a toxic soup. Would I pour all the toxins used to produce potatoes over my well? No. So why should my neighbour be able to do so?
Just because it is legal at this juncture in time, does not make it right. How many people are going to perish from obscure cancers before the light goes on? Or do we just continue to look the other way?

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

I would like to see woodlands in this province promoted. Further, I believe legislation should be enacted which does not allow the deforestation of this tiny island to continue unabated. Further, the promotion of farmland as being beneficial to the environment by government should absolutely cease, because it simply is not true.

Respondent #139

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Too much land being taken out of production for homes, cottages and monks.
Land being sold to non islanders without islanders having a chance to match.
Big companies finding loopholes to buy as much as they want

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Keep farm land in production

  • Key Actions
    • Keep people in the city
    • Keep remaining farmland in production
    • Stop developing in the country

Priority #2 Allow islanders to match a non islander offer on any Land

  • Key Actions
    • 30 day window to match any offer

Priority #3 Big companies buying as much land as they want

  • Key Actions
    • 3000 acres is 3000 acres no more very simple

Why did you choose these priorities?

Land becoming too expensive too much houses in country

Respondent #141

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Issues with people coming into PEI and buying farm land at a high price and local farmers not even given a chance to put an offer on it.  Being approved through IRAC at a lower price then what a local farmer offered

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward? 

Priority #1 Water usage

  • Key Actions
    • Control the usage of deep wells. Disallowing the use of water for sale. Only to be used for crop production

Priority #2 Land Availability

  • Key Actions
    • Selling land back to local farmers if purchased by a resident whom becomes a non resident

Priority #3 Development of farm land for non food production uses

  • Key Actions
    • No subdividing of farm land for non food production uses

Why did you choose these priorities?

key to agriculture food production

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

don't allow so many exceptions

Respondent #143

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protect environment

Why did you choose these priorities?

We already see the effects of not treating the environment correctly

Respondent #144

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Too much farmland being turned into subdivisions.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protection of natural resources, i.e. waterways.

  • Key Actions
    • Ongoing support to farmers to move away from using chemicals on their crops, and more enforcement around crop rotation. Follow through on above items will reduce chemical runoffs into waterways and reduce soil erosion. Reforestation of harvest woodlands and tree planting along fence lines of farm fields would provide many benefits to both Mother Nature and ourselves.

Priority #2 Land bank to protect farmland.

  • Key Actions
    • Provide opportunities for retiring farmers to sell their farm to a land bank which would give support to young farmers plus keep the land from being covered in concrete.

Priority #3 More appropriate designation of properties, i.e. don't allow an apartment building in the middle of a family subdivision, don't allow a 5-storey large apartment building to be built in front of an existing smaller apt building, cutting out natural light to residents of smaller building.

  • Key Actions
    • Ensure property planners and their departments look at the whole picture when approving permits for buildings that are appropriate to the area.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I watch topsoil runoff into waterways after heavy rainfalls. I believe if we take care of Mother Nature, she will take care of us. We need to act responsibly now so our children and grandchildren will have access to the basics like good water and clean air.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

My uncle (a farmer) used to say........"They are not making any more land so we need to take care of what we have".

Respondent #145

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Land concentration in fewer hands

  • Key Actions
    • Public needs to know who owns PEI
    • Larger land limits prevent new entrants in agriculture from purchasing enough land to make it work for them. Maybe a land bank is needed
    • Land zoning and farm land preservation

Priority #2 Profitability of agriculture

  • Key Actions
    • We need a food policy for our province and country.
    • Agriculture needs to do a better job in promoting the industry.
    • There is a disconnect in that society does not understand where their food comes from.

Priority #3 Who owns PEI land

Respondent #146

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Too much land owned by big farm corporations and foreigners.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Keep our land locally owned

  • Key Actions
    • You have to be an islander to be allowed to buy land here. Exceptions for small properties, like cottages, and immigrants that want to live and /or farm here.

Priority #2 Limit on amount of land allowed to be owned, close loopholes for big farmers and foreign buyers.

  • Key Actions
    • Check potential buyers thoroughly, so corporations like the Irving's, Vanco, Buddhists can't use loopholes

Priority #3 Make soil quality a priority. Reward good farming practices. Penalties for abuse of the land. eg potatoes and soybeans should not be grown 1 year after the other. Enforcement!

  • Key Actions
    • Enforcement and more enforcement. Some farmers are taking very good care of their land but many are just in it for profit.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because they are important to me.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Put a stop to development on waterfronts. All islanders should be able to enjoy our water views, not a few privileged ones. High rises have no place there at all. Keep the scenery uncluttered for us and our tourists.
Also put a stop to clear cutting woods. We need more trees, not more cultivated land, for our air, health, flora and fauna and future.

Respondent #147

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

From what I am hearing, the land is being acquired by large companies from Canada and abroad legally and not and in a lot of cases the Government is letting them get away with it. We need to protect the land better for future generations. We don't want PEI to become a subdivision. I know that there is a lot of good things going on to preserve the land, lets do more of that.

Respondent #148

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Big corporations buying up too much land for corporate farming.
Farm land used for subdivisions.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Farm land staying as farmed land.

Priority #2 Large corporations buying up too much land

Respondent #149

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Leave the land limits where they are now.

  • Key Actions
    • Do not decrease the land acreage that can be farmed.

Priority #2 Do not touch the non farmable land accountable as acreage farmed.

  • Key Actions
    • Do not decrease the non useable farm land

Priority #3 Start a land bank for new farmers.

  • Key Actions
    • Allow new young farmers to lease land from the land bank.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I think they are important. We cannot support a family farm with less acres available to rotate crops

Respondent #151

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Preserving Agriculture Land for Agriculture use

  • Key Actions
    • Create land use zone for land on PEI
    • very strict guidelines for land conversion out of agriculture use.
    • create development zones

Priority #2 Valuing the needs/opinions of the agriculture community

  • Key Actions
    • Producers/Farmers have the most to lose or gain from any policy legislative change. Their opinion/needs need to be considered
    • Producers/Farmers are in the best position to enact positive changes relating to land on PEI. They should be engaged to help create the outcomes the benefits all society.
    • Enact ‘Right to Farm legislation’

Priority #3 Foreign land ownership

  • Key Actions
    • give full time resident farmers first right at agriculture land sales
    • create higher land holding limits for resident farmers compared to non resident land owners
    • ensure agriculture land that is purchased by non residents remains in agriculture land use.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I identified these priorities because agriculture is vital to PEI, especially the survival of rural PEI. The agriculture industry is in the best position to make positive changes regarding the land use on PEI.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

I would just like to reiterate, please consider the opinions of the actually users of the land. Some small groups may be very vocal on their wants or vision but they have very little invested to actually put positive changes in place.

Respondent #152

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Number of acres allowed per individual or corporation under the LPA is not being adhered to and the lack of enforcement. Loopholes used to surpass the Act. We know what they are and we need to close them. IRAC does not provide the ability to do searches on land ownership by individuals or corporations. Land being bought by non residents and taken farm land out of production. Not clear who has the final say IRAC or Government when it comes to rejecting or approving a land sale. Once Island land leaves the hands of an Island farmer it will not be coming back - it is gone.  Let’s look at the recommendations from the Carver report!

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Enforcement of land limits

  • Key Actions
    • The land limits are clearly set so do a review and enforce where the limits are above the approved amount. Enforce the Act!
    • Whenever there is a sale of land or a request to purchase land an intensive search should be performed by the staff hired to do this work (IRAC) to ensure it fits the LPA. ie: amount of land, purpose of land, resident, etc.
    • Close/address any loopholes or process that clearly obstructs the spirit of the LPA. Our government lawyers would surely know what is required to address these inefficiencies that private lawyers seem to find for those wanting to bypass the Act.

Priority #2 Protecting farm land with land banks

  • Key Actions
    • Island farmers are finding it hard to purchase land to farm - cost and availability being the main factors. If the government could purchase land from farmers retiring or selling and create a bank of this Island farm land.
    • The land in the bank could be rented or leased as required. There must be examples of this type of program elsewhere in the world.
    • The land used from this bank would need to meet good agricultural practices regarding crop rotation and compost levels.

Priority #3 Data transparency within IRAC/Gov

  • Key Actions
    • When a request is forward to IRAC to purchase land all data should be transparent. If a corporation is making a request to purchase land ensure all necessary data is collected and there is no breach of the LPA.
    • Listing all directors/shareholders for all corporations is important data to collect. That will tell one if limits have been surpassed.  The purpose of the land being purchased is also important and should not be allowed to change. If land is bought for agriculture it should be used for agriculture.
    • Have the ability to do searches on all data on the IRAC website.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I find this a strange question?
I love my island and I am passionate about the land. I want to see our Island land protected as each purchase of land that leaves the hand of island farmers will not be coming back to island farmers or island residents. Corporations have a land limit and if we have learned anything from this pandemic bigger is not better. I was really excited about the report Mr. H. Carver produced and where it would take us. He had many recommendations and people attended meeting after meeting and shared their stories and priorities. The report went no where! I would ask “Why does this Government feel it necessary to redo his work over again and waste time, money and resources.”

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

I followed the last election with a sense of anticipation. I felt that the land would finally get the attention it needed. I want to see true leadership on this matter. Decisions being made for the betterment of all Islanders. The LPA is to protect Island land but no one is enforcing it??

Respondent #153

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 stop selling good land for building house, like house in the middle of a good land

  • Key Actions
    • people who build house on a good land should be stop, there is more place for that 

Priority #2 close loophole like that big cie will not be able to buy

  • Key Actions
    • shut down those loopholes for anybody who want to destroy our beautiful island

Priority #3 and let the islanders farmers taking care safely without pesticides , insecticides or any ides who kill the good insects like bees, butterfly

  • Key Actions
    • no more pesticides or any ides, we are supposed to be a green island so ban those products.

Why did you choose these priorities?

it's important to keep the island clean and everybody will feel better without all those ides produces and also that will be provide to all better health.

Respondent #154

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Amount of land owned by corporate, deep water wells, crop rotation, reforestation, land use or left to go to soil

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Land owned but not actively farmed

  • Key Actions
    • Ensure land bought and sold is used for farming, take back land that is not used for farming, storefront access and ownership

Priority #2 Land ownership

  • Key Actions
    • Ensure land ownership is managed and approved fairly and above board. Land ownership and transfers should be in Royal gazette if they aren’t already

Priority #3 Deep water wells

  • Key Actions
    • Use evidence to make good decision not politics...lots of water but wells bit allowed l. How can the farms continue to feed us if they can’t irrigate.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Grew up on a farm and appreciate the need to manage our small piece of land, called PEI !

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Non-resident property could become a greater problem with Covid and our wonderful leadership...May be one a more attractive place to live.

Respondent #155. 

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 stop deforestation

  • Key Actions
    • In areas that government posts signs 'wildlife management area', government should be working to PROTECT these areas- not just use them to harvest wood every 20 years. Dromore was a beautiful wood lot- and has been decimated. If there is a clean up protocol for deforestation already- it must be terrible, because the way that these places are left is so torn up that you can't walk through them, and neither can animals. You have environmental groups working their behinds off to save tiny bits of land and then the government just selling off it's "wildlife areas" to the highest bidder.

Priority #2 stop or reduce pesticide use

  • Key Actions
    • we don't need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to banning pesticide use- just follow the research of the EU to determine what is and isn’t safe for humans. There are many products like potatoes and grain products that are sprayed as a rule- not when necessary.  Pesticide use should be the exception- not the rule.

Priority #3 increase buffer zones around bodies of water

  • Key Actions
    • land should be buffered around bodies of water- simple as that. In some areas, notably Malpeque, the fields go right up to the river, within feet. This just doesn't make any sense for erosion or for pesticide runoff.

Why did you choose these priorities?

they're things people talk about openly and widely around PEI

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Take action- don't reinvent the wheel- don't politicize our earth- don't stall and make it a game of who got to pass legislation- don't act like children wanting credit- do what's right.

Respondent #156

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Loopholes in legislation allowing individuals/companies to accumulate land beyond the limits described by the Act.
Control of farmland moving from the farmer to the corporations who control their inputs and outputs.  Industrialized agriculture is seriously undermining the health of our soil.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Strengthen the Lands Protection Act (LPA)

  • Key Actions
    • Enshrine ‘Protection ‘ of the land in the Act and that protection include the role of ownership and control and encompass ecological stewardship.
    • Strong enforcement provisions in the Act with adequate penalties
    • Maintain current land limits 

Priority #2 Ensure all relevant legislation is brought into line with the spirit of the LPA

  • Key Actions
    • Transparent and accessible database of land ownership with all parties identified.

Priority #3 Ensure Island farmland remains in control of Island Farmers

  • Key Actions
    • Implement Carver report recommendation to establish Advisory group of farmers and non farmers to consult with Islanders on land issues and report every 3 years
    • Establish Land Bank

Why did you choose these priorities?

Concerned about the sustainability of farmland and farm practices.

Respondent #157

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Land ownership and water use.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Land ownership

  • Key Actions
    • Close the loopholes allowing private ownership linked to off Island interests. Enforce acreage ownership limits. Enforce land stewardship. Establish a land bank which respects good soil, water and natural protection conservation as well as ensures new Island farmers and other land users have fair access to PEI land.

Priority #2 Water use and protection

  • Key Actions
    • Rules and enforcement of use of water NOT just in agriculture but in other areas [bottled water, shell fish operations, golf courses, hotel etc use, car washes and any other commercial uses]. Define deep wells to include other means of irrigation which ensures protection of quantity and quality. The aqua firs supplying PEI with good fresh water is invaluable.

Priority #3 Land kept in PEI public domain

  • Key Actions
    • Compile specific legislation and make this public to Islanders, not just those with vested interests, for input. Have on the agenda by the Spring 2021 Legislation Session for approval. Do not allow wiggle room for tabling and other delaying tactics!

Why did you choose these priorities?

Why????? The future of PEI and its residents is at stake.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

When we express concern about land ownership it does not have to do with racism. It has to do, at least for me and my acquaintances, with capitalist interests controlling public and conservation interests.

Respondent #158

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

There are too many loop holes so that large companies eg Irving can obtain more and more land and it is not just them.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Keep farms for Family farms as much as possible

  • Key Actions
    • Better regulation of size of farms.
    • Limit the number of large corporations.
    • Give the Family Farmer the tax breaks and not the large corporations

Priority #2 Do not sell all the beach front properties to off Islanders

  • Key Actions
    • Limit the number of acres of beach front properties sold each year to off Islanders. Screening of candidates who wish to purchase property to make sure they are not going to later use it for commercial purposes. Canada buyers first before other countries.

Priority #3 Keep our wetlands and also no deep wells.

  • Key Actions
    • Do not allow draining of wetlands so our native animals and birds will have homes and not be pushed out. The deep wells will dry out our water table and will impact the wetlands and every Islander who has a well.

Why did you choose these priorities?

They are important to me. I grew up on a farm which I loved. Because my Dad died very young we had to sell the farm and now I am a senior and still miss that life.

Respondent #160

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Increased (unnecessary) paving over land. Increased (unnecessary) chopping of trees for wires.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 More thought be given to the importance of maintaining the natural beauty of our island. As we cut down more trees and appropriate land for wider highways and large roundabouts in the countryside we are threatened with a loss of the beauty of the island which is what attracts tourists.

  • Key Actions
    • Minister responsible for highways should have to consult with minister responsible for land use and the environment and minister responsible for tourism. We can no longer afford to work in silos. The pandemic has forced us to forge new patterns of consultation with various players (health and education, for example).  We need to learn from this  and follow this example.

Priority #2 Tree cutting should be regulated. Trees are an important part of the natural ecosystem. As the island is denuded if it’s trees we will be threatened with less rainfall and other environmental impacts.

  • Key Actions
    • Landowners need to have permits to cut trees. Also utility companies.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I am concerned that the island is becoming less and less beautiful.

Respondent #162

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

There is basically no land use planning in the areas of the Province that are provincially regulated. The Lands Protection Act does not take into account the realities for PEI farmers and it is too cumbersome.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Adopt land use planning policy for the Province.

  • Key Actions
    • There is basically no land use planning in place for the majority of our Province. Land in provincially-regulated areas is developed on a case by case basis, resulting in uncertainty and inconsistency. The Province should consider adopting an approach that is more in line with municipal regulation- an official plan (provincial policy) and zoning/development bylaw (provincial regulations). This would provide more transparency and certainty as to the process that will be followed and what uses will be permitted in any given area. 
    • Develop a land use planning policy for provincially-regulated land.
    • Consult with the public and stakeholders.
    • Finalize policy after considering input.
    • Adopt policy and implement through provincial regulations.

Priority #2 Amend the Lands Protection Act

  • Key Actions
    • Most PEI farmers are incorporated for tax and business reasons. If there is only one farmer in the operation, then the farm corporation can only hold 1000 acres, which is not always sufficient to have a viable farm. In order to have a higher land limit, some farmers have been forced to include additional shareholders that they may not otherwise want to have involved in their companies. Any operating farm corporation should be allowed to hold 3000 acres regardless of the number of shareholders. Another issue is the definition of "aggregate land holding". It is cumbersome and requires an exceptional amount of disclosure. 5% of the issued voting shares in a corporation does not give control and this amount should be reconsidered. Our new corporate legislation sets 25% as a threshold.

Priority #3 Increase resources and staff in provincial planning.

  • Key Actions
    • If the Province really wants to make changes to its land use policies, then additional staffing and resources are required for the provincial planning department. Based on my observations, it appears that the department is already overwhelmed.

Why did you choose these priorities?

These are issues that I have identified in my day-to-day law practice.

Respondent #163

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Corporation allowed to own large portions of land

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Creating a land-banking system for new small farmers to enter farming

  • Key Actions
    • creating legislation for a provincial land-banking system

Priority #2 preventing corporations from owning large portions of land

  • Key Actions
    • eliminating loopholes in the Lands Protection Act that allow corporations to own large portions of land through subsidiary companies

Priority #3 Protecting soil and water

  • Key Actions
    • increasing soil organic matter content
    • increasing waterway protections from agricultural run-off
    • increasing incentives to reduce or eliminate farmers' use of inorganic pesticides and fertilizers

Why did you choose these priorities?

Responsible land use is important, and so is strengthening communities. By entrusting land protection to our community of small farmers, and not to transnational corporations, we can improve our relationship to the land, increase environmental protection, and improve food security.

Respondent #164

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Purchases of large amounts of land by one individual or organization/corporation

  • Key Actions
    • Limits adhered to that are in place, STRICTLY, no exceptions 
    • Full and complete disclosure of ownership 
    • Disallowance of "fake" or fraudulent minded/represented organizations/individuals for purchases (possibly Irving's and GEBIS as examples)

Priority #2 Unincorporated areas vs incorporated areas

  • Key Actions
    • For incorporation for all.
    • Lead by province, not as an expectation of communities large or small to do
    • Betterment for all, consistency in development and rules

Priority #3 Water irrigation, crop rotation, removal of trees, etc.  (Overall best practices to be developed and enforced for future generations)

  • Key Actions
    • Asses what is taking place, find places with best practices to build on 
    • Continued education in this area 
    • Ensure that what is in place now is sustainable for our future

Why did you choose these priorities?

Important areas to consider when it comes to ensuring a sustainable future for our precious Island

Respondent #165

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

There should be a limit to the amount of land people can own ... And it should be limited to the parent company; not be able to purchase through all the subsidiary companies under that umbrella.

Respondent #168

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

  • Key Actions
    • Urban sprawl. Too much arable land being swallowed up for urban development as well as cottage development along our shorelines. Everyone seems to feel they need a waterfront property, and house and commercial development within the urban areas do NOT need such large lots. It is shameful to witness such beautiful agricultural land here that can never be returned to food production. Stronger regulations are needed in this regard.
  • Key Actions
    • Land ownership limits should not be increased from the current levels. Increased acreages can be resolved through rental agreements for crop production with individuals from totally outside the corporate entity.
  • Key Actions
    • Marginal land, salt marshes etc. should become Nature Trust or Crown Lands to ensure their environmental sensitivity is ensured.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Many in the urban areas express concerns that it is solely the farming community that is placing our food supply at risk. They seem to also be blind that they are not the cause of any environmental damage to our Island. It saddens me to see all the exploitation of the beautiful agricultural land in and around our cities (and throughout the countryside) being sacrificed for the sake of concrete and larger than necessary building lots. We need to build taller buildings to accommodate our increasing populations and protect our farm and environmentally sensitive areas.

Respondent #169

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Foreign countries coming in and buying all our property on Prince Edward Island.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Non-Canadians buying sea front properties

  • Key Actions
    • Don’t sell property to foreign investors.

Priority #2 Non Islanders buying beach property and thinking they own the beach as well.

  • Key Actions
    • Sell property to Islanders only. Main access to beaches should not be owned by anyone.

Priority #3 Farmers spraying pesticides near water

  • Key Actions
    • stiffer fines
    • more education
    • make them clean up their own mess and repopulate how many fish they killed.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I see this every day. It makes me very upset that our government is more interested in helping people other than true Islanders.

Respondent #170

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 The amount of land controlled by the various Irving family (Robert, Mary Jean, Elizabeth, etc) members/subsidiaries (Cav Farms, Island Holdings, Indian River, Lady Slipper Holdings, etc)

  • Key Actions
    • With a large number of farmers coming up to the age of succession, and the access to large amount of capital that the Irving family has will result in increased concentration of land that they will hold in Central PEI. This will continue to drive up land prices, and restrict access to other farm operations in the area that do not have the same access to capital.  There needs to be some way to allow successful farm operators to grow beyond the current land limits without opening the door to the Irvings buying up all of the land.

Priority #2 Land limits present challenges to successful farm operators from increasing in size

Priority #3 There needs to be improved access to irrigation, but also there needs to be nutrient management to reduce the nitrate load in our water.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I want to see continued success of the PEI agricultural sector going forward without domination by the Irving family increasing. They already have enough leverage over the potato sector without letting them buy up all of the growers who are getting out of the industry.

Respondent #172

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

The Acts do not deal with the current situations. There are inconsistencies in how the Acts are enforced. There are Acts that don’t apply to specific applications but are still referred to. Also some of the terms used are not defined in the Acts.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Updating some parts of the Acts that apply to today.

  • Key Actions
    • Review the land Acts in general.
    • Look at the current needs of the population especially the younger newly established families.

Priority #2 Explaining some of the terms used.

  • Key Actions
    • When using certain terms regarding the Acts that there are definitions for those specific terms.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I am having an issue with a proposed land subdivision (1 lot) and the reasons for refusal are very unclear plus several of them do not apply the way they present to me!

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Would rather see a system that supports a solution to land issues rather than one that sets up roadblocks. The system also needs to be consistent in its delivery of how a proposal is accepted.

Respondent #173

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Environmental and social sustainability

  • Key Actions
    • Steadily return areas of government land back to the stewardship of the Mi'kmaq
    • Pay reparations to the Mi'kmaq of Prince Edward Island for land occupation
    • Provide land for community gardening, farming, beekeeping and other forms of local small-scale agriculture

Priority #2 Community involvement

  • Key Actions
    • Increase community/public consultation in advance of projects
    • Involve community members directly in project planning and execution
    • Pay community members generously for their knowledge and guidance

Priority #3 Conservation

  • Key Actions
    • Increase conservation areas to protect biodiversity and endangered species
    • Increase public education about conversation areas, species, and ecosystems
    • Restrict environmentally destructive practices in agriculture on PEI

Why did you choose these priorities?

I think these actions are in the best interest of the land, waters, and people of PEI

Respondent #175

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

I believe that the limits of acreage owned by individuals and companies is not being followed or enforced because people are finding loopholes in the legislation.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protection of the soil from such things as run-off or blowing away as a result of inappropriate farming practices (such as ploughing too deep) by potato farmers who grow hundreds of acres.

  • Key Actions
    • Return to the farming methods used by previous generations.
    • Don't plough as deep.
    • Maybe add some natural fibre to the soil to add some weight, so that it doesn't blow away from all the wind that we experience on PEI.

Priority #2 Prevent the depletion of the natural nutrients contained in the soil by continuing to grow the same crop (mostly potatoes) in the same fields for too many consecutive years.

  • Key Actions
    • Pass and enforce laws about crop rotation.
    • Limit amount of sprays and chemicals that can be used on the soil.
    • Use less prepared fertilizers and more natural ones on the soil such as manure.

Priority #3 Enforcing the laws concerning the number of acres a person or company can own.

  • Key Actions
    • What is the point in having the current limits regarding ownership of land if they are not being enforced?
    • More provincial government staff monitoring land ownership changes and purposes, so that the "loopholes" can be caught before the sale or purchase of land happens.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because I was brought up on a small farm and watched how my father cared for his land.
Because I love PEI, and have lived here for my entire life, but I worry about what the future holds for future generations if great care is not taken on this issue soon.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Thank you for this opportunity to provide my thoughts.

Respondent #176

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

  1. The legal amount of land a corporation/individual can hold is being circumvented so the corporation/ind can access more than the legal amount, by putting the land sold into a representatives/relatives name, who otherwise will not develop the land for their own selves.
  2. There are more non-residents accessing/buying land holdings, who put the land in a resident/relatives name but make decision for the land, and how to develop the land, from off island. They don't know the sensitivity of this land, and make assumptions about it.
  3. PEI is committed to having 30% protected lands as ecological reserves and sanctuaries, and we only have protected ~7% thus far.  Even the protected areas we have are put at risk for development that hinder ecological integrity. i.e. The windfarms proposed in Souris in the largest piece of intact forest left on PEI, where thousands of unique migratory birds make their nests each year.
  4. The size and scale of agricultural crop production fields is leading to the destruction of fish and wildlife habitat. Tonnes of red soil are dumped off high sloped fields into our river system without any awareness, and without proper resource to be able to prevent it.  PEI loses 21 tonnes of top-soil on average every year to run-off. Compare this to the National Average of soil loss which is 1-2 tonnes per year, and there is a severe warning that more legislation needs to be in place to prevent soil run-off and reinforce sustainable farming practice that eliminate soil loss and erosion.
  5. As of right now soil run off is not a chargeable offense, in a court of law, the loss of soil from a field into a river, which leads to the destruction of habitat, has never led to a charge against a landowner. There is needs to be more protection for ecologically sensitive resources, all our rivers are overwhelmed with soil to the point that our resource is heavily degraded and we can no longer enjoy it.
  6. The use of land for holding ponds. Holding ponds may provide a quick fix for the Ag industry but they are not replacement for the longterm health of the soil, when there is above 80% organic matter in the soil, water-retention is ample to providing for a crop. What we've done with heavy rotational farming is degraded the soils organic matter until it cannot hold water, which leads to excessive watering, and poor crop yields. A never ending downward spiral, and poor use of our most important resource- our groundwater.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Stronger bufferzone regulations

  • Key Actions
    • Increasing buffer zones to 60 Meters and reforesting them
    • Headwater protection, delineating seasonal headwaters as watercourses and applying bufferzone regulations to them.
    • Set amount to 50% of forest retention/required to remain within each watershed

Priority #2 Reducing the legal amount of land holdings

  • Key Actions
    • Reduce the amount of land a corporation/individual can hold
    • Prevent family members/stakeholders from one corporation from purchasing more for that corporation in their own name/disguised as a separate corporation
    • Set an amount of land that is required to be preserved as forested per each land holding, especially on agricultural land.

Priority #3 Conservation of Island ecology

  • Key Actions
    • create and enforce greater protection along the entire coastline, where trees cannot be removed and development/farming cannot occur (i.e. sea-level rise, damage prevention)
    • Create legislation that conserves the amount of forested land, promotes selective forestry and reduces clear cutting in our province.
    • The government can purchase lands that have been historically integral to our ecology, or those that are poorly managed by land use practices, and donate them to Island Nature Trust or watershed groups to manage and protect. (i.e. Heavily sloped fields with never-ending run off problems, or ecologically pronounced islands off the coast)

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because I have seen the impact of poor land use management year after year, and if it continues this way our future generations will make the same mistakes, and will not have quality land to work from, or know how to maintain the quality of the land without heavy industrial inputs that only the rich can afford.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

PEI has the worst land use legislation there is in all of Canada right now. We need to create better legislation that protect Island's ecology, not just Islander's right to use their land how they like it. Every other province has stricter laws, it's time we evolved ours to have stronger protection for the quality of the life of future generations who will live here.

Respondent #177

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Groups buying in excess of Corp legislation prefer land stays in family. New Hampshire has interesting legislation pay family for holding land. Reverse taxation

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 owners to maintain and develop natural areas - Ecotourism

  • Key Actions
    • Talk

Priority #2 Help ensure farm easily kept in family when passed on

  • Key Actions
    • Talk

Priority #3 Begin land owners of PEI group 20 acres and up

  • Key Actions
    •  And talk some more

Why did you choose these priorities?


Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Maybe later

Respondent #178

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

We have witnessed a large influx of Ontario residents from the Mennonite community in Central PEI which is going to soon have significant impact on local farmers to be able to purchase and expand ownership. This group of people is working with local real estate agent to circumvent the current legislation. The farms they are buying are advertised at high prices and with limited photos to discourage locals from putting in an offer. Then, when 3 months are up, the Mennonites in Ontario can purchase via IRAC for a reasonable rate (well below the list price). We have seen it happen more than once in our area. While they may not be breaking the current rules - it is not right how they are acquiring. The challenge is that they will eventually just buy within their community with people who live here and then there is no way to stop them. While they are buying older farms and fixing them up which helps our country landscape - they will eventually move to larger parcels of land and that will be a challenge for local, young farmers who are either just starting or are looking to expand. I don't know how to stop them - but their situation needs to be looked at and defined.  Central PEI is also starting to feel the squeeze from Cavendish (or their subsidiaries) and that will also add to the pressures of reasonable priced arable land for current farmers

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Fair market value for arable land

  • Key Actions
    • land prices not falsely driven up by local real estate agents or special interest groups/organizations/communities
    • Allowing local farmers access to purchase first (although I appreciate that living here for a year while owning land makes you an islander) so there's no way to stop this actually.
    • Ensuring that there are opportunities for young farmers or those starting out or those kids who will eventually farm to have access to affordable land. Somehow we need to protect land from being purchased by farmers from away who are not on the same playing field financially as Islanders.

Priority #2 Responsible use of farm land and natural resources

  • Key Actions
    • Do I believe that most farmers do what is right, and what is best for the land - YES. BUT our ag community has an image issue because of the heavy connection to Cavendish - who are viewed as a big bad corporation.  At the end of the day, we need to enforce regulations for all farms and not be seen as allowing big corporations to skip through loopholes. Responsible use of farm land and natural resources - following crop rotations, putting value back into the land, not using deep water wells or irrigation ponds filled by wells for crops. There has to be a way to ensure that ALL size farms are playing by AND FOLLOWING the same rules. Cavendish's vertical integration doesn't help and I appreciate that we need to allow farms to grow and expand - but there has to be a happy medium somewhere.

Priority #3 Water Use

  • Key Actions
    • While it's not directly land - and the Water Act may work....I think the other poor image we need to improve is Ag's water usage.  Finding a way to use ocean water via desalination techniques to provide potable water for crops and even communities. There is technology used in Australia that we should be exploring and using to become world leaders. Sea levels are rising - why not find a way to use the oceans water to irrigate crops on PEI. We are missing out on a big opportunity and to be leaders in this technology. There is currently research happening in Halifax on this.  So long as we are talking deep water wells, there will always be a distrust of Agriculture and farmers. Even if the science shows they are not an issue or can be done right - they will NOT be accepted by the general population because there is fear and misinformation that has been presented. So find a new way to get technology on Ag's side.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I think it's important that Ag is respected, understood and viewed as a positive by ALL island residents - and that's not the current case. We need to make sure that land stays arable for future farmers and we need to make sure that we are not selling out a community that will eventually squeeze out the current farms. Mennonite farmers do NOT give back to the local community. They don't use our schools, our parks, volunteer to help in community. If they grow too large, we will lose rural communities as there will be no community settings like we are used to. It is a significant threat.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

I don't think there are any easy answers - but it's time to finish a plan, make the legislation and stick to it. If you want to be seen as successful - stop studying, stop talking and take some action. The longer it takes to produce a report to file on a shelf and collect dust is wrong. I appreciate it's putting your neck out as a government but look at the big picture, make plans that support and sustain our Agriculture industry AND will allow PEI to prosper. Don't be like past governments and not take action.

Respondent #179

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Lack of planning due to large amount of unincorporated land.
Lack of enforcement of planning regulations
Lack of regulation to protect important viewscapes
Inadequate protection of woodland and wetland
Lack of protection for farmland

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Ensure all land is incorporated and municipalities have the means to enforce planning regulations

  • Key Actions
    • Do away with the present system where rural residents pay nominal taxes 
    • Incorporate all land area into municipalities
    • Give municipalities adequate resources for Land planning and enforcement, supported by strong Provincial land use regulations

Priority #2 More protection for important viewscapes

  • Key Actions
    • Legislate protection of viewscapes as a priority
    • Identify important viewscapes
    • Stop all new construction in these areas

Priority #3 Increased protection of farmland

  • Key Actions
    • Ensure farmland is not subdivided
    • Enforce maximum land holdings
    • Plan for control of maximum field size, retention of hedgerows, protection against erosion

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because they’re important

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Strengthen Provincial land-use planning: and above all ensure that action is taken. We know what needs doing: now let’s actually do it!

Respondent #180

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

I think PEI should be encouraging past PEI residents to return home. While living in Ontario, I wanted to invest in land in PEI to build a future home and move. To do this, I had to pay money to IRAC and pay higher taxes on the land as a non-resident. PEI should have programs to reduce or waive some fees and encourage islanders to return home.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Program to support Islanders moving home

  • Key Actions
    • reduce fees/property taxes

Respondent #181

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Forming a new municipality

  • Key Actions
    • I live in an area without local government but with a population and tax base that surpasses many existing island municipalities. I would like to see some effort to change this but don't know how to go about raising the issue in the community as there doesn't seem to be any community leaders to approach.

Why did you choose these priorities?

The communities are Bunbury, Mount Herbert, Mermaid, Johnstons River and Bethel. Together these unincorporated areas have a population that would rival many well established municipalities. There has been a lot of subdivision development in the area and there is also still farm land, natural areas including wetlands and shorelines. There is no sense of community in the area, no infrastructure other than roads and highway signage. There is no community centre, park or sports facility. Not a picnic table, bench or playground.  The Confederation Trail does however end in Mount Herbert. It just seems there is a lot of development and a large tax base in the area in comparison to other areas. It would be more ideal if there was local government here to help coordinate and plan the community's development and be able to apply and access funding like other areas are able to do.

Respondent #182

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Allowing large parcels to be bought up. Not keeping tabs on run down properties and absent owners allowing buildings to go to ruin and creating unsightly properties!

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Fair holdings for everyone

  • Key Actions
    • Legislation to address how only some can purchase large pieces of property

Priority #2 By-laws to be adhered to for permits etc.

  • Key Actions
    • Place building inspectors in key areas of the province for inspections

Priority #3 Clean up run down abandoned properties

  • Key Actions
    • Provincial government needs to get after absentee property owners or set fines if they don’t comply with a clean up order.

Why did you choose these priorities?

They are important to residents and the province overall

Respondent #183

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Far too many loopholes in place to allow corporate interests to amass far too much land.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Eliminate loopholes and provisions allowing corporations to hide behind shells to purchase and control additional land.

Priority #2 Stricter limits on the amount of land out of province residents can own.

Respondent #184

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Short term seasonal renting in residential subdivisions.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Limits on tourism accommodation rentals in residential areas.

  • Key Actions
    • Tourism PEI grants accommodation permits without confirming property has secured Change of Use approval from Planning. All properties within a residential subdivision should be required to secure a Change of Usage from Planning before granted accommodation permits from Tourism PEI.

Priority #2 Review process for tourism accommodation permits issued within residential areas.

  • Key Actions
    • Residents living nearby a seasonal tourism accommodation business should be granted a process whereby they can declare in advance of issuing a permit concerns about the impact of the operation on their quality of life.

Priority #3 Appeal process to IRAC for accommodation permits issued by Tourism PEI.

  • Key Actions
    • At present, an accommodation permit issued by Tourism PEI cannot be appealed. The mandate of the Island Regulatory and Appeal Commission should be expanded to provide it authority to review Tourism PEI accommodation permits.

Why did you choose these priorities?

As a full time resident in a residential subdivision, I have witnessed the friction caused by short term seasonal renting. Holiday renters and full time residents often find themselves at odds. At present, there is no recognition of the impact short term seasonal renting on PEI has on the quality of life for full time residents living nearby.

Respondent #185

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Enforcement and transparency are issues and access to farmland purchases by current and future farmers currently isn't prioritized.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 access to purchase for young, future and current family farms

  • Key Actions
    • Firstly, create a process that offers priority access to existing and young future farmers that are full time residents that will use it for agriculture.
    • potential land is identified (by means of regulation that no land is permitted to be sold that does not go through this process) and posted publicly: if sale does not already meet the criteria of being sold to an existing/future PEI farmer and resident.
    • a process of bidding so, if more than one person(s) is interested at the listed price; there is a fair public transparent means of selling agricultural land to a farmer.
    • if no one is interested and it is a very large holding a process to offer it to a group of existing farmers/future farmers to bid on parcels so long as total asking price is met and all of the parcels are sold this should not be an issue.  After this process, if it is not sold it can take the route it currently does providing that current rules are enforced.
    • Second action would be revise the current legislation so that rules around ownership reflect integrity of family homesteads and farms, the fabric and charm of our patchwork quilt of fields which support our Island way of life in a sustainable manner and enhances our tourism.  Thirdly we would need full government support from all parties to enforce these rules.

Priority #2 proper usage (crop rotations etc.) and right to use land for agriculture

  • Key Actions
    • we have the environmental farm plans and programs as a starting point but firstly soil fertility and soil tilth should be monitored by a program like Pro-Action where animal health is assessed and the farmer needs to have soil assessed and submit an action plan if soil is losing/or below certain target levels. Secondly, legislation which protects a farmers right to use farmland for agricultural purposes provided they follow sustainable practices. Thirdly all land that is currently being used for agriculture or used in the past for agriculture remain available for agriculture.

Priority #3 no absentee landowners if an islander wishes to purchase and farm the land.

  • Key Actions
    • This third priority is very much tied to the first two priorities and legislation is needed to give more legal rights and importance to sustainable agricultural land use ahead of land investment and speculation and development particularly from foreigners or corporations not controlled by permanent PEI residents. Secondly education and promotion of the overall contribution and importance of our farming families and rural communities to our Island way of life and long term autonomous future. third a way to showcase our agriculture success and connect to our culture and tourism.

Why did you choose these priorities?

My family farms and my ancestors have farmed here since the 1700's. I believe in maintaining control over our land use and it's ownership and I also strongly support those who want to grow food or raise livestock who contribute to the fabric and charm of our culture and our history. Future food security and promotion of our food island is important to me.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Not at this time

Respondent #186

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Special planning areas surrounding Charlottetown are oppressive and unnecessary.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protection of watercourses

  • Key Actions
    • Improving riparian/buffer zone enforcement. The legislation is in place, but there's too much that's slipping through the cracks or being allowed exceptions.

Priority #2 Protection of agricultural land in a sustainable way

  • Key Actions
    • removal of special planning zones as needed.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because they are affecting my community.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Private and commercial land should be treated with the same requirements within reason.

Respondent #188

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Not implementing the LPA

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Implementing the recommendations of the Horace Carver Report

  • Key Actions
    • The committee to oversee the implementation of the Act; one that meets every year

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

We must move away from the corporate industrial model of agriculture

Respondent #189

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Allowable amount of land owned by individuals and corporations.

Lack of governing around land clearing.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Control land clearing for agricultural use.

  • Key Actions
    • Determine the economic factors that are driving land clearing across the Province.
    • Offset those drivers if possible to discourage land clearing for the sake of increasing land value.
    • Require approval for land clearing over a certain acreage

Priority #2 Re-introduce reforestation strategies.

  • Key Actions
    • Require reforestation plans when individuals or entities are clearing forested areas over a certain acreage.
    • Have resources available to promote reforestation.
    • Incentivize reforestation through government programs.

Priority #3 Decrease the maximum allowable land acreage that individuals and entities can own.

  • Key Actions
    • Implement requirements for prioritizing soil quality and implement best management practices in order for individuals and entities to add land once over a certain acreage.
    • Set processes for land sharing and rental to govern family members individually owning land that is greater in sum that the maximum allowable land owned by a corporation.

Why did you choose these priorities?

It all comes down to the health of our soil. The proliferation of land clearing, enlarging of agricultural fields, and reduction of hedge rows is reducing our reservoirs of our healthiest soil. The water holding capacity that our wooded land and hedgerows provide by holding winter precipitation (snow) is removed as clearing occurs. Furthermore, the potential for soil erosion is greatly increased.  There are many best management practices promoted for farmers to increase soil quality and build water holding capacity, however no amount of soil building strategies can offset the losses that occur once erosion takes place. Years and years of soil building can be erased in one season when significant erosion occurs. It seems that land clearing is rampant and going un-checked, and there seem to be economic drivers promoting the activity. Cleared farmland is reaching very high valuations, meaning that you can buy woodland, pay the cost to clear it, and still double or triple your investment. It's unsustainable and it is not a positive path forward for building soil health on the Island.

Respondent #190

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

We don't practice land use planning on PEI.....

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 politicians must have political will to adopt policy

  • Key Actions
    • hire more professional planners
    • actually do land use planning
    • actually develop a provincial land use policy

Priority #2 enact the RPP Act

  • Key Actions
    • enact the act

Priority #3 protection resource lands

  • Key Actions
    • see above

Why did you choose these priorities?

this has been an issue for decades. It has been researched to ad nauseam. The public has already voiced their issues. See the Report of the Task Force on Land Use Policy.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Just get this done. We know what needs to be done. The political will needs to be there to do it.

Respondent #191

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

corporations and other entities (e.g., the Monks), acquiring excessive lands in violation of the letter and spirit of the LPA.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Ensure Island lands stay in the hands of Islanders

  • Key Actions
    • stricter residency requirements under LPA

Priority #2 Ensure corporations and other entities remain in compliance with the acreage limits set out in the Act and close loopholes that are being exploited

  • Key Actions
    • Diligent enforcement of violators of LPA acreage limits; tighten up provisions of LPA to make it more difficult to get around current acreage limits; Grant greater inspection powers to regulators so as to make getting around the legislation more difficult for potential violators

Priority #3 Overall good stewardship of our limited landmass

  • Key Actions
    • adopt the recommendations contained in Horace Carver's 2013 Review of the LPA

Why did you choose these priorities?

Clear that the spirit and the letter of LPA not being followed. Decisive action must be taken. Given limited landmass, this should be a top priority for Government.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Again, please adopt the recommendations in Carver's report. The groundwork has been laid, public support is there, just needs to be implemented.

Respondent #192

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

When living in a non-incorporated area, there is no 'bite' to the planning act - it makes it so the provincial government has to take action, and it is frustrating as there does not seem to be a drive to take action on identified issues.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Review the Planning Act for how issues will be dealt with in unincorporated communities

  • Key Actions
    • Review the Act with a clear reading of how issues will be dealt with for unincorporated areas, and see if there is a clear government strategy for this matter, other than "sue your neighbor"; identify employees / persons who could deal with minor issues, as not everything has to be 'you can't work it out? we're not taking any action, you'll have to sue them"

Priority #2 Greater clarity for the Lands Protection Act

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because it should not be up to the landowners to enforce the government legislation.

Respondent #193

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

The spirit and intent of the LPA is not being upheld. We need some kind of land commission to make a decision on land purchase applications, not the Executive Council where politics creeps in. Furthermore, if Executive Council is to continue making these decisions on purchase agreements, then IRAC's recommendation to Executive Council should be public information.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Keep the current land limits

Respondent #194

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Spirit and intent of the LPA is being ignored. Government knows the loopholes are there but refuses to do anything. Executive Council approves or rejects applications for land purchases. Maybe these decisions should be made by an independent body – take the politics out of it.  People with PEI addresses are purchasing all kinds of land but they are not farmers living on the land and farming it. Five acres should be the limit for such folks. What do they need any more acres for if they are not farmers?

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Keep the current land limits

  • Key Actions
    • No proof that greater land limits would mean more revenue for farmers. There is proof that huge industrial type farms do result in soil depletion. We need to help young farmers get established and this will not happen if large outfits amass large acreages. Processing firms should do the processing and farmers do the farming. Cavendish Farms should only have ten acres for test plot purposes. The jobs would be there on the farms and in the processing company but contract farmers would have some say in their industry unlike the current deplorable situation. Enforce the current LPA - if the political will is not there to do that now, how is it going to happen with a "modernized" Act? Current Act deals with interlocking corporations circumventing the Act. Stop the unabated cutting of woodland.  Make IRAC website and the Business Corporation registry much more user friendly.

Priority #2 Establish land bank with soil protection built in.

  • Key Actions
    • Run the land banking program through the Dept. of Agriculture and Lands - Transportation can buy the land if they wish but it should be run by Agriculture Dept. There should be no problem in obtaining land if the LPA was to be enforced - a good number of large outfits could be required to divest themselves of land in order to come into compliance with the LPA. It happened before! Soil protection should be a key component of the land banking program as outlined in the Arsenault report - that did not fly too well with Transportation Minister Myers. If we don't have our soil - we will have nothing.

Priority #3 Maintain the moratorium on high capacity wells and stop the continued digging of holding ponds and other systems of irrigation as per the motion that was passed in the Legislature recently.

  • Key Actions
    • Maintain the moratorium on high capacity wells and there is supposed to be a pause put on the digging of more holding ponds and other systems of irrigation. Has not happened yet even though motion went through Legislature to this effect. Institute programs to help farmers improve their soil. Encourage more livestock production to produce nutrition for the soil. If the soil is right, plants can withstand dry periods much better than depleted soil can. We only hear of some potato producers crying for irrigation but livestock farmers this year have reduced yields of hay and maybe a shortage of feed for the winter. What would happen to our water supply if all farmers put in irrigation systems? Much more ecologically and financially sustainable to look after the soil in the first place.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because we need to look after our land and water resources. Precious resources indeed.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

We don't need a "modernized" LPA. Enforce the one we have, follow up with recommendations of Mr. Carver. Stop people from buying more than five acres of farm land unless they agree to live on the land and farm it. No need to mix up the Planning Act with the LPA as it results in confusion. No need for more municipalities. We elect MLA's to govern. Restrict subdivisions on agricultural land.  We really need land zoning but I doubt if any government would touch that subject. Non farmers buying up land and then leasing it to farmers is not acceptable as there is no security for the farm family with that kind of situation.

Respondent #195

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Deep water wells and limited acreage ownership

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 ownership

  • Key Actions
    • move limit up, no ownership of land to foreigners who do not live here year round

Priority #2 deep water wells

  • Key Actions
    • access to full irrigation and identify nature preserve areas were no water can be pumped up for irrigation

Why did you choose these priorities?

It limits the development of agriculture / fast moving technical development

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

promote teach farmers how to develop more organic matter in soils to use as a water buffer.

develop drip irrigation to reserve water reserves

Respondent #196

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Farm irrigation

  • Key Actions
    • Do not allow large scale irrigation

Priority #2 Farm pesticides ie Roundup

  • Key Actions
    • Roundup kills the worms in the soil; how can you have productive farms without fertile soil? Large scale operations will eventually tape the land and leave it unusable .

Priority #3 Sub dividing farmland

  • Key Actions
    • Rules for subdividing are not consistent across PEI

Why did you choose these priorities?

I grew up on a farm and live in a farming community

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

It shouldn’t take years for government to do a survey and produce result

Respondent #197

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Too restrictive in the amount of land allowed to be owned.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Increase land ownership limits

  • Key Actions
    • Increase the land limits

Why did you choose these priorities?

This policy is unusually restrictive for PEI farmers.

Respondent #198

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Land should always be sold to the highest bidder. I believe in total free enterprise and there should be no restrictions on the acres you own. We as islanders can sell our land to whomever we like and if we feel strongly about not selling to outsiders just we have that right to sell cheaper to islanders and not sell to foreigners or Irvings.

Respondent #199

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protection of Water

  • Key Actions
    • Moratorium on deep water wells and water extraction. Protection of private wells and long term viability of access to drinking water

Priority #2 Access to public spaces for Islanders (such as beaches and Forests)

  • Key Actions
    • Ensuring there are ways to access beaches in PEI so that private land ownership doesn't exclude ability to beaches and public lands.

Priority #3 Off-Island ownership

  • Key Actions
    • Regulation to off Island land ownership. Steps to ensure that the people who live here year round own the majority of the property in PEI.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Long term ramifications if we don't. People need clean water in order to live here. Residents need access to public spaces in order to enjoy our province. The residents who live here year round should own the majority of the property in this province. It isn't a wealthy visitor's playground.

Respondent #203

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

  • Non-resident land ownership
  • Land use regulations
  • Fracking
  • Deep water wells for agriculture
  • Water quality
  • Topsoil loss with poor farming practices, e.g., potato fields without winter cover

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Non-resident ownership & development limits

  • Key Actions
    • IRAC more active in limiting development on farm land
    • NAPA Covenant to restrict cottage & other development
    • Farm support to keep young farmers

Priority #2 Fracking

  • Key Actions
    • Ban Water fracking
    • Monitor local water tables near large water reservoirs
    • Promote planting ground cover, small fields to retain land moisture

Priority #3 Crop rotation & winter crop cover

  • Key Actions
    • Farm crop subsidies to ensure viable operations
    • Young farmer grants for small farm holdings
    • Farm education in schools

Why did you choose these priorities?

Observation over time

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Land use is central to the survival of PEI especially given the Island history of absentee landlords & the Development Plan that 'sold' major sections of land for potatoes without sufficient crop rotation and land protection

Respondent #204

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Loopholes are being exploited.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 reduce massive ownership

  • Key Actions
    • tighten legislation

Priority #2 reduce BIG farming

  • Key Actions
    • follow the letter of the law

Priority #3 reduce not Islander/Canadian ownership

  • Key Actions
    • tighten legislation

Why did you choose these priorities?


Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

need to get politics out of this

Respondent #205

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Lack of irrigation

  • Key Actions
    • Lift the moratorium on deep water wells and holding ponds allow farmers to pump water out of brooks and streams to water crops as
    • long as the water levels are safe

Priority #2 Rotation act

  • Key Actions
    • The rotation act needs to allow farmers more flexibility to grow more cash crops

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because our farmers need these things to be sustainable and competitive with the rest of the country

Respondent #207

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protection of farm land

  • Key Actions
    • Limiting development of small lot properties in agricultural areas. Provincial oversight of municipal development plans housing development in city centres not on prime agricultural land.

Priority #2 Protection of normal farming practices

  • Key Actions
    • Municipalities to be informed and reacted on all actions which may affect agricultural production either directly or indirectly. More authority given to the farm practices review board. Special committee, office or ombudsperson under the Department Of Agriculture To handle disputes affecting agriculture production and building development near agricultural production.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Prime agricultural land is being lost to housing development which is also resulting in complaints targeting agricultural

Respondent #208

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

No protection of wet lands and farmlands against development pressure. Rural small lots are being developed with out enough land mass to ensure extra land should septic systems fail. Limited Rural Planning so that development is not following any specific regulation leading to conflicts with neighbouring properties i.e farming practices conflicting with nearby residential development.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Environment protection

  • Key Actions
    • larger lots in rural areas with no central servicing
    • development restrictions in wet lands and farm lands
    • Protection of the hedge rows in farming practices

Priority #2 addressing conflicting land uses

  • Key Actions
    • Island wide Planning policy with a vision as to guide future growth

Priority #3 Regulating development so as to protect the rural nature of the land

  • Key Actions
    • Designation of protected areas against development

Why did you choose these priorities?

I would like to maintain the rural character of the province and protect the environment.

Respondent #209

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Farm land is disappearing at an alarming rate due to housing construction and land grabs by department of environment making ridicules rules what that continuously enlarge buffer zones.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 stop selling farm able land to developers

Priority #2 close all loopholes in land protection act and force Cavendish to follow all the rules others have to abide by.  do away with all the exception they have enjoyed for years

Respondent #210

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

The land holdings are out dated and inconsistent

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 change holdings to reflect current agriculture

  • Key Actions
    • the farms are larger today and should not be governed by 30 year old limits

Priority #2 more transparent

  • Key Actions
    • rules keep changing

Priority #3 have laws in place to enforce what IRAC is trying to accomplish

  • Key Actions
    • very inconsistent with the current rulings

Why did you choose these priorities?

we have a family farm, with the current regulations it is difficult to know where we stand with IRAC

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or

The biggest challenge to modernize IRAC is the politics. There are too many people involved with Farm laws that have no vested interest and should not be driving the agenda

Respondent #211

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

  • Too much land remains unincorporated (outside municipalities and regulation through municipal planning). Unevenness in supports for local democratic decision-making and conflict resolution about land use goes hand in hand with this issue.
  • Regulation and policy related to climate change are not moving quickly enough to protect the land and are not coordinated closely enough with land legislation and regulations to address erosion, soil degradation, and effects of a changing and increasingly chaotic climate, such as drought and flooding that result from increased temperatures of land and water and more frequent extreme-weather events.
  • Large corporations still seem to find work-arounds so that they are able to own or functionally control larger amounts of land than under applicable law.
  • Prince Edward Island’s percentage of protected land (parks, nature reserves) continues to grow more slowly than it needs to grow if we are to reach targets. We have made some but not much progress since 2018 when PEI was found to protect less land per capita than any other province, according to the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society report card.
  • Mechanisms and resources to enforce protective legislation, policy, and regulations that are already in place.
  • Decisions about land use need to be more transparent to people in communities. It feels to people that decisions happen behind closed doors and under tables.
  • In the true spirit of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, diligence beyond a minimal adherence to the law needs to be paid to the duty to consult with Mi’kmaw rights-holders.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Access to land for diverse uses and purposes, including public land and spaces.

  • Key Actions
    • The first action required to ensure people have access to land for diverse uses and purposes (including food gathering/growing, permanent and temporary housing, transportation, and enjoyment of nature) is to integrate gender and diversity analysis into questions and decisions related to land. This analysis must address the longstanding inequalities that some groups have historically experienced. For example, Mi’kmaq and other Indigenous people, women, and children, have faced enforced legal and colonial limits on their ability to own property; while other groups have faced socio-economic barriers to land ownership (BIPOC, people with disabilities, people with low income, some newcomers to Canada who are less likely to have inherited local land). The Department of Agriculture and Land has made admirable public plans and commitments to increasing gender and diversity analysis in its processes; this needs to be more widespread.
    • The second action required to ensure people have access to land for diverse uses and purposes is to decrease priority on private land ownership and increase the amount and types of publicly owned land. As part of this it is important to make publicly held land available to a diversity of people for a variety of purposes: not only for nature conservation, but also for trails and traditional forage/harvest; not only for highways but for active transportation, in addition to access to shorelines and forests and wildlife areas; not only for parks and recreation but also for food production such as community gardening; not only for picnicking but also for temporary and permanent public housing. All requirements of the duty to consult Mi’kmaw rightsholders should be met, and the purposes of publicly owned land should be decided subject to a gender and diversity analysis.
    • The third action required to ensure people have access to land for diverse uses and purposes is to support women and gender minorities in land-use occupations and rural economic development planning, expanding on efforts such as the gender and diversity analysis and strategic planning undertaken in the Department of Agriculture and Land. The Premier’s Council on Economic Recovery and Growth for PEI’s development coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic will require a strong gender and diversity lens; we would see access to land for diverse uses and purposes for people of all genders and all backgrounds as a pillar of any effective economic recovery model.

Priority #2 Universal access to clean, drinkable water.

  • Key Actions
    • The first action required to ensure access to safe, clean, drinkable water is to evaluate, monitor, and measure all land-related activities for their effects on groundwater levels and seriously limit activities that risk depleting groundwater resources immediately or over time. For example, industrial potato processing requires water both for growing potatoes and water for processing. Potatoes are 80% water. For every kilogram of potatoes we export, we export 800g of fresh water. For this and other actions described here, analysis should include not only gender and diversity analysis but also measures based on independent data (not corporate-sponsored or industry-focused science) and local and traditional knowledge, including Mi’kmaw knowledge.
    • The second action to ensure access to clean, drinkable water is to adopt legislation and policy that prevent and address landbased activities with the potential to contaminate groundwater supplies. This includes strict regulation of land-use and close-to-landuse practices in all forms of agriculture and aquaculture: buffer zones, crop rotations, inputs including fertilizer and pesticides, and irrigation processes.
    • The third action to ensure access to clean, drinkable water is to reflect in legislation the clear understanding that drinking water is both essential infrastructure (for health and sanitation) and a human right. Water is a common resource, essential to survival, and not a commodity, and it must be protected from commodification.

Priority #3 Local democratic decision-making and conflict resolution related to land use

  • Key Actions
    • The first action required to enhance local democratic decision-making and conflict-resolution related to land use is to ensure that as much land as possible across PEI is incorporated in municipalities and that those municipalities have sufficient resources and support to engage citizens in effective democratic decision-making and conflict-resolution. It should be noted that social infrastructure, such as adequate basic income, access to affordable transportation/transit, and support for caregiving are all essential services that must be in place for residents to participate in democratic decision-making and the life of the community. Laws and bylaws around decision-making should privilege public information and decision-making in the public eye and restrict private deals or decisions and closed-door meetings.
    • The second action required to enhance local democratic decision-making and conflict-resolution is to support measures that increase the diversity of voices in decision-making. This may require examining and reducing barriers to gender parity on decision making bodies, advancing equity and inclusion to bring in other under-represented voices, and an intersectional lens to ensure that women and gender minorities who also belong to under-represented groups are systematically included.
    • The third action required to enhance local democratic decision-making and conflict-resolution is to provide adequate support, structure, and resources for provincial offices that manage and plan for unincorporated areas of the province. This should include meaningful support for equity and inclusion, public consultation, and conflict resolution in these groups. Increasing the transparency around decision-making for land use should be a measurable goal for the responsible provincial offices. A strong public sector dedicated to ensuring diverse voices can participate in decision-making about land-related issues is crucial to the health of land, sea, sky, and the human and non-human living beings in our ecosystem.

Why did you choose these priorities?

The priorities identified in this survey emerged from the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women’s past participation in land-use consultations and in Council publications such as Equality Report Cards (2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2018).  These views are consistent with the positions of the Advisory Council, which reflect consensus decision-making among women appointed to the Council by government with a legislated mandate (Advisory Council on the Status of Women Act) to advise government and educate the public on issues that are important to the status of PEI women.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Some of our comments align with recommendations of past commissions and reports on land-use in PEI; others are newer or were not reflected as strongly in past reports. Regardless, it is time for action rather than fresh consultations. While we are happy to have this opportunity to provide fresh input with a new set of Council members since the last time we were consulted on land-related policy and issues, we respected and continue to respect the process and findings of past land-use commissions and reports. We now would like to see action on their recommendations. We believe that the work completed on land use and planning over the past twenty (and more years) has been good work that needs to be enacted.

Respondent #212

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Conservation/Environmental preservation

  • Key Actions
    • Protecting larger swaths of land
    • Reforestation
    • promoting native planting

Priority #2 Sustainable Farming & Water Use

  • Key Actions
    • Restricting pesticide use
    • restricting urban water waste
    • Encourage local food purchase in food programs

Priority #3 Reducing Corporate & off island ownership

  • Key Actions
    • Land ownership caps

Respondent #213

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

The ability for large organizations to acquire farmland through backroom deals and skirting the laws by putting multiple people who have no interest in living here on the deed to acquire large farms and deprive small farmers who would actually provide benefit to the province.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Look at Irving and all subsidiaries land acquisitions

Priority #2 Stop deep wells and holding ponds

Priority #3 Deal with the gebs purchases

Why did you choose these priorities?

Make things easier for small family farms, if you’re handling out money, hand it to the little guys rather than the big guys.

Respondent #214

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

The spirit of land acre limit restrictions is not being respected, irac seems toothless. 2) Development on good agricultural land is rampant, unorganized with no long term plan.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 no more development on good farm land

  • Key Actions
    • Stop subdivisions in unincorporated communities, there needs to be a proper development strategy to protect farmland. Development needs to be more dense in cities and towns and not scatter throughout the countryside.

Priority #2 fair access to farm land... spirit of land limits need to be respected

  • Key Actions
    • Design legislation that forces respect of land ownership limits.

Priority #3 more restriction on row crops and minimum soil organic matter levels

  • Key Actions
    • Limit row crops, reduced tillage, increase cover crops

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because I care about land, It is a finite resource and hasn't been given the respect it deserves. Development is permanent and land is lost forever

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

This is not the first round of consultation on this topic, the lack of meaningful action is deeply concerning.

Respondent #215

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Corporate farms own and control too much land.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Decrease the amount of land corporations can own

  • Key Actions
    • Legislate and enforce allowable land limits

Priority #2 No irrigation of any kind

  • Key Actions
    • Legislate no irrigation

Priority #3 Decrease the amount of fertilizers and pesticides used

  • Key Actions
    • The use of fertilizers and pesticides must decrease. No fertilizers or pesticides used within 250 meters of any residence.

Why did you choose these priorities?

The path PEI is on now is not sustainable namely large potato farms are poisoning our air, water soil that is having negative health effects on human health.

Respondent #216

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Farms are too big with fields too big. No hedgerows no cover crops...poor soil and water quality are leading to an increase in chemical fertilizers and water use.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Reduce the size of fields

  • Key Actions
    • Legislation. Compensation. Education

Priority #2 Amount of land owned by corporations

  • Key Actions
    • Legislation. Compensation. Education

Priority #3 Crop rotation and planting cover crops

  • Key Actions
    • Legislation. Compensation. Education

Why did you choose these priorities?

Common sense...u just have to open your eyes to see the devastation. Coupled with the knowledge that politicians don't govern more than 8 years...why would they care about a future they won't be a part of.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?


Respondent #217

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Environmentally sound decision making

  • Key Actions
    • Protect our water, all of it. Protect wildlife habitats. Short and long-term implications of all decisions. Agendas that are not fueled by developers but by a vision of PEI as a model for environment decisions. Never should have allowed plastic bottles.

Priority #2 Appropriate residential zone that includes green space and active transportation

  • Key Actions
    • Trees removed for development MUST be replaced by developers. Active transportation includes sidewalks as part of development not after. Tiny homes as opposed to condos/apts etc. Give people space to live in connection with nature.

Priority #3 Sustainable agriculture

  • Key Actions
    • Watershed decisions, appropriate wells, sustainable farming / agri practices

Why did you choose these priorities?

Decisions are being made that are creating high-density housing without supporting green space. Farming is essential and needs to be sustainable. Land developers are driving the agendas versus public planning with a vision.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Respondent #218

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Acreage you are allowed to own; sale to off island buyers;

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Land ownership acreage

  • Key Actions
    • needs to be increased
    • this has been the same for years;
    • Restrictions cause farms to be inconsistent

Priority #2 Off island sales

  • Key Actions
    • Numbered companies interfering with family farms;

Priority #3 Inconsistent rulings

  • Key Actions
    • Different cases

Respondent #219

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Loopholes in the system

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 3000 corporation

  • Key Actions
    • Enforcement

Priority #2 1000 private

  • Key Actions
    • Enforcement

Priority #3 No more sales to the monks

  • Key Actions
    • Enforce 1 and 2

Why did you choose these priorities?

Important to all Islanders who farm

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?


Respondent #220

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

(1) Conflict between the LPA and the BDA enables corporations to skirt the LPA mandated land limits; and (2) there do not seem to be established principles or criteria governing land ownership/use, so that regardless of IRAC’s research based recommendations, Executive Council can rule/overrule with no requirement to explain/justify.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Keep agricultural land in agricultural production

  • Key Actions
    • (1) designate/classify agricultural land for agricultural use
    • (2) establish the promised Farmland Bank
    • (3) strengthen financial support programs for family farms.

Priority #2 Reduce (or eliminate) application of chemicals to improve/restore soil quality

  • Key Actions
    • (1) financial support for cultivation of organically grown crops
    • (2) financial support for storage and marketing of organically grown crops
    • (3) More stringent restrictions on growing pest and disease-prone potato varieties that require high water volume irrigation during their long growing season.

Priority #3 Limit field size/require wind rows

  • Key Actions
    • (1) Limit the size of unprotected acreage in active production
    • (2) require tree line borders around fields
    • (3) restore organic soil content to minimize wind erosion

Why did you choose these priorities?

I am horrified at the amount of dust in the air on any given windy day. I am baffled by successive government’s failure to support small farming operations and to encourage organic production. I don’t understand why, if feeding our population with fresh, nutritious, locally grown agricultural products were a priority, it would not be supported by progressive policies and programs aimed to improve not only production, but also marketing and distribution. P.E.I. really needs to recognize and embrace its unique position. We are small.  That is a good and enviable status. We need to stop trying to “play in the big leagues”. We need to stop allowing agricultural land to be converted to dustbowl conditions or hideous suburban sprawl.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Who will feed us when weak or unenforced legislation has minimized our agricultural land base and destroyed our soil quality?

Respondent #221

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

urban sprawl, watershed management, non-resident ownership

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 urban sprawl

Priority #2 watershed management

Priority #3 water management

Respondent #222

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Conservation

  • Key Actions
    • We can’t make more land.  reduce footprints of homes going up, reduce over harvesting of water and streams protect go green organic first

Priority #2 Stewardship

  • Key Actions
    • Help pass on land and farms to young people who want to farm with sustainable practices, promote sustainable and alternative practices to land

Priority #3 Environmental protection pollution

  • Key Actions
    • Legislation to protect land, and environment such as less pesticide use, restrictions on water table consumption, promote alternative tech such as solar, wind, and rain collection.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Please consult the public more.. it was very sad about the royalty oaks situation. I sent an letter to the provincial office and did not even receive an answer.. very sad about lack of public accountability.

Respondent #223

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Corporate monoculture in large farms is depleting the soils of carbon, and poisoning our waters.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Restore our soils and thereby requester carbon to fight against the climate crisis

  • Key Actions
    • Mandate a detailed third-party inventory of the Island's soils
    • Apply a punitive carbon tax to those who continue to extract carbon from their soils.
    • Give tax rebates or even grants to those who are sequestering carbon in their soils

Priority #2 Encourage mixed, sustainable farming to feed Islanders rather than giant off-Island corporations.

  • Key Actions
    • Enact enforceable restrictions on monoculture, encouraging the production of a well-balanced basket of local foods for a healthy population
    • Direct all governmental organizations and entities receiving government support to prioritize procurement on local foods.
    • Through the schools and media campaigns, educate the population on the benefits of purchasing and eating local food.

Priority #3 Restrict the size of farms, and support new family farmers.

  • Key Actions
    • Enact enforceable restrictions on the purchase of agricultural land. Close the loopholes.
    • Do a thorough, third-party inventory of land ownership, and where corporations or individuals have broken the law, seize the land and prosecute the lawbreakers.
    • Put the seized lands into a land trust or land bank to be offered to law-abiding farmers who will care for it and their neighbours, rather than shareholders.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because I love my adopted home on the Island and want it to be a healthier more prosperous home to future generations.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Not at this time.

Respondent #225

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

No comprehensive growth plan for the province to direct residential growth to urban areas and protect agricultural land.

Lack of priority for affordable housing

No action plan to address issues of climate change with rising sea levels and continuing coastal erosion.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Land Preservation

  • Key Actions
    • Establish Province-wide land use regulations that seek to preserve prime agricultural land from rural development.
    • Require municipal by-laws to establish maximum thresholds for subdivision (i.e. rural lot that is <80 acres can be approved for one (1) rural residential lot

Priority #2 Climate change

  • Key Actions
    • Recognize the threat of climate change and the need to preserve large land holdings and direct residential growth to settlement communities (village, town city)
    • Restrict heavy use of pesticides
    • Encourage more sustainable farming practices

Priority #3 Coastal Erosion

  • Key Actions
    • Establish minimum coastal buffers free of any development or agricultural activities.
    • Account for rising sea levels and establish minimum geodetic vertical datum CGVD28 for grade elevations on new development in close proximity to the shore.
    • Identify coastal areas of value that need additional protection

Why did you choose these priorities?

They are pivotal in protecting limited amount of land that is subjected to climate changes.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Any other policy recommendations that I will make will come through the Association of Planners.

Respondent #226

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Urban sprawl, construction of homes in middle of agricultural fields, clear cutting forests

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protection of existing natural areas

  • Key Actions
    • Protect more land under NAPA, 2. Payment for ecosystem services of natural areas, 3. Protection of natural infrastructure for Municipalities

Priority #2 Maintenance of agricultural land in agriculture (not developed)

  • Key Actions
    • Develop programs to keep ag land in ag (e.g. land bank for farmers to make land more affordable for ag producers),
    • Planning and zoning to prevent urban sprawl,
    • Focus on growth of natural areas instead of solely economic development.

Priority #3 Prevention of urban sprawl

  • Key Actions
    • See #2

Why did you choose these priorities?

I am very concerned with the small % of protected area on PEI, urban sprawl and clearcutting of forests (for more affordable ag land, other reasons)

Respondent #227

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

The spirit of the legislation is not enforced.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 healthy soil and safe sufficient water

  • Key Actions
    • a new vision for agriculture on PEI. We cannot continue the race to the bottom in terms of high yield/low prices. we have to seek alternative high value crops and value added opportunities.

Priority #2 affordable agricultural land for existing and new farmers

  • Key Actions
    • strict enforcement of the spirit of the legislation by brave and bold MLA's. The current gov't has been a major disappointment in terms of land and water protection - this survey is a good example of delay delay delay without taking any action.

Priority #3 aggressive infrastructure planning for climate change

  • Key Actions
    • No one has yet addressed the erosion issue on PEI even though we have heaps of quality information from the Climate Lab. We continue to pave roads but what happens with raising water levels - has their been a gap analysis and what action is being taken to address this?

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because healthy soil and water = healthy people. Because PEI is a small province and cannot compete with Idaho. Because I am frustrated with the lack of backbone and leadership in our gov to seriously address these issues.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

I don't think our gov officials know how seriously Islanders are looking for good leadership and change on the land and water questions.  Elections will be won and lost of this issue.

Respondent #228

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Foreign investors and giant companies buying huge tracts of land on PEI, sometimes in sneaky or underhanded ways to skirt current regulations.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 limit foreign buyers

  • More oversight into who is buying the land, strict regulations with no loopholes to be exploited, harsh repercussions for those found to have broken the rules.

Priority #2 limit acreage allowed by companies

  • Key Actions
    • In-depth research into owners of all large land transactions to see just who these people are and if they're involved in a larger group or corporation somehow. Harsh penalties for those found skirting the rules. Encouraging smaller, local farmers and young people wanting to buy farmland with grants, low-interest loans, REAL money to buy land rather than just business advice, meetings, workshops, and other ridiculous incubator nonsense where none of the money actually gets to the people who need it.

Priority #3 make land easier for young local people to buy

  • Key Actions
    • Actual money in the form of grants, loans, subsidies. Make it easy for local people, especially younger people, who want to start farming. For example: An easy, simple process for getting a 0% down or 5% down mortgage for land up to 100 acres, with an agreement that the land is to be farmed BY the owner(s).

Why did you choose these priorities?

I am a single mother of six young children, struggling to start a small farm, and faced huge hurdles in pirchasing my current property. I dream of purchasing the 25 acres next door, but could never hope to save up the $35,000 needed in cash, and as a small business owner in agriculture have only been met with brick walls when trying to find ways to finance the purchase. It's frustrating to think that at any time that land could be bought up by the large conglomerate that owns most of the land around me. And they likely won't even farm it or use it.

Respondent #229

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

The Lands Protection Act limits land holdings of agricultural corporations to 3,000 acres of land. However even though sales of land usually require the approval of cabinet, lands transferred in corporate sales are exempt from this requirement. If a corporation were purchased instead of a parcel of land, approval from the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission is not required. Loopholes or work-arounds by anyone, large or small is jeopardizing the integrity of the Lands Protection Act and its intent. This trend is also eroding and destabilizing the rural fabric, the agriculture industry and small farms/small businesses which make up the majority of the economy. It is more evident under pandemic conditions and unstable economies that these types of acquisitions will eliminate the small business/farm but also make it harder for a province or country to be able to keep food chains stabilized, resilient, moving and effective. The food chain and the related components need protection in the interest of the people. In agriculture, it appears the marketplace is being dominated by too few large corporations, removing competition and diversity. The island has a limited land base and an environmental fragility with the nature of soil. Increasingly farms are becoming incorporated and the LP Act needs to evolve with the reality and trends in the industry - more regular care taking of this Act and the machinery that relates to this issue is needed.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Broad and sweeping updates to the Act and machinery related to protecting the industry and farming

  • Key Actions
    • update the LP Act to include provisions to increase powers for government to have veto power. Update the Business Corporation Act and related Acts. Additional disclosure/transparency requirements, investigative and enforcement powers

Priority #2 No exemptions to the 3000 acre limit of land holdings - veto power to the people (government) if it is not in the best interest of the province

  • Key Actions
    • Proactive disclosure for all land transactions, more onus on seller and buyer to prove compliance that they fall within the requirements.
    • Penalties for not complying

Priority #3 Immediately phase in of reduction of existing land holdings to respect the 3000 acre limit

  • Key Actions
    • Get machinery in place, educate land owners of new rules and requirement to be 3000 acres or below, review landownership over 3000 acres and begin enforcement.

Why did you choose these priorities?

The Acts and machinery guide all business transactions and in order to enforce the intent of the rules, improvements in the foundation pieces are the only option.

Respondent #230

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

The spirit of the legislation is routinely broken by people finding taking advantage of loop holes.

  1. "One non resident can't own more than x acres". Corporations (You know the one!) routinely seem to be called out for implementing a rotating "ownership" list.
  2. Can't have deep water wells?.. Hmmm... OK we'll just create massive holding ponds
  3. The buffer zones around streams and waterfront is routinely ignored on private land.
  4. Water front, rural or urban should be protected for public use NOT for building in-fills... Especially in the city of Charlottetown.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protect the watersheds

  • Key Actions
    • Leaders who prosecute and disallow wrong things.
    • Create legislation that includes a "Gov't Veto" to say NO if something is clearly wrong... even if there is no specific rule to disallow it.
    • We need Gov't to have people just do the right thing for the environment.
    • So important now!

Priority #2 Protect the habitat of species dependent on the watershed estuaries and streams.

  • Key Actions
    • Stop land owners from poisoning the watersheds and implement an inspection program for stream management that has some teeth.

Priority #3 Protect public access to waterfront

Respondent #231

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 absentee owners and dilapidated homes

  • Key Actions
    • property standards - not allowing homes to fall down and be left for years. If taxes are in arrears, move forward within 5 years of foreclosure. if taxes paid have standards that must be kept. plan for out of province owners to rent properties with help within PEI.

Priority #2 Corporations, etc. owning land under multiple names

  • Key Actions
    • not allowing people who work in the same business to buy land abutted to each other and then the corporation uses the property for their business needs.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I live rural and see rising property costs for people to buy and lots of homes falling apart, properties being left to overgrow. Let’s use what we have to house the population.

Respondent #232

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Land protection rules can easily be circumvented

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protecting land from farm overuse

Priority #2 Stronger regulations to keep mass land sales out of large corporations hands

Priority #3 Farm land crop rotation/chemical regulation

Respondent #233

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Loopholes for large corporations and institutions to buy large acreages of land, exceeding those indicted in existing legislation.

Promotion and support in favour of industrial farming methods as opposed to support of smaller and more sustainable farms.

Little attention to maintaining vital organic matter in our soil.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Close loopholes for corporations and institutions for the purchase of acreages of land exceeding

  • Key Actions
    • Ensure the spirit of the Land Act is respected.
    • Close loopholes.
    • Support smaller farmers as opposed to corporate interests.

Priority #2 Maintain organic matter in our soil. Support for smaller, diverse, and organic farms.

  • Key Actions
    • See above.

Priority #3 Stop building unnecessary highways and roundabouts requiring expropriation of arable land.

  • Key Actions
    • When federal infrastructure dollars become available, don’t immediately plan a roundabout. PEI taxpayers are aware that this is not free money, and we pay a large portion. Do act in the interests of Islanders and not just road building companies who support political parties.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because I have been holding these views through many successive governments and during Horace Carver’s development of the Land Act.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Act.  The information and input has been there for years! Just do it.

Respondent #234

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

large corporations taken over the land

Respondent #235

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

The legislation and policy are not enforced.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Strengthen and enforce the legislation in place.

Priority #2 No deep water wells or ponds that fill in as wells. None.

Priority #3 Enforce rules around buffer zones and grade of land farmed. Our water depends on this. Actually fine offenders.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because they should be easy to enforce. The rules are there, strengthen them and use them.

Respondent #237

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Coastal protection

  • Key Actions
    • Develop a coastal protection act similar to what was done in Nova Scotia.
    • Create a moratorium on construction in low lying and sensitive areas
    • Work with insurance providers to stop insuring projects in low lying areas

Priority #2 Public access to shore and to vistas

  • Key Actions
    • Restrict construction that blocks public views from public roadways.
    • Maintain and expand public access to shores
    • Rezone areas to protect viewscapes

Priority #3 Affordability of land for residents

  • Key Actions
    • Subsidies for resident, small farmers.
    • Property taxes should relate to income as well as property value so people don’t get taxed out of their own communities.
    • Supports for people who maintain green spaces and native forests.

Why did you choose these priorities?

They are of urgent environmental concerns.

They impact the quality of life of islanders and the future of healthy communities.

Respondent #238

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

needs to be tighter limits on ownership of land that are legally enforceable without lengthy legal battles and loopholes.  Land use and planning needs to be seen in broader context of multi governmental departments including transportation, agriculture, municipal development and planning, etc with an emphasis on sound planning with respect to air, water and soil quality.

the need to reduce C02 emissions in all planning needs to take priority in order to reduce and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 clear legal limits on land ownership that reduce the amount of land that can be owned by an individual or corporation

  • Key Actions
    • clear legally binding legislation should be drafted with public input within 6 months.
    • drafted legislation should be publicly reviewed within 9 months
    • final legislation should be introduced in the legislature and passed with 12 to 18 months.

Priority #2 emphasize good stewardship of air, land and water in policing and planning such as improving soil fertility, reducing impacts of agricultural practices that are detrimental to nature and humans

  • Key Actions
    • more government support for sustainable farm practices such as improving soil fertility, reducing water and nutrient run-off
    • enforcement of water, air and soil regulations that protect against fish kills, soil erosion and poor air, water and soil quality.
    • promote the reduction of C02 in farm operations.

Priority #3 include climate change regulations and planning into all decisions regarding land use, plan communities so that space is conserved and resources such as energy, water, sewage, are best utilized and accessible to a wide range of people including those with lower and fixed incomes

  • Key Actions
    • realign government decision-making so that climate change is a priority in all governmental departments and integrated into all planning decisions.

Why did you choose these priorities?

It is critical to be forward thinking about the impacts of climate change on the health and well-being of Islanders and the precious Island that we cherish. As well, the recognition that we are in a global changing demographic that is bringing many outside economic and cultural influences that are already having significant negative impacts on access to land and in maintaining an equitable distribution of the Islands resources. These influxes are also going to limit future choices unless they are dealt with now. We need to be forthright and visionary to protect and preserve this beautiful Island and the values of fairness and sharing that are critical to our future.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

This has been and will continue to be an ongoing political hot potato and it will take a determined and diligent effort by all concerned to try and build a consensus on these critical issues but there is no question we must move forward with the best legislation that we can muster.

Respondent #239

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Right to farm

farm land being used for non farm purposes

difficulties in farm land transfers

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 water act regulations

Priority #2 right to farm leg needed

Respondent #240

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Loopholes in land ownership regulations, and land use

Run off from construction sites

Depletion of soil through monoculture

Not protecting agricultural land

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Soil quality

  • Key Actions
    • Support biodiversity and reduce monoculture industries
    • Reward increased levels of organic matter in agricultural land
    • Address the influence of the Irvings

Priority #2 Land ownership by large corporate interests

  • Key Actions
    • Enforce land ownership laws and regulations
    • Name shareholders
    • Create a Land Bank

Priority #3 Protection of natural habitats and waterways

  • Key Actions
    • Establish legacy incentives for private owners to turn and over to Nature trust
    • Support the Nature Trust

Why did you choose these priorities?

We are not caring for our Island - It's soil and water and the local farmers, growers, and markets who will create more sustainable agriculture and land use.

Respondent #241

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Too many loopholes

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Limit non residents from buying land

  • Key Actions
    • Legislation, community buy in, awareness

Priority #2 Limit amount of land a company can own

  • Key Actions
    • Legislation, enforcement, consequences

Priority #3 Disallow owners of waterfront from preventing access to Water

  • Key Actions
    • Legislation, awareness

Why did you choose these priorities?

They are important to me

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Too many loopholes

Respondent #242

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

I am not sure I would call it a "loop hole" but measures should be put in place to keep organizations like the Monks who have thousands of people from buying up good farm land and doing nothing with it. Then when large farms/corporations try to buy land they are called out on it.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 limit off island group ownership

  • Key Actions
    • research.  find out who the group religious or otherwise is.
    • What are their plans with the
    • remember they don't create long term employment they just pay taxes and likely not double tax either.

Priority #2 let family / corporation farms expand

  • Key Actions
    • Lighten up restrictions for what we are allow to is the family farm that keeps the island going .

Why did you choose these priorities?

This is what I see and hear from my people.

Respondent #243

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Land holding restraints and loopholes

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 loopholes for large companies

  • Key Actions
    • close the loopholes
    • adhere to the law

Priority #2 small land limits for family farms

  • Key Actions
    • Should be able to get full credit towards land holding capacity when leasing land out. Acre for acre. All acres

Why did you choose these priorities?

Corporations buying land in our area and locals have no chance to buy land.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Land that was bought from the community should have a chance to go back to the community

Respondent #245

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

The province lacks a land use plan and vision.

Without this, the province has had to develop various pieces of stop-gap measures such as Special Planning Areas, Land Protection Act etc.  The issues have been well studied over the decades

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Consistent land use planning and zoning

  • Key Actions
    • For the province to set the over-arching vision by reviewing the past work on land use, consult with residents and present a plan
    • For the province to determine whether a municipality has the capacity and expertise to be responsible for local official planning

Priority #2 Special Planning Areas

  • Key Actions
    • I understand SPA's were meant to be short term measures so they need to be reviewed, are they applicable and appropriate in today's context.
    • A jurisdictional scan to identify more modern approaches.

Priority #3 Protection of resource land and access to our Shorelines

  • Key Actions
    • We need to support our agriculture, forestry and seafood industries. With the increasing development pressure, these industries are increasingly coming into conflict.
    • The province has to clearly identify land use zones, review taxation policy and develop a strong communication strategy to educate residents.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Our land mass is under pressure, many of our tools (legislation) are not equipped to handle the issues of the day.  We are seeing the benefits of increased population but struggling with how to appropriately deal with development pressures.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

It will be important moving forward that we consider the impacts of climate change and how that will impact our coastal zones, forestry and agriculture practices.  PEI can most likely learn from other jurisdictions about the ramification of not looking forward when it comes to development in areas of our land mass where climate change will have impacts.

Respondent #246

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

As it stands today the Land Protection Act is not effective in preventing non-residents from acquiring more than the maximum land (5 acres) and shore front (165 feet) allowed. Since land gifted between family members is exempt from the limits, non-residents are simply adding relatives to the deeds and later having them gift the land back to them.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protecting land ownership for Islanders

  • Key Actions
    • The provision allowing gifted land between family members to be exempt from limits, needs to be reviewed and removed. This provision is being abused and is preventing the Land Protection Act from achieving it's purpose which is "to provide for the regulation of property rights in Prince Edward Island, especially the amount of land that may be held by a person or corporation".

Respondent #247

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Too many loopholes. Vanco. Irving’s. Monks own too much land

Respondent #248

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Special planning act has greatly suppressed development in my community, while provincial and urban approved projects get approval in the community. The MGA continually puts more responsibility on smaller communities who operate with volunteer councils.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Removal of the special planning act affecting communities surrounding Charlottetown

  • Key Actions
    • Consult with affected communities
    • Community representative on planning committees

Priority #2 More amalgamation of smaller rural communities

  • Key Actions
    • Present benefits of amalgamation to communities struggling to meet the MGA.

Priority #3 Keeping property affordable for residents and farm operations

  • Key Actions
    • Limit foreign ownership
    • Immigration has inflated prices

Why did you choose these priorities?

Continually seeing the affects these priorities are having on island communities

Respondent #249

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

lack of adequate control over corporate acquisitions; lack of adequate protection for forested lands, dunes, wetlands and other sensitive areas; lack of adequate protection and conservation of agricultural land; too much uncontrolled sprawl along rural roads; rural taxpayers not contributing to the tax base of incorporated small towns and villages that provide them with services.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 keep agricultural land healthy and available/affordable for young people, organic farmers, market gardeners

  • Key Actions
    • land bank, tighter restrictions on off-island and corporate ownership, stop rural sprawl

Priority #2 include all land in regional municipalities with locally developed land use plans

  • Key Actions
    • honour the intent and recommendation of the last land use commission; develop capacity to conduct comprehensive and inclusive land use planning that considers climate change and associated threats; revise the municipalities act to make it more democratic and environmentally sound

Priority #3 stop allowing and subsidizing the Irving's land grab and abuse of farmland

  • Key Actions
    • Enforce land use regulations and plug the loopholes; prosecute Irving corps for their blatant disregard of the law; legislate minimum soil tilth and prohibit row crops on any land that fails to meet minimum standards for water retention.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I am extremely concerned that we are totally unprepared for the impacts of our changing climate

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Implement the recommendations of the decades of land use commissions

Respondent #250

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 land holdings

  • Key Actions
    • Flexibility for Family farms

Priority #2 succession Farms to the next Generation

  • Key Actions
    • In the case of a family death can cause hardship to existing family farms

Priority #3 Water rights

  • Key Actions
    • Climate change are putting farms at risk because of lack of moisture

Why did you choose these priorities?

Agriculture has been my life's work and passion

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Agriculture is the back-bone of the Island economy we need to avoid laws that make it more difficult for farmers to survive

Respondent #251

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Limit on acreage and fairness

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Typical farmer require more land

  • Key Actions
    • Raise the limit to 2,000 acres based on a single person

Priority #2 Cavendish Farms still has intentions above the limit

  • Key Actions
    • For transparency, farmers need to know what Cavendish's limit is for fairness

Why did you choose these priorities?

Both are top priorities

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?


Respondent #252

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 land ownership limits

  • Key Actions
    • I agree with the Act, but maybe the individual land limits could be increased to allow for modern sized family farms.

Priority #2 enforcement of the Act

  • Key Actions
    • Not fair that large corporations are able to exceed their land limits, and no enforcement is happening to prevent or correct

Why did you choose these priorities?

These are only suggestions as the current legislation is acceptable, however the legislation should be better enforced

Respondent #253

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

use of sea food waste; high capacity wells; acreage limits

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Acreage

  • Key Actions
    • do not change limits

Priority #2 Wells

  • Key Actions
    • do not allow for intensive irrigation

Priority #3 sea waste

  • Key Actions
    • there are no guidelines to follow and people are being subjected to awful odours when used without consideration for others

Why did you choose these priorities?

land limits are high enough,2-- We don't have another source of water we have to protect our supply,3--There are guidelines for agriculture waste but none for sea waste

Respondent #254

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Purpose and explanation of Non-Essential Highways as they relate to land development policy

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Non-Essential Highways

  • Key Actions
    • Answer - Purpose of non-essential highways designation
    • Answer - How does the province make use of or take into account "non-essential highways" for land development...e.g. sub division applications
    • Answer - Is there time sensitivity in relation to non-essential highways for situations where the designated non-essential highway has become farmland or wooded land for decades or longer?

Why did you choose these priorities?

There are potential non-essential highways in my municipality (we do not have a land use bylaw/policy) and if land development permit requests occur there may be a negative impact. Ref: EC2009-137

Respondent #255

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Over development-open spaces being used for development

I used to live on Cape Cod and over the last 30+ years I experienced a beautiful rural area of farmers and fishers become a seasonal community. Where once were farms scattered about to a handful existing today. Farmland bought for recreational and tourism Indus.  Access to nearby beaches restricted. Working class families not having access to beaches.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Environmental impact

  • Key Actions
    • Protect waterways and drinking waters
    • Awareness of erosion
    • Low impact of development of land in building

Priority #2 Fair housing

  • Key Actions
    • Building Affordable housing
    • When a building owner builds a compound set number of units at lower rent

Priority #3 Open spaces

  • Key Actions
    • Limit amount of buildable land in a ratio Of 1-3
    • 1 part units and 2/3 open space
    • Accessibility to beaches
    • Cutting down on land becoming private beach

Why did you choose these priorities?

These priorities are directly related to my quality of life and the quality of life for my descendants

Respondent #260

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protecting natural areas from development

  • Key Actions
    • More info available to inform the public of these areas and how special they are
    • Expanding crown protection of these areas
    • Purchasing more of these areas on behalf of islanders

Priority #2 Clear cutting forested areas

  • Key Actions
    • Stop allowing companies to bulldoze through these swatches of land
    • Select cutting only
    • Stop cutting on slopes of land that border streams, Brooks, etc.

Priority #3 Large parcels of land being owned by corporations and out of province buyers.

  • Key Actions
    • Careful scrutiny of proposed land sales making sure an individual and/or corporation is not able to buy large parcels of land using different names.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I see a lot of trees being cut down. I see a lot of urban sprawl happening particularly in Stratford and Charlottetown

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

More signage, fines for dumping garbage, littering along roadways. Dept of highways needs to take more pride when trimming along roadways. The machines used now massacre the trees along the ditches. Garbage is simply mowed over instead of being picked up.

Respondent #261

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

The spirit of the LPA is being violated routinely.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Honour the spirit of the Act which was created to prevent monopolization and industrial farming.

  • Key Actions
    • Close the loopholes in the Act
    • Promote small-scale agriculture aggressively
    • This of course is all a waste of time if there is no political will to change farming on the Island, and I don't see it.

Priority #2 The Island needs to move as swiftly as possible in the direction of regenerative and organic is the future.

  • Key Actions
    • Creation of a land bank that can make land available to new small-scale farmers.
    • Aggressive recruitment of new farmers...the time is ripe for that. Covid has many around the world dreaming of a new beginning on the land.

Priority #3 Stop accommodating Cavendish Farms...they represent the worst of industrial agricultural and have an indisputable record of exploitation and environmental heedlessness.

  • Key Actions
    • Just send out the clear signal that PEI is moving away from industrial agriculture...and start talking about alternative employment for those presently working for Cavendish Farms.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because in my opinion the very political self-determination of the Island is being threatened by present trends.

Respondent #262

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Individuals finding ways to own more than their legal allotment of land by using loopholes in legislation. (Forming new corporations but at the end of the day it is the same family)

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Property owners should be buffered by the chemicals sprayed on crops by 100 M buffer zones. If the field next to my property is going to have pesticide, insecticide, herbicide, or fungicides applies to it, my property should be buffered to prevent the spray from drifting in to my land, my clothes out on the line, my garden, my deck chairs, my pets, etc. It is unfair to rural property owners not to have buffer zones between sprayed fields and private property. If the grower wants to use chemicals they have to stay 100M away from anyone else’s property.

  • Key Actions
    • Introduce new buffer zone legislation to protect private property owners from chemical drift.
    • Continue the “hedgerows program” so when the private property buffer zone gets implemented, the chemical using growers/farmers can plant trees in those buffer zones.
    • Ban Glyphosate from being used on PEI. There is too much of it being used and recent court cases have found it to be the cause of some cancers. Eliminate the potential for drift of this toxic substance onto private property.

Priority #2 Water must not be exploited by the potato industry. We can live without French fries but we can not live without water. Time for the Potato Board to promote crop diversification and get away from late season variety potatoes. The Island government must say no to potato irrigation even if the potato board claims the science backs up their demands to lift the moratorium on deep water wells. Other big water users should be regulated too: cruise ships, fish farms, potato washing plants, and any other businesses that draw massive volumes of water. Meter them, make them pay once they go over an established amount. Put those funds into science and research on how protected our water supply is.

  • Key Actions
    • Do not lift the moratorium on deep water wells.
    • Get the Water Act finalized including the regulations and ban holding ponds (aka loopholes).
    • Do not give in to the Irvings or the potato board demands for access to our drinking water for irrigation.

Priority #3 Enforce the legislation and close the loopholes that greedy people and corporations use to acquire more than they are allowed. Just enforce the law, don’t allow rich people to buy government favours, just enforce the law and where needed, write it more clearly and reduce interpretations.

  • Key Actions
    • Close the loopholes in the Lands Protection Act.
    • Buy small farms and “lease to own” them to veggie/fruit growers who can’t afford to buy the land. Encourage small scale farming and ownership with low interest lease rates.
    • Say no to potato growers who tell you the land ownership limits are too low and try to reduce potato acreage while trying to improve diversification of crops. See #2 for who would grow the diverse crops.

Why did you choose these priorities?

I feel strongly that we are compromising the health of Islanders by having so many chemicals applied to the land which enters the air, soil, and water.

I feel strongly that water must be protected and preserved for our future and for those generations to come.

I feel strongly that people with money and a lawyer can get what they want and their greed threatens our Island way of life.

Respondent #263

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

  • need for increased transparency of ownership
  • need for much greater emphasis on stewardship, sustainability and adherence to concept of precautionary principle

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Ban clearcutting

  • Key Actions
    • 1, 2 and 3: In forest policy all practices should be in accordance with the precautionary principle as described in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Clearcutting under any circumstance is in clear contravention of this principle. Companies which rely on the practice of clearcutting must be forced to alter their behaviour or shut down.

Priority #2 encourage private woodlot owners to adopt techniques of partial harvesting

  • Key Actions
    • Incentivize hardwood planting and regeneration.
    • Promote value-added forest products
    • Amend the Building Code to ensure that PEI homes and buildings are built out of PEI wood.

Priority #3 Improve PEI soil quality

  • Key Actions
    • Establish and enforce minimum standards for soil nutrients and organic matter.
    • Enforce adequate crop rotation and more strictly enforce rules regarding row crops on tilted fields
    • Find a way to cut down on chemical inputs in farming, including discouraging growth of crops that require excessive chemical input.

Why did you choose these priorities?

My main concern is with forestry. I own two woodlots, both of which have been badly damaged by clearcuts and subsequent coniferous forest plantations. There are so few truly mature trees on PEI that I have come to think of this province as an island of saplings, the vast majority of which are short-lived white spruce. I would direct you to an excellent overview of this problem by naturalist Bob Bancroft, "Forest Plantations Defy Science", published in the Guardian.

Respondent #266

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Low levels of soil organic material, overuse of pesticides and fertilizers, especially on slopes and near watercourses, poor enforcement of crop rotation, spraying on windy days, irrigation for field crops, especially potatoes in what is essentially dead soil.


What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Strict ownership limits

  • Key Actions
    • Limits must be tightened and enforced. For the Department to say it's impossible to check shareholder ledgers is outright manure.
    • Every company must keep records for seven years and the shareholder ledger is legally requires to be kept in the corporate book.

Priority #2 Restrictions on water use.

  • Key Actions
    • Irrigation of potatoes must stop. It is essentially, pumping ancient clean water from our shared aquifer, poisoning it and letting it evaporate. Without organic material in the soil to hold moisture this is a risk to our entire province. As we deplete the aquifer and sea levels increase we are risking salt water intrusion.

Priority #3 Minimum soil organic material levels

  • Key Actions
    • Organic materials sort not just water but carbon in our soils. PEI soils have been steadily declining to the point where many fields are just sand. At this rate of decline we will lose our capacity to grow food in two generations.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Land, water and carbon capture?  If these are not your priorities then you have no concern for the future and shouldn't be in government or agriculture.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

The Department of Environment needs a clean sweep of senior bureaucrats who refuse to acknowledge the harms they're causing and the Department of Agriculture needs to focus on sustainable practices rather than what Irving and the Potato Board want, which is complete destruction of our air, water and soil for short term gain.

Respondent #267

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

The loss of biodiversity, lowering of water tables and exhaustion of the soil are all related to the policies of the last four or five decades which aimed to "modernize" farming and forestry by destroying rural communities in favour of large-scale corporate agricultural practice.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 conservation of diverse woodlands

  • Key Actions
    • End monocultural reforestation in favour of mixed plantings.
    • End cutting of woodlots for "biomass."
    • Legislate protection for existing natural forest areas.

Priority #2 move towards sustainable agricultural practices.

  • Key Actions
    • Encourage small-scale mixed farming with incentives to young farm families.
    • Stricter regulation of chemical herbicides and pesticides and incentives to sustainable organic practices.
    • Limits on field sizes to reduce erosion and soil degradation.

Priority #3 ownership and use

  • Key Actions
    • Restrictions on corporate ownership/control.
    • Incentives to young people to acquire small mixed farms.
    • Strengthen rural communities through better access to health services, smaller community-based schools, equipment pools.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Without healthy woodlots the water tables are unsustainable - see: Eastern Kings County with massive clear-cuts and dry wells.

The once-rich soil of Island farms is becoming sterile and lifeless.

Corporations which often look no farther than quarterly profit reports have proven themselves to be inadequate stewards of the future of our heritage.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

would also like to see a guarantee to traditional access routes to shoreland.

Respondent #269

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

PEI’s environmental health is being compromised by our current land- use, legislation and policy.

Farms are getting larger, forests are being lost, habitats are being destroyed and fragmented, and water resources are being compromised.

There are loop-holes which means larger corporations or holding companies can hold and/or manage more land than outlined in the Acts.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protection of our water resources

  • Key Actions
    • Provide increased buffer zones for riparian and environmentally significant areas (e.g., 60 m buffer zone)
    • Determine important groundwater recharge/discharge areas and protect these from development and land-use pressures, enact the Water Act
    • Involve watershed groups and watershed management plans in land-use planning processes.

Priority #2 Stop converting forests to agriculture and/or other Development

  • Key Actions
    • Protect and restore old-growth mixed stand Acadian forest on PEI. These forests provide numerous ecological services including: carbon storage sequestration, habitat for wildlife, water and air filtration, soil building, and spiritual connection for PEI residents. Ecologically, old field white spruce stands are not equivalent to deciduous mixed stand Acadian Forest.
    • Ensure connectivity between forest stands and reduce habitat fragmentation. Plan development to use existing roads and discourage activities that divide existing forested areas.
    • Encourage re-planting and re-forestation using a mix of native Acadian species. Encourage habitat rehabilitation of existing forests to improve habitat resiliency.

Priority #3 Encourage sustainable agriculture and development practices across PEI

  • Key Actions
    • Enact policies and programs to encourage mixed crop farms and discourage intensive mono-cropping operations.
    • Include a climate change lens on all policies, programs and actions
    • Include more transparency about land-holdings as outlined in the Carver Report.

Why did you choose these priorities?

The environmental health of our island is threatened. PEI ecological issues include (but are not limited to): decreased amounts of forested landscape, poor water quality in streams and groundwater, decreased amounts of groundwater, sedimentation of watercourses, decreased soil quality, loss and fragmentation of important wildlife habitat areas, damaged environmentally sensitive areas, loss of native biodiversity, anoxic estuaries, and significant coastal erosion.  We are connected to our ecosystems and environmental issues put a strain on the entire PEI population and economy. Farmers are under pressure to increase yields often causing immense strain on rural economies and local environments. Farms and fields are getting bigger.  Climate Change is further complicating these issues. We need to be pro-active in our land-use decisions as healthy environments are the most resilient to climate change impacts.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Watershed groups are intrinsically linked to their management areas, they work with local stakeholders to find solutions to environmental issues. If we deal with the priorities we listed, we will help our watershed groups achieve their goals and ultimately improve PEI’s overall ecological health. Watershed groups should be active participants in the land-use planning and management

Respondent #270

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protection of natural spaces and shoreline

  • Key Actions
    • Develop legislation on the construction of houses too close to the shoreline, which accelerates erosion. See example of the French legislation on shoreline protection.
    • Implement actions for protection and awareness of erosion.

Respondent #271

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

The main issues relate to the lack of clear objectives on the part of provincial government as it relates to land protection and planning and the need for effective communication and implementation strategies required to assure measures of standardization across the province.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 The need to protect existing farmland and forest in order that land remains affordable for existing farmers and young Islanders wishing to farm the land in the future.

  • Key Actions
    • Government must set clear objectives for the whole province as it relates to protection of farm and forest land
    • Government legislation on land use and protection of farm and forestry land must be firm and engaging for all Islanders.
    • Government must develop clear guidelines for everyone involved in decision-making to follow.

Priority #2 The need for government to have a clear plan of actions with clear objectives and necessary guidelines to drive the action required.

  • Key Actions
    • Provincial government must prepare a clear plan of action to address issues and implement required strategies to achieve its objectives.
    • Government must seek community input and subsequent engagement to address local needs and problems.
    • Plan for information and education sessions for residents and farmers on ways and means to address new measures needed.

Priority #3 Government must provide communities with mechanisms and resources to assure continued input, and control over local decisions and actions.

  • Key Actions
    • Government must work with existing municipal governments to implement plans in their own communities.
    • Government must address the need for local government to deal with implementation in the non-incorporated areas which account for 90% of the land base of the Island.
    • Government must provide all communities with the necessary resources to assure continued input, and control over local decisions and actions.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Much time and resources have been spent to consult Islanders on this issue however governments seem to lack the will to implement strong strategies and actions that would guide the province in the future. The focus of this consultation must be on implementation of actions that will be sustainable in the future for the betterment of all those involved in farming and for all residents.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Elected officials need to plan the way for all communities but should, in the long run, empower communities to deal with land protection and use issues.

Respondent #272

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

(see issues as noted in the Priorities, Actions and Reasons (why) and Other Comments sections below.)

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protection and organization of agricultural land for agriculture for the "public good"

  • Key Actions
    • need adequate enabling legislation to allow municipalities and regions to manage their circumstances locally, rather than the provincial government constantly stepping in e.g. development cost charges to support costs of growth
    • need provincial land use regulations Island-wide and Statements of Provincial Interest(s) in Land Use; land use designation Islandwide because Islanders deserve quality in our development standards

Priority #2 Sustainable and Resilient patterns of all land uses and development/settlement

  • Key Actions
    • Statements of Provincial Interest in Land Use, land use plans and development control (setting minimum standards) regulations are needed to create sustainable patterns (of lots & land uses) which preserve functionality (e.g. safe and efficient transportation networks, viable regional service centres, clean drinking water, adequate supply, form diversity and affordability of housing, etc.)
    • Balance is missing across the province; only 10% of PEI's land mass is under transparent governance through municipal planning and land use. Needed: fairness, transparency and accountability for land development process and standards inside and outside of the 29 municipalities with authority for local land use planning. Needed: some form of local accountability/information for provincial decisions about controlling subdividing and development of land and buildings in the local communities that they affect. At this time, Provincial Planning section of the provincial government implements development control regulations only for 90% of the provincial land mass (i.e. all unincorporated areas and 34 non-planning municipalities). Regulations guiding land use and development for 90% of the PEI's land need to include robust and transparent land use designations or zones, and policies and minimum standards to guide future land use and development.
    • there is a province-wide importance to protecting the sustainability of Greater Charlottetown (and Greater Summerside) major urban centre – with adequate land use planning and financed infrastructure capable of attracting and viably supporting public transit, hospitals, university, transportation networks for all forms of transportation, cruise-ship worthy port, etc. . It is important that the Special Planning Areas regulations not be lifted until another robust system is in place.

Priority #3 Protection of waterfronts (river, ocean) – public access, use, viewscapes, scenic beauty that supports quality of life and tourism.

  • Key Actions
    • rural cluster areas with proper infrastructure need to be identified and supported to provide environmental, economic, and social sustainability for an increasingly culturally and demographically diverse population; some things require an urban centre to be viable (locating industrial park out O'Leary as a political compromise to a land use issue created a non-viable industrial park)
    • Need to add teeth to environmental regulation because of Ministerial exemption clauses ; if creating the rules are done in an open/consultative process, the Ministerial(political) exemptions should also be open/transparent process. E.g. environmental permits to allow clearance of wetlands and forested lands to create views on non-compliant existing small seasonal residential lots
    • address the communication silos between departments at the provincial level, political and at technical and operational levels and with stakeholders groups. Causes inefficient duplication and confusion

Why did you choose these priorities?

  • "public good; requires balancing – rather than 'reacting' to the wishes of individual private property owners and immediate private market forces, BUT consider the longer term future and weight considerations like social networks, census data trends, road networks etc. that see and value the broader community and land
  • need to recognize that all land uses have value - urban development, residential, rural residential, commercial, industrial, excavation pits, travel trailer parks, vulnerable natural areas, urban cores, inter-provincial and inter-community transportation networks, economic activities, etc. – and so need to identify and prioritize all uses in order to protect agricultural land uses
  • there is a province-wide importance to protecting the sustainability of Greater Charlottetown (and Greater Summerside) major urban centre – with adequate land use planning and financed infrastructure capable of attracting and viably supporting public transit, hospitals, university, transportation networks for all forms of transportation, cruise-ship worthy port, etc. . It is important that the Special Planning Areas regulations not be lifted until another robust system is in place.
  • rural cluster areas with proper infrastructure need to be identified and supported to provide environmental, economic, and social sustainability for an increasingly culturally and demographically diverse population; some things require an urban centre to be viable (locating industrial park out O'Leary as a political compromise to a land use issue created a non-viable industrial park)
  • sustainable environment means sustainable communities (and the industries and other activities that rely on it, and for quality of life)
  • threats to sustainability
    • Rampant rural residential "estate"/3-acre lot linear sprawl !!!
    • uncontrolled 'seasonal cottage (?!)' development on private roads
    • NIMBY towards lifecycle-supportive higher density housing options
    • lack of pre-planned (& services) commercial/industrial agglomerations/service parks at key hub locations in unincorporated areas
    • lack of investment in public central/sewer water systems to support densification (and resilience – flooding, climate change, aging demographics, smaller families, cultural diversity, etc.),
    • cheap hi-speed broadband Internet service
  • threats to resiliency
    • coastal areas harmed by fragmentation of land and land use for rural residential estates and cottage development
    • Important infrastructure (roads, harbours, sewage lagoons, etc.) located on coastal land threatened by increased demand for coastal settlement threatened by deal level rise, flood risk, storm surge and other elements of climate change
    • Insufficient standards and controls allows land development in the transitional buffer lowlands and uplands from at risk coastal and flood risk areas, without public safety and vulnerability assessments
    • Defining land so narrowly as 'cleared open spaces' challenges sustainability and resiliency of other important landscapes – protect waterways, wetlands, forest cover
    • enable opportunities to enhance/support local Island food security
    • security of the agricultural industry (production, processing and related industries
    • threatened by water capacity – intensive agricultures high demand for irrigation, especially with climate change causing hotter weather and more intense weather events (droughts, hurricanes, intense rainfall)
    • Too much focus on ownership of land. Land ownership and Land Identification controls do not achieve the facilitation and protection of feasibility of smaller farms (need to de-politicize the LPA s. 4 & 5) . This imbalance (with only 10% of land having land use planning) encourages leap-frogging municipal boundaries around municipalities to escape taxation and 'rules' but free-load on municipal services and infrastructure that support institutional and commercial/industrial activities that benefit the adjacent residential rural dwellers.
  • sustainable environment means sustainable communities (and the industries and other activities that rely on it, and for quality of life)

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

  1. Please do not Reinvent the Wheel/ don't start from Scratch. Rather: "lean In" to experts; respect and thoroughly consider past work and public engagement findings; do not just rely on input from general public and land owners. E.g. UPEI Climate Change adaptation reports, Thompson Report and Land Use Task force, various restructuring/growth management studies (Three Rivers amalgamation, Brackley -Winsloe South amalgamation)– these past survey results and reports exist and I support their processes of research and engagement. And I stand by many of their recommendations (although some may need updating). Subsequent good work has been done but 'not across the finish line'….e.g. Planning Act changes 2017-enacted & proclaimed; 2016 Planning Act changes enacted but not proclaimed; pending preparation of minimum planning /development standards regulations. (Some of these changes would correct where existing PEI law and practice is contrary to Canada Supreme Court rulings.!)
  2. Professional planners have depth of experience, training and experience dealing with land policy and problem solving. They have a valuable contribution to make at a breadth and depth that the Land Matters survey forum does not enable. Please specifically invite local organization of professional planners - PEI Institute of Professional Planners - to engage with the Advisory Committee and other parts of the Land Matters – Planning Act/LPA review project.

Respondent #273

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Prince Edward Island Institute of Professional Planners (PEIIPP) is pleased to offer the following preliminary comments. Further commentary or analysis by our group would be dependent on more time and a more robust process of engagement.

  • Professional planners have depth of experience, training and experience dealing with land policy and problem solving. We have a valuable contribution to make, at a breadth and depth that the Land Matters survey forum does not enable. We hope we are specifically invited to engage with the Advisory Committee and other parts of the Land Matters – Planning Act review project at a more comprehensive and productive level.
  • Do NOT reinvent the wheel, don't start from scratch. Rather, "lean in" to experts, do not just rely on input from general public and land owners. There are a range of resources available, such as UPEI Climate Change adaptation reports, the Thompson Report and The Land Use Task Force report, as well as various restructuring/growth management studies (Three Rivers, West River). These past survey results and reports exist and we stand by the processes which lead to their development. Further, we stand by many of their recommendations, despite the fact that some may need updating. Subsequent good work has been undertaken but has not yet been taken 'across the finish line'….e.g. 2016 Planning Act changes (enacted but not proclaimed; pending preparation of regulations), 2017 Planning Act changes 2017 (enacted & largely proclaimed, some regulations outstanding). We would note that the 2016 and 2017 amendments are a first step to bringing PEI’s planning framework in line with planning systems across the country and some of these changes would correct situations where existing PEI law and practice is contrary to Canada Supreme Court rulings.
  • The Prince Edward Island Institute of Professional Planners (formerly the PEI Association of Planners) is the professional body, supported by the Atlantic Planners Institute, that voluntarily certifies and regulates professional planners in the province using standards established jointly by regulatory bodies across the country. A listing of certified professional planners in PEI can be found here:

Respondent #274

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Lack of enforcement and transparency.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protection

  • Key Actions
    • Investigations and Enforcement

Priority #2 Transparency

  • Key Actions
    • Investigations and Enforcement

Priority #3 Sustainability

  • Key Actions
    • Transition to Organic agriculture, protection of urban green spaces

Why did you choose these priorities?


Respondent #275

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Large tracts of Land can be acquired by large corporations Using loopholes in current legislation. In recent years GWBIS and other associated groups have purchased much property on PEI, taking it out of availability for farmers who need access to land for rotational crops. Does the current government know exactly how much land GWBIS and associated groups actually own?

Restrict Construction of multilevel buildings on waterfront and that block view of waterfront for citizens

Preserve green space and add green space to municipalities, towns and cities

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Amount of acreage that can be purchased by any one person, group or association

  • Key Actions
    • Get handle on how much land is owned by who.
    • Tighten and enforce legislation to restrict the amount of land in the hands of corporations
    • Ensure taxes are being paid on land ( eg.. does GWBIS pay full land tax or are they granted religious Exemption?)

Priority #2 Say No to deep water wells

  • Key Actions
    • Legislation that says no to deep water wells
    • Government who can stand up to large corporations
    • No granting of exceptions or temporary measures

Priority #3 Guard against run off that is killing fish

  • Key Actions
    • Fund inspectors to visit farms and document situations annually
    • Education
    • Fines

Why did you choose these priorities?

Fund inspectors to visit farms and document situations annually



Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Legislation on land issues is extremely important and greatly needed. Get it right or risk a huge loss for future generations. What make PEI special and unique and a sought after vacation destination is visibility of the coastline. Do not allow land owners to block access to beaches and river fronts and coastlines. It should be accessible for all to the enjoy, not just those who can afford to purchase waterfront. Wide open spaces and coastline drives with visible coastline is important to maintain.

Respondent #276

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Nonresident acquisition of large parcels of PEI land

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Island land be owned and used/farmed by islanders

  • Key Actions
    • Better awareness of land being acquired by those not required to apply to IRAC

Priority #2 Fair access to land for young/small farmers

Priority #3 Bigger operations be able to access enough land to allow good rotations

Respondent #279

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Protection of agricultural land.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 protection of agricultural land

  • Key Actions
    • Agricultural land needs to be protected and looked at more closely before approving cottage lot development. The cost of agricultural land also needs to be considered to help support the small and medium size farmer.

Priority #2 Land-use planning

  • Key Actions
    • When looking at development land use planning needs to taken into consideration and this is for all areas of the island including rural and unincorporated areas. Placing random developments in areas without any future thoughts of what may come next.

Priority #3 shoreline erosion and planning

  • Key Actions
    • PEI has many wonderful landmarks located along the shoreline most notable lighthouses. The iconic landmarks are in danger with our constantly eroding shorelines. There should be plans put in place for such facilities and also consideration for this with future planning.

Why did you choose these priorities?

As a farmer and rural residents these are certainly the challenges that I see. The cost of agricultural land especially by the shore is so high as a small farmer it has become unaffordable.  Also it is so frustrating to see a house/cottage go up in the middle of a good field because the farmer was not in the position to purchase it.  We can not create more land.

Respondent #280

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

I was brought up in a farming family where taking good care of the land while using less chemicals and using proper rotation was the priority.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Help young farmers acquire more land or work with them to rotate with other farmers.

  • Key Actions
    • Know who really owns the land, not hidden in company names.

Priority #2 Consider viewscapes a priority.

  • Key Actions
    • Encourage more small farming operations.
    • Agriculture employees need to help these operations and work to assist these producers of our food.
    • Get them outside and active.

Priority #3 Less development taking more and more land out of production.

  • Key Actions
    • Slow down the loss of farmland.

Why did you choose these priorities?

We are not using proper crop rotation and we are losing valuable land to development.

Tourists come for views capes not subdivisions.

We need more food in the world.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Enforce the act and improve it where needed.

Respondent #281

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Heard of issues with Corporations using loopholes in legislation to get more land.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Increase protection for forests on PEI

  • Key Actions
    • Make incentives to protect private forests. Otherwise these forests will be sold and converted to farmland.
    • Government should consider purchasing private forests and getting protecting them through NAPA.

Priority #2 Increase legislated buffer zones to at least 30 metres

  • Key Actions
    • Changing legislation on buffer zone size as incentives don't seem to be doing enough
    • Government should own buffer zones instead of being privately owned.
    • Improved enforcement of buffer zone violations.

Priority #3 Significantly reduce inputs of sediment, nutrients, pesticides, and other harmful substances into Island waterbodies

  • Key Actions
    • More action to improve soil health. With improved soil health, soils should be less prone to run off, require less fertilizers, etc.
    • Stricter enforcement for fish kills, too many fish kills result in no punishments.
    • Increase cover cropping to reduce bare fields in spring and fall.

Why did you choose these priorities?

These are the issues I see the most year after year in PEI (with regards to land use) and I'm not seeing any progress or improvements.

Respondent #283

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

The main issue is that a successive number of Island governments have ignored the spirit and intent of the Lands Protection Act and have allowed it to be violated by corporations, off-Island interests, and Islanders with their own personal agenda. As a result more and more of our shore frontage is being owned and developed by off-Islanders, our farm land is becoming a commodity in the hands of fewer and fewer people, and substantial acreage is being removed from agriculture. The financial ability for many Islanders to live in our own province is becoming less of an option.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 That the Lands Protection Act be honoured and its violators, be they corporations, individuals or government be able to be held accountable.

  • Key Actions
    • Politicians and government employees must have a mandatory course in the Lands Protection Act and its spirit and intent as well as the history of the land issue on PEI. There must be public transparency of all transactions and the money followed. Who is IRAC accountable to? There needs to be legislation stating politicians and government employees can be held legally accountable for their role in not upholding the law.

Priority #2 That farm land limits under current regulations be retained for the survival of the family farm and sustainable farming methods that protect our primary resource be implemented.

  • Key Actions
    • Again government understanding the law and being able to be held accountable, along with corporate lawyers, accountants and real estate agents. The government needs to develop land banking to assist new and established farmers. Moving away from monoagriculture to mixed sustainable agriculture, which the rebuilding of a strong Department of Agriculture could greatly assist.

Priority #3 That urban sprawl be controlled and development of shorelines heavily controlled both for environmental reasons and Islander accessibility.

  • Key Actions
    • Strong urban planning that doesn't allow developers to keep moving outward - building new buildings to house the same old businesses. There needs to be climate change legislation that limits development of water frontage. It is mind boggling to see government permits being given for some water front developments that in a short time will have serious environmental challenges.  And no doubt property owners will be looking to taxpayers for compensation. Again respecting the land laws that are already in place.

Why did you choose these priorities?

PEI land has always been a target for foreign investors, developers and corporations. The pressure is greatly increasing with the world wide land grab. If the work of past Islanders who had the foresight and the courage to make laws to protect our primary resource was respected we won't have an issue now. We won't be seeing a potato processor in direct competition with farmers. We won't be seeing large acreages of land being sold to foreign interests, and we won't be seeing our shore frontage becoming less accessible to Islanders. If government and Islanders don't wake up quickly we will have no home to protect. Think about that trip to Cuba where the locals can't walk on the beach of the resorts or Haiti where deforestation has left the country open to be devastated by storms. (Note how it is happening here with the removal of tree lines to make larger fields.)

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Why is this "review" necessary? The land issue study has been done so many times. Is government just looking for a way to further accommodate the interest of the few or are they serious about protecting our primary resource for current and future Islanders. If it is about protecting our future, do what is necessary to strengthen the current Lands Protection Act. Show leadership.

Respondent #284

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Big corps find loopholes to buy excess land plots.

Water protection!!

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Water protection

  • Key Actions
    • Prevent fish kills!
    • Enforce chemical checks field runoffs

Priority #2 Pesticide regulation

Why did you choose these priorities?

Water is something we can't afford to lose.

Respondent #286

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

The amount of land in Eastern PEI being purchased for religious groups, GEBIS and GWBI, numbered companies, multiple ownership to bypass IRAC. It is undermining our community development and our economy.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 The Eastern PEI land purchases previously mentioned.

  • Key Actions
    • Can’t house tax for non-residents who never live here. Just ask the BC gov't.

Priority #2 Agricultural use of pesticides, herbicides and insecticides.

  • Key Actions
    • Governmental laws and regulations implemented based on real scientific data regarding use of chemicals, independent of corporate influence. Health and wellbeing need to take more of a priority then corporate profit.

Priority #3 septic field size and capacity for large developments in Eastern PEI previously mentioned.

  • Key Actions
    • Stringent regulation, inspections, and upgrades to existing systems, the large capacity septic beds in Wood Islands at the monastery are said to be constantly overflowing and malfunctioning.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because I live in Eastern PEI and I feel as if we are not being considered a Islanders in land use planning.

Respondent #287

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Missing from policy is measures addressing/developing:

Soil degradation, water use, environmental impact, future proofing, land development strategies for shared gain(communal food structures e.g. fruit orchard), wildlife protection and safeguarding passageways allowing for minimal interference from human activity (“wildlife corridors”), planning reasonable urban growth and exploring water- based seasonal options (boathouses in harbours, etc).

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Water protection

  • Key Actions
    • inventory.
    • Scientific measure is crucial to understanding what lies beneath, what our resources are, and what our best strategies for managing those resources are. 
    • We have no real data to back up exactly where our fresh water is or its quantity. Salt water incursion poses a very real and irreversible threat to long standing water resources. Everything we all do here requires access to clean, fresh water.
    • Wells and streams drying up in the summer allows contaminants and toxicants to flush into freshwater sources during subsequent rains. Knowing where our water is, how much, and of what quality could allow us to develop a robust, island wide, water management system that would allow us to respond to realtime conditions and deliver high quality water to all points on the island.

Priority #2 Water protection

  • Key Actions
    • public involvement.
    • There must be interest and investment from the public, so education and public involvement in the process must be a key action.

Priority #3 Water protection

  • Key Actions
    • any profit arising from this project must remain in the public trust. This practice may never be used for private gain, from now and in Perpetuity

Why did you choose these priorities?

I swear if that is not self-evident I am deeply disturbed and disappointed.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Please use your powers for good.

Respondent #288

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy.

Public access to fee pure potable drinking water should not be infringed in any way. Our very lack of understanding of the true state of the islands water holdings is unconscionable. We must first take steps to ensure that every individual on this island has unrestricted access to potable drinking water at any time forever.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Water

  • Key Actions
    • Achieve limnological understanding of the island.
    • Remove contamination from the limnological process of the island. Create infrastructures to create and maintain potable water.

Priority #2 Water

  • Key Actions
    • Educate people better about land and water stewardship. Identify contaminants and Abusers then strip them of the means and assets forever.

Priority #3 Water

  • Key Actions
    • Use your powers for good

Why did you choose these priorities?

If you were a human you wouldn’t have to ask.

Respondent #289

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Financial ability for farmers to expand equity, value, and care for the land.

  • Key Actions
    • Government support the Federation of Agriculture's document on ground water and irrigation on PEI.
    • Support forward contracts ie price assurance for farmers ie beef industry, etc.

Priority #2 Financial ability to make room for the next generation of farmers.

  • Key Actions
    • Promote beef industry on PEI to put manure on the land for bulk and nutrition in the soil.

Priority #3 Government needs to put a plan in place to keep young farmers on the farms.

  • Key Actions
    • Support equity and value in farms. Not a cheap food policy - Farmers need to be paid for their product.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Agriculture is the main industry on PEI. Government needs to put a plan in place to help young people get into and stay in agriculture, and also keep equity in the land for retirement. Promote agriculture as a way of life on PEI. Tourists are drawn to PEI for our way of life, well-kept farms, rural lifestyle and friendly people.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Agriculture courses in high schools and courses for adults wanting to work or own farms. Crop security and stability needed. Paying out crop insurance 3/5 years means higher rates for coverage and less profit.
PEI needs Cavendish Farms for processing product.
Keep farm land at a reasonable price for future farmers.
Government has the power to control land ownership and keep it in the hands of future farmers.

Respondent #290

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Land limits are insufficient related to modern times
Planning Act should deem agriculture land as resource land and making it harder for rezoning
LPA should be strictly enforced
LPA should have an appeal process

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Agriculture land is protected

  • Key Actions
    • Deem agriculture land as resource land
    • Place stipulations or regulations around how that land can be rezoned, if it can be at all
    • Create a framework or system that acts like a Land Bank that helps new farmers or those wishing to expand the ability to do so without incurring major costs that currently act as barriers
    • Find a way to give family farms the upper hand when it comes to competing against large corporation

Priority #2 Land Limits reflects modern times

  • Key Actions
    • Raise land limits to 5000 acres for corporations and 2000 for individuals
    • Place a clause within a revised LPA that ensures land limits are reviewed every 10 years.

Priority #3 LPA be enforced

  • Key Actions
    • Make the LPA reflective of modern agriculture as outlined in Priorities 1 and 2.
    • Ensure the LPA is enforced to the letter of the law
    • Allow for an appeal process when land transactions take place that are questionable

Why did you choose these priorities?

Because it is how the farming community feels

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Agriculture needs to be given a key role in any revisions related to land policy. As the largest owners and utilizers of PEI's land base, it is crucial that changes reflect the modern farming World and do not hinder growth and progress. As the number 1 industry in the Province, the LPA needs to work with us, and not against us.

Respondent #291

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

How land is sold. Who gets to buy land. Where is the money coming from? What is the intended use?

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protection of agriculture, forestry and resource land

  • Key Actions
    • Farm, managed forestry and other resource land should be values and protected from development into low density housing etc.
    • These lands should be identified, protected, and monitored.

Priority #2 Thoughtful development of towns and communities

  • Key Actions
    • PEIs cities and towns should be encouraged to become more dense and well planned to accommodate infrastructure and transit more efficiently as well as not growing outward continuously.

Why did you choose these priorities?

We have a limited land base and we need to develop the island with a plan

Respondent #292

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Out of province part time residents

  • Key Actions
    • Verify purchasers’ intent and follow up on regular basis. If purchaser is not following approved permit, then enforce strict fines or issue stop work. Make them accountable and be serious with consequences. Violators are walking all over we watch massive construction taking place on shore property.

Priority #2 Accountability of part time and owners

  • Key Actions
    • Our concern is lumped into one key action.

Priority #3 Enforcement of permit violations

Why did you choose these priorities?

We’ve been dealing with government for well over 2 years with an individual who intentionally violated building permits and built a massive structure on a cottage lot in Pt. Prim under the approved permit for 1700 sq. ft. cottage. As the cottage owner living beside this individual, our frustration continues to rise. Since July 2018, we alerted government this building was in violation of the approved building permit.
We watched the 40’ x 60’ three full story plus a basement building being constructed. We feel so let down by government. I’ve been calling Property Management on a regular basis. We’ve been so patient as our frustration continues. On a weekly basis, we contact property management for an update on our case as it now is a file with legal department.  We are hoping this posting might raise more awareness to our case.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

We are trusting the our case will provide the legal legs to avoid anyone In future having to deal with such an obvious violation of a building permit.

Respondent #294

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Too easy to rezone agriculture land, and get around land ownership limits.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Restrict corporate ownership of land
Priority #2 Restrict development in agriculture zones
Priority #3 Limit off island ownership

Respondent #295

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

I am concerned that large off Island corporations are able to buy massive amounts of land, through loopholes In the LPN.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 would like to know that there is enough good agricultural land available to produce enough food to feed the people that live here.

  • Key Actions
    • Sticking to the limits set out in the LPA.

Priority #2 I would like to know that the water is treated with as much respect as the land. It too is an essential part of the equation.

  • Key Actions
    •  A comprehensive study into the viability of our water supply is in order. There is much speculation but do we know the facts. Would having high capacity wells have saved the Dunk River from possible irreversible damage this summer. And a big one; "the potatoes we were saving were helping five farmers to survive. That is an important priority but the potatoes we were saving were also going to the most useless food on earth. It doesn't make the food guide for a reason. French fries are as nutritious as cardboard. Should not the priority of using essential soil and water, make real food a priority and should not the rules around who has access to the soil and water reflect that". I don't know how that could be accomplished but I think it is important.

Priority #3 I would like to see loopholes closed in the LPA.

  • Key Actions
    • Priority 3 speaks for itself. Too much essential agricultural land in the hands of non-farmers and off island corporations. The LPA has rules about that but there are so many ways around it that it is breathtaking.

Why did you choose these priorities?

We are an agricultural province. It is important to prioritize the thing that sustains us.

Respondent #296

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

The land ownership limits are being broken routinely, and in deceiving ways. The policy has no capacity to deal with land abuse or the depletion of soil. Soil health should be part and parcel with land ownership.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Ownership limits

  • Key Actions
    • Enforce the current rules.
    • Establish better methods of preventing abuse of the rules.
    • Remove loopholes for corporations and their lawyers to jump through.

Priority #2 Soil health

  • Key Actions
    • Make soil health plans part of the application to purchase large tracts of land.
    • Require soil health tests and use them as benchmarks, to be retested every 5 years
    • Require winter cover crops at least two out of three years in a rotation.

Priority #3 Off island buyers

  • Key Actions
    • Better enforce existing rules.
    • Prevent existing loopholes but tightening up the legislation.(ie. multiple foreign buyers each buying <5acres vs one large purchase of several hundred acres)

Why did you choose these priorities?

As a farmer and Island resident I recognize that our soil is the foundation of our livelihood and existence here.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Farmers are not the issue. Corporations like the Irving’s and foreign entities like GEBIS who both only see the Island as an opportunity to be exploited are a true threat to our way of life here. If the Irving’s truly cared about PEI or farmers, they would facilitate land purchases by their growers or give them a chance rather than stealing it out from under them. And if GEBIS was honest, they wouldn’t have hundreds of Chinese residents buying under 5 acres at a time.

Respondent #297

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Water use Organic matter loss and land conversion

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Water use

  • Key Actions
    • We have a wonderful annual rainfall. What that in mind we need to manage the use on an annual basis recharging or storing these significant rainfall amounts would go a long way in meeting our needs. Surface water loss should be reduced.  We also tend to lose water through storm water loss and septic systems flushing into harbours

Priority #2 Land conversion

  • Key Actions
    • Keeping land in a living state is important to our sustained Existence. Ownership of land to be maintained in plant growth is critical that includes forest, agriculture and wetlands. The province could own more land for public uses thus enabling a farmer, forester and wildlife to have a spot.
    • Increasing residential intensity by going up with housing development rather than sprawling could result in more land available for these uses provide a labor pool for rural business.
    • Return lands from residential conversion to undeveloped land to support carbon sequestration, water storage and food production.
    • Reducing road development and growth to encourage other forms of transportation i.e. owning the fiber backbone as the new transportation norm rather than private vehicles.  use your gas tax for this purpose

Priority #3 Organic matter loss

  • Key Actions
    • By owning land you have control and can manage land use to meet the needs of the public and the land. Which might not be sustainable by a low priced food policy. The pandemic response has demonstrate that people move to a place that is safe and within their values.

Why did you choose these priorities?

It’s a long term vision that is important to meet the needs of the future since we can not seem to find a way to reduce population growth and greed (personal desire)

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

It is difficult but you need to take back control of the land use to avoid us being a land for the rich or a land that is sustainable personal privilege should be just that - a privilege.

Respondent #298

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

They are not being enforced. The spirit of the law is being ignored in the interests of greed!

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Enforce the 3000 acre maximum.

  • Key Actions
    • Consult the Lands Protection ACT!

Priority #2 Close the loopholes!

  • Key Actions
    • Get off-Island lawyers, and do the right thing to close the loopholes. Be fearless!

Priority #3 Take back the illegally purchased land.

  • Key Actions
    • You’ll never do this, so make these actions effective immediately, while we still have land left for Islanders.

Why did you choose these priorities?

Land is being sold en masse, misused to no advantage for Islanders, prices escalating, nothing left for our young people.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?

Yes, create a Land Bank.

Respondent #299

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Lack of overall planning, lack of enforcement of existing rules, politics factor into individual decisions.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Maintain traditional character of PEI

  • Key Actions
    • Disallow the desecration of rural landscapes.
    • Restrict the subdivision of coastal areas.
    • Designate areas to be developed and leave the rest for larger parcels with traditional uses.

Priority #2 Development should be from the centre(s) out, with infill first.

  • Key Actions
    • Zone it so that development has to happen in the existing centres.
    • Require central servicing for higher density/large users.
    • Zone the rural land only for traditional use.

Priority #3 Limit total acreage owned by all non-residents together.

  • Key Actions
    • Strengthen or keep individual limits on non-resident ownership.
    • Track the whole non-resident group.
    • Assign a maximum total non-resident ownership and stick to it.

Why did you choose these priorities?
I think they could make a difference.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
Get on with it, before there is nothing left to protect!

Respondent #300

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Deep water wells, loopholes in ownership limits legislation, land bank needed, corporate agriculture having too much and growing influence legislation and delaying any right actions

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Deep Water Wells

  • Key Actions
    • Enact the legislation now.

Priority #2 Land Bank Legislation

  • Key Actions
    • Not sure but do it now.

Priority #3 Limits on Land Ownership

  • Key Actions
    • Ensure that recently acquired land required to be disposed of is not still under direct control of the Irvings after they sell it.

Why did you choose these priorities?
No trust in the trickle down economy and familiarity with how the Irvings have been able to persistently manipulate the Provincial Gov’t of New Brunswick – now the poorest province in the country.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
Protect the small farm and communities or be at the beck and call of the Irvings.

Respondent #301

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Reduce the amount of land used for growing cattle feed

  • Key Actions
    • Coordinate with the federal government for grants to incentivize farmers to diversify away from cattle feed production. It’s in everyone’s interest if farmers do this since cattle feed generates so less money per acre compared to crops such as spinach, kale, chard, arugula, and various varieties of lettuce, cucumbers, and celery. Another crop that should be explored is hemp. It is tightly regulated. Hemp is a crop that can be harvested with much of the same equipment as typical large-acreage crops, such as typical cattle feed crops like soy, wheat, alfalfa, etc. Hemp grows faster than all species of trees, it's a perfect substitute to pulp from trees, and it takes less water to grow. Increasing hemp production in PEI would require more coordination with the federal government and possible federal exemptions.
    • Some of these crops require additional labor to harvest. The province could be of help to these farmers by working in cooperation with the federal government to get migrant workers to PEI.
    • To increase productivity and crop production throughout the year, the province can provide loans to entrepreneurs looking to start a greenhouse operation in PEI.

Priority #2 Reduce Urban Sprawl

  • Key Actions
    • To reduce the amount of land wasted for building housing developments, the province needs to focus on increasing the number of low and mid-rise buildings in Charlottetown and the largest towns on the island.

Priority #3 Increase the amount of natural forest and grassland in the province

  • Key Actions
    • The province can buy back land from farmers and other private landowners then restore the land back to natural forest or grassland.
    • Cattle feed that would've been grown on that land can be grown by fishermen harvesting various species of kelp.

Why did you choose these priorities?
I identified urban sprawl because it's an issue that needs to get more attention. Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, and much of the US and Australia have a serious problem with urban sprawl. It's caused by a hunger for cheap answers for housing. High-density housing is a solution to that.
Animal agriculture is a leading cause of climate change, behind fossil fuels. The amount of time, energy, labour, and emissions that go into it is not worth it given the fact alternatives now exist to help us cut emissions. These are technologically realistic, and financially realistic as well. With scale, farming seaweed farming, I think, can easily replace tradition sources of cattle feed.

Habitat restoration is important for self-explanatory reasons.

Respondent #302

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
People and corporations are not respecting the Lands Protection Act. MLAs do not seem to know what is in the Act. Therefore, how can MLAs and those on Executive Council effectively administer the Act? The reason Angus MacLean brought in the LPA was to prevent land falling into the hands of non-residents and corporate control.
Soil degradation as well as pollution and declining soil organic matter and soil compaction are serious issues.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Are some individuals who are buying land or seeking approval to buy land really residents of PEI? If they are simply giving a PEI address but don’t live here, then they are not residents and should not be able to buy more than 5 acres. If they own more than 5 acres and don’t live here, then they should divest of the excess and make it available to people who live here.

  • Key Actions
    • ALL sales of land above 5 acres should go through the application process with IRAC and EC.
    • The applicant(s) name and mailing address as given in Finance and Municipal Affairs Taxation and Property Records should be checked. Then a cross-reference done. Valid questions are: Is the same address appearing for different land sales? Is the same name appearing for different land sales?
    • If the Intended Use in the application to IRAC is “Agriculture,” then a farm plan must be submitted as part of the application process. This should include plans as to how soil health is to be maintained if the soil health is good and what will done to improve it if it isn’t.

Priority #2 For the sake of transparency, the Island Regulatory Appeal Commission recommendations to Executive Council should be made public!

  • Key Actions
    • Make it mandatory to state IRAC’s recommendation to EC. Put an extra line on the IRAC application which will state the recommendation to EC. Then the ministers would have to defend their final decision.
    • Explain what is meant when the applicant says “Intended Use” is “Other.”
    • When EC gives approval, it should state clearly whether it is “Approval to Buy” or “Approval to Acquire an Interest in.”

Priority #3 More transparency regarding corporations buying land! Corporations wanting to buy land need a name and not a number.

  • Key Actions
    • All corporations should list directors and shareholders.
    • When individuals apply to IRAC for approval to buy land—maybe 1 or 2 on the same day and a corporation applies on the same day, that should clearly put up a red flag. Check it out. Are these individuals part of that corporation?
    • When corporations buy land, if the “Intended Use” is “Agriculture” then require a farm plan. Again, explaining how the corporation intends to take proper care of the soil.

Why did you choose these priorities?
It seems to us that individuals and corporations are circumventing the LPA.

It seems to us that if “Approval” is given with the condition of non-development use, hold the applicant to that. How can permits for buildings be given if the land is “for non-development use.”

Respondent #303

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Maintaining current land limits

  • Key Actions
    • No action required.

Respondent #304

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
I have an issue with gravel and fill storage site off Bunbury rd. Chapman’s construction owns this storage site. In the last few years especially this past fall, the traffic of these large ton fill trucks going up and down Bunbury rd is constant. They are making a terrible racket. I have been living in Bunbury rd for 25 years and hope to stay here but this disturbance is too much. Bunbury rd is a highly residential road. Putting in a gravel storage site off of it is not right. I understand some truck traffic when things are being build, but just a storage site I think that’s not fair to the many houses closely lining this road. Thank you.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 To keep gravel and fill storage sites away from highly residential roads to keep truck traffic down.

  • Key Actions
    • To make sure when a company is looking to get land for a gravel storage site to ask what route they will be taking and see if it will be disturbing many residents in the area. Those trucks rattle a house as they go by and when you have hundreds in a day it’s totally disruptive to the house all day.

Priority #2 To keep land preserved for wildlife

  • Key Actions
    • To plan an area in advance and make sure to leave lots of space for wildlife and the trees already there. Work around then in places instead of clear cutting and then planting a few back.

Why did you choose these priorities?
I am being directly affected by the traffic on Bunbury rd because of the hundreds of fill trucks that have been going by almost constant 8am-5pm on most days of the week for the last three months. So it is very hard to work from home. That is the reason I choose my first priority.

The second priority is I am always concerned when I see a beautiful wooded area especially in Stratford because that’s where I live, get clear cut and another unnecessary building is put there. There is lots of land that is already cleared that can be used or the vacant buildings not being used.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
Just thanks for letting people have a place they can put their concerns to. Thank you.

Respondent #305

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Sustainable/responsible land use

  • Key Actions
    • More enforcement of farmland sustainability, rural neighborhood covenance, and enforcement of land/property/farm neglect (e.g. dumping garbage on vacant properties)

Priority #2 Waterway enhancement/care enforcement

  • Key Actions
    • waterway care enforcement, e.g. making sure streams on properties aren't abused, 
    • not allowing abandoned properties to affect nearby waterways, and
    • not allowing properties with waterways in need of care to go unnoticed

Priority #3 Watershed association involvement

  • Key Actions
    • Application of laws regarding watershed association involvement to be enforced
    • Not letting watersheds sit back and watch things happen to the streams and rivers they're responsible for.

Why did you choose these priorities?
I am a property owner with many areas of land surrounding my property that are abandoned and in need of work. I have witnessed many places being used as dumping sites and farms having large piles of garbage. Not only unsightly but an environmental concern.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
This survey is great and should be done more often to get more public input.

Respondent #306

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Large farming families dividing up large tracts of land into various farm companies owned by non-farming family members. Rules & regulations not being enforced and/or fines not being large enough to ensure compliance. Also, the significant loss of farm land to unplanned rural residential and commercial development.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Large farming families dividing up large tracts of land into various farm companies owned by non-farming family members, in order to bypass the acreage restrictions. These large farms have enough money that smaller farmers have virtually no chance of buying land, as they have more money.

  • Key Actions
    • Farm corporations not allowed to be owned by same family members- tighter restrictions. Lots of wives down as owners for instance when they are not active on the farm.
    • More scrutiny/oversight regarding land ownership.
    • Like off-island regulations when it comes to sale of land, farmland should be advertised for sale- lots of time it is sold privately and smaller farmers do not even know it is for sale- the big farmers approach the land owners with money to buy.

Priority #2 Rules & regulations not being enforced and/or fines not being large enough to ensure compliance.

  • Key Actions
    • More of a database of farmers/land holdings.
    • More staff hired to oversee and enforce regulations.
    • Increase fines.

Priority #3 Also, the significant loss of farm land to unplanned rural residential and commercial development.

  • Key Actions
    • Put a moratorium on all farmland being sold for non-farming activities- i.e. residential development.
    • Create a consistent, province wide land use planning act that identifies & preserves all farmland.
    • Identify key areas for urban development that are only on non-arable land, and beef up provincial and municipal planning so that the farmland remains farmed and urban development happens in a more concentrated, localized pockets.

Why did you choose these priorities?
Our island is small and with the farm numbers decreasing and population increasing, local food production is becoming more important than ever. Also, the farmers provide the pastoral landscape that tourists desire, as well as agriculture being the dominant GDP sector on PEI.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
More stringent rules and the staff & government will to carry it out.

Respondent #307

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Use of land in rural residential areas for commercial purposes without protecting the existing residents from this type of expansion.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Protection of rural residential areas from commercialism.

  • Key Actions
    • Creation of rules and regulations for granting of building permits in non municipalities.
    • Recognize deficiency in existing policies and correct these deficiencies.
    • Hire professionals in planning.

Priority #2 Development of a master plan for PEI lands and waterways.

  • Key Actions
    • Proper planning for the future.

Priority #3 Protection of our natural resources.

  • Key Actions
    • Create a comprehensive plan that balances economic growth and protection of our natural resources.

Why did you choose these priorities?
Because the Planning Act is creating more problems than it solves.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
That a moratorium be invoked for all contentious permit requests until new legislation is passed!!

Respondent #308

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Lack of clear definition of public consultation meetings and guidelines/minimum requirements such that in-person, written, and e-format can be used at all times. Moving to all on-line potentially limits participation by people unable or unwilling to use e-formats. Also leads to loss of public interaction in a group setting.

Concerned about fresh water issues. Do we know what population levels - year round and tourists that the island can support in addition to agricultural, industrial and more importantly, natural environmental needs to sustain the ecology of the island. At what point do we risk contaminating the water table with saltwater?

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Sincere public engagement.

  • Key Actions
    • Review of planning act to create definition of minimum standards (which should be high) to encourage and protect public engagement.
    • Perhaps municipalities should create the position of municipal ombudsman to ensure public commentary is heard and listened to (vs just for businesses trying to build and rezone)

Priority #2 Water use sustainability

  • Key Actions
    • Do study if not already done and public awareness

Priority #3 Sustainable development

  • Key Actions
    • All new builds must meet minimum energy saving standards.
    • Any build with any component of public funds should be of the highest standard possible.
    • All builds should take public transit and recreation space and preservation of natural environment seriously and developers should not be allowed to buy their way out of such requirements.

Why did you choose these priorities?
Concern that developers are running municipal planning boards without appropriate attention being paid to resident/citizen concerns.
Climate Change.
The status quo of developers can get away with substandard builds/projects on this island.

Respondent #309

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Failure of transparency.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Transparency

  • Key Actions
    • Hold government accountable.
    • No more legal shenanigans.
    • Stop hiding behind loopholes.

Priority #2 Adherence to legislation

  • Key Actions
    • Hold government accountable.
    • No more legal shenanigans.
    • Stop hiding behind loopholes.

Priority #3 Fraud

  • Key Actions
    • Hold government accountable.
    • No more legal shenanigans.
    • Stop hiding behind loopholes.

Why did you choose these priorities?
Because they’re quite obviously a problem.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
Stop playing shell games. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Respondent #310

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Large industrial farming still purchasing land and not practicing sustainable farming methods. The spirit of the Land Protection Act not being respected.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Sustainable farming methods.

  • Key Actions
    • Enforce the spirit of the Lands Protection Act.
    • Land Bank for small farms.
    • Incentive for more sustainable farming methods.

Priority #2 Land and a livable income for small family farms.

  • Key Actions
    • Land bank.
    • Incentives for small farms.
    • Regulations on large industrial farm businesses land grabbing.

Priority #3 Maintaining our protected lands.

  • Key Actions
    • Thoughtful planning around housing developments.
    • Limit clear cutting.
    • Actually protecting environmentally fragile areas and not just talking about it.

Why did you choose these priorities?
PEI is modernizing. This is a good thing, but let’s get it right and not lose the land/farming/fishing heritage. Modern sustainable methods make keeping the best of both worlds achievable - accommodating modern life and maintaining healthy land.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
The legislation is there or at least partially. It needs to be respected - looking for loopholes seems to pay off right now.

Respondent #311

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
No control over corporate acquisitions. Not enough planning re rotation of crops.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Help local farmers thrive.

  • Key Actions
    • Take land acquisition responsibilities away from Transportation. 
    •  Appoint a committee to oversee land act and water consumption.
    • Make all transactions transparent.

Priority #2 Discourage monoculture farming.

  • Key Actions
    • Subsidize local farmers. 
    • Eliminate subsidies for fossil fuels. 
    • More subsidies for electric cars and charging stations.

Priority #3 Sustainability and by extension control the use of water island-wide.

  • Key Actions
    • Solar panels encouraged with public advertising as well as subsidies.

Why did you choose these priorities?
Eliminating corruption and counteracting climate change are key to the island’s survival.

Respondent #312

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Simply put, the spirit and intent of the Lands Protection Act as envisioned by J. Angus MacLean is not being heeded. Large corporations and foreign interests have for too long been allowed to buy large swaths of PEI land. Even worse, many of these parcels of land are being taken out of agricultural production and are sitting empty most of the year, thus helping to inflate land prices.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Close all Loopholes in the Lands Protection Act and enforce the legislation to force corporations who own over the limit outlined in the LPA to divest of this land and holdings.

  • Key Actions
    • As stated above, enforce the spirit and intent of the LPA. There is a precedent set for taking land from corporations who have exploited the loopholes to get more land than allowed under the law.

Priority #2 PEI needs a vacancy tax for non Canadians who own land in the province and are not residing here.

  • Key Actions
    • Bring forth a proposed bill in the legislature
    • Pass said bill.
    • Impose a vacancy tax on empty properties like Vancouver is doing right now.

Priority #3 More emphasis on smaller, organic farming operations.

  • Key Actions
    • Let's be honest; the model of large scale corporate agriculture is not going to be sustainable over the long term in PEI. If the Irvings ever leave the province, that could create an opportunity for somewhat of a return to smaller farming.

Why did you choose these priorities?
As the saying goes; they're not making any more land. PEI's farmland is one of our most precious resources. It has to be protected. Land that is sitting idle so that some foreign investors who don't even live here or have any connection to our province shouldn't be allowed to speculate while land prices continue to go up.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
It's time for less talk and more action with regards to protecting PEI land.

Respondent #313

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Too much farmland allowed to be sold to “religious organizations” such Monks and Amish. Too much farmland allowed to be sold to non farmers as “investment properties “.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Keep farmland in the hands of local farmers or locally owned farm entities.

  • Key Actions
    • Give farmers a fair first right of refusal to purchase farmland.

Priority #2 Keep farmland out of the hands of speculative or investment buyers.

  • Key Actions
    • Cap allowable acres purchased by anyone other than farmers.

Priority #3 Cap allowable acres for any non farmers.

  • Key Actions
    • Unsure.

Why did you choose these priorities?
We as farmers have a hard time moving to longer rotations for potatoes with restraints on available land to purchase.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
Acreage cap for local farmers or locally owned farming entities not necessary.

Respondent #314

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Too many loop holes in the land protection act. It takes too long for land deals to be finalized.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Affordability.

  • Key Actions
    • Depends on whether one is selling or buying!

Priority #2 Save rural PEI.

  • Key Actions
    • Make rural companies/communities more profitable. Save small businesses in these areas, stores, post offices, etc.
    • Move some of the large grocery chains off University Ave.

Priority #3 Close loopholes.

  • Key Actions
    • All in the legislation.

Why did you choose these priorities?
It felt right.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
Make it easier and affordable for land to be passed on from one generation to the next, land that has been farmed by the same family for generations.

Respondent #315

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
We need to be relevant for today's timeline. Farmers are in a global economy competing with other industry stakeholders from all over the world.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Acre controls for family farm companies.

  • Key Actions
    • Make the reporting/rules simplified.
    • Increase to 1200 acres workable land.
    • Come up with a sustainable succession plan that is for the next generation.

Priority #2 Rotation laws need to be sustainable.

  • Key Actions
    • We are either the only place in North America (or close to the only place) that have so many restrictions to grow potatoes ie..irrigation fumigation.
    • Because of this, farmers spend a lot of money on rotational crops with no immediate payback...very costly.
    • Financial incentives would go along way to help

Priority #3 More tax incentives for things farmers do to benefit the environment.

  • Key Actions
    • There are other countries that have more financial incentives when they request their farmers to abide by guidelines which benefit all of society.

Respondent #316

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Mostly that the regulations are circumvented and the spirit of the act is not maintained. Private corporate land ownership bypasses the intention of the act. Land use needs better controls either in municipalities or in the province.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Maintain the spirit of the lands act.

  • Key Actions
    • Require individual names on land holdings rather than numbered accounts.
    • Annual monitoring of holdings.
    • Consider removing corporation from land ownership as a corporation never dies and thus changes hands.

Priority #2 Increase the value of natural and forested areas.

  • Key Actions
    • Establish a “provincial deposit receipt” concept as an annual dividend to be paid to landholders that store carbon and aid ecological initiatives that aid all residents in a cost effective way with annual satellite monitoring. Such as a wind farm gives the owner an annual stipend.
    • Better annual monitoring of the water usage and storage, farm and towns and cities that have improvements paid for by tax payers to aid ecological issues

Priority #3 Look at news ways to store and purify existing surface water. Without returning it to oceans and streams.

  • Key Actions
    • Most water harvest from deep wells is returned to streams and oceans in an altered state. It seems a waste to not reuse it to mitigate needs at other times of the year. Reservoirs and cisterns seem to have many attributes as a spot for grey water to purify and recharge as well as a storage device for rain harvesting.

Why did you choose these priorities?
We are reaching a point of conflict between public and private interest of our limited resources. It is time to think we or our interests, instead of my interests. This will take strength and creativity. Pei is unique in its smallness. We can experiment here. There is no more land to support growth and provide quality of life. The Amish and the monks have realized that it is a privilege and a pleasure to be here.

Respondent #317

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

  1. Failure to follow the spirit of the Act by allowing multiple individuals & corporations to evade the amount of land controlled / owned by legal subterfuge.
  2. Foreign land ownership (non-resident corporate or non-island resident).
  3. Require timely delivery of service by government bodies.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Enforce the spirit of the Lands Protection Act.

  • Key Actions
    • Tighten the actual law to avoid subsidiary companies from owing as much land as the parent company.
    • Require annual public reporting of names of individuals/corporations and amount/location of land controlled.
    • Corporate directors be banned from owning land in their own names over 1 acre.

Priority #2 Ban non residence ownership over 1 acre.

  • Key Actions
    • Require land owners / Canadian corporations over 1 acre to reside in PEI.
    • Require corporate land owners to have a physical head office in PEI.
    • Ban non Canadian corporations from holding land in PEI.

Priority #3 Timely application of government services.

  • Key Actions
    • Acknowledge receiving any paperwork via e-mail etc.
    • Have an identified timeline for actions to be completed.
    • Report to the client reasons why the process hasn't been completed in the required timeline and if not within the timeline then reimburse fee costs.

Why did you choose these priorities?
Control of the vast majority of PEI land has steadily been consolidated into fewer hands thru legal means avoiding the spirit of the Lands Protection Act. We stand to be back where we were before confederation with our land base being controlled by non-resident ownership or large corporations.
This has an impact on all other island residents’ enjoyment of the air we breathe, our landscapes and the water we drink. Put the "spirit” of the LPA into legal terms/law that have consequences for all PEI land owners & purchasers ..

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
The LPA needs to be addressed and modernized now. After this survey action needs to be taken by the PEI Government through legislative means immediately to correct the issue raised. No more inaction, it's time to act in a way that benefits the majority of island residents not only large land owners or corporations.

Respondent #318

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Too many corporations buying large amounts of land. Depletion of minerals and organic matter from the soil. Absentee land owners.
Land is sold at a premium price, not what it is really worth.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Legal loop holes closed regarding land purchases.

  • Key Actions
    • The government has to do the work to make this happen. It's no secret that this is the will of the majority of Islanders.

Priority #2 Enforce/ legislate the spirit of the land protection act.

  • Key Actions
    • Stop land sales similar to the one recently seen where a large corporation bought several chunks of land under other names. Enforce honest transparent land purchases.

Priority #3 Stop all clear cutting to allow trees to reach natural size to hold soil.

  • Key Actions
    • Wide spread uncontrolled clear cutting of trees causes erosion, destroys animal and bird habitats and is not a responsible approach to conservation.

Why did you choose these priorities?
These issues identified are causing issues with our limited PEI land supply. No one is willing to take responsibility for these major issues which negatively impact the daily well being of Islanders.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
Land is finite. When it's mismanaged, all people and wild life suffer. I know this is a larger concern for rural islanders who tend to have a deeper concern and love for the land, but whether they acknowledge it or not, land is a major concern for ALL islanders and the generations who will follow. The responsibility for the care and preservation of PEI land is major and cannot be successfully achieved by lip service only. Thank you for the opportunity to share our concerns.

Respondent #319

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Non-residents and residents buying lots off farm land at an enormously high rate

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Land not being kept farm land.

  • Key Actions
    • Stop allowing land to be subdivided from farms.
    • Look at the rules in Europe and adapt them.
    • Act in a timely matter before it’s too late.

Priority #2 Farm land is too expensive.

  • Key Actions
    • Create a farm bank where the farmer can either lease the land or buy it back at a more reasonable price.
    • Tighten up on out of province land buying which is helping inflate the price.
    • Someone needs to make sure the rules are being followed, and not IRAC, more like a land officer.

Priority #3 Corporation owning too much land.

  • Key Actions
    • Need to have higher taxes for these corporations to help restrict their power.
    • Close up the loop holes and if they find them triple tax them.

Why did you choose these priorities?
They are important for the survival of family farming which is what pei is all about when it comes to farming. It is also extremely important that we act now before it’s to late because there will come that time where it will be too late!

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
I strongly recommend we look at other countries and what they have done and see if it is working. There is only so much land on this little island and we really need to protect what we have left.

Respondent #320

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Land being sold to non-residents and no keeping it farm land.
Land is being sold to pay for farmers retirement or subdividing for the best price.
Rural Landscape is changing because there are no rules.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Land is being developed and subdivided in rural areas.

  • Key Actions
    • Government needs to have a land bank and buy farmland so it stays farmland. All land needs to be classified "Agricultural Use" only!

Priority #2 Land is being sold to too many non-residents and not being kept as farmland.

  • Key Actions
    • Non-residents cannot buy farmland unless it will be farmed. IRAC should not be in control of land issues on PEI.

Priority #3 Corporation are finding loopholes to acquire too much land and breaking the rules.

  • Key Actions
    • Corporations need to be taxed more if they want to acquire more land. There has to be complete disclosure.

Why did you choose these priorities?
PEI does not make land anymore and it is disappearing. More and more people are moving to rural areas and dictating regulations upon farmers and they don't understand farming. These issues are popping up in the media, animal welfare, crop rotation etc. etc.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
Things need to change because there is no protection for land use on PEI and before we know it, it will be gone. Do something.

Respondent #321

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
The commission is no longer suitable in its role. Policies not known / not followed by Executive council. MLAs do not understand the LPA or the process. LPA is outdated. 15.1 of the LPA is not followed, there is no means of reporting to IRAC by the community. LPA is not policed. We need a complete new system of LPA to become more current, times have changed. PEI has also become a target by corporations including so called charity corporations.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Reduce land limits to non profit groups such as GEBIS-GWBI CGI etc.

  • Key Actions
    • Non profit or charitable groups do not need 3000 acres of land. Reduce to 1000 acres each.
    • A complete updating of the act is needed.
    • All corporations registered on PEI should have directors and shareholders listed.
    • IRAC investigation findings should be made public.
    • We also need policing of our LPA by three independent land enforcement officers, L.E.O.S. One for each county who report reviews, investigations and complaints to both IRAC and Executive council.
    • As of December 31 – 2018, Charity corporations GEBIS and GWBI’s property assets on PEI surpassed $92,000,000.00. Of the 92 million, $27,000,00.00 is land and property not used in conjunction with their charitable work. Not bad for a charity 10 years on PEI. Since GEBIS and GWBI arrived, they have two more charity organizations who have joined them, Compassion and Grace Institute and Guan Yin Monastery, that's 6,000 more acres.
    • I also believe as an individual islander, I don’t need to own 1000 acres. Reduce that also, I don’t see reducing land ownership as a bad thing, I see it as sharing that will be paid back to all islanders.

Priority #2 Farmland should only be sold to bonafide or new farmers.

  • Key Actions
    • Systemic groups such as GEBIS GWBI that actually have 7 corporations on PEI can buy 21,000 acres of land, not including more groups coming, if your group does not succeed in putting forward the information on what is happening and if our government does not implement changes to save us and the future of our island.

Priority #3 Stop purchases of non-residents from buying multiple properties and multiple homes.

  • Key Actions
    • PEI has become a target by huge groups such as GEBIS and GWBI, we are losing new immigrants who wish to come here and integrate. New individual immigrants and future generations of islanders cannot compete with deep pocket charitable groups like GEBIS and GWBI when buying land, farms or homes. There should be no more bundling of names to buy large parcels of land such as 15 monks buying a 75 acre farm in Valleyfield; 5 parishioners buying a 24 acre subdivision in Brudenell; 5 Nuns buying 22 acre subdivision in Montague; two nuns buying a 135 acre subdivision and a 95 acre forest; etc etc etc.
    • We have to identify that we have a problem with non-resident purchasing and change the laws to protect not only the land, but the future generations of families and our communities..

Why did you choose these priorities?
I identify these priorities for change as I have worked across Canada and internationally and have seen how poorly planned regulations and regulations not being followed have had negative effects on immigration. British Columbia's absentee landlords and land grabbing for example. There rising costs of housing and land has both displaced residents and made it impossible for new immigrants to establish.
I have also seen how corporations have manipulated governments and municipalities also using loopholes to access the land they need for their own plans that ultimately displace residents and devastate communities. I live in Kings County, we have the Buddhist group buying subdivisions, apartment buildings, vacant buildings and commercial buildings. The unnecessary purchasing of approved building lots and homes that remain vacant not including thousands of acres of farmland purchased by students on a path to enlightenment?
How is it students (on student visas) enrolled in a 14 year study to reach nirvana with a vow of poverty purchase so much land, homes and building lots?

I personally know many examples of individual nuns, monks and parishioners who own multiple homes. Some individuals own 3, 4, 5 and even 8 homes!
This problem has occurred because we have not updated our LPA. We have studied the topic to death, now is the time to act. Update the act Put laws in place that will be fair to all, not opportunities for some.

The Buddhist group here in Kings County are all connected, they have not even come close yet to their land limits.
Islanders, new immigrants, our future generations of islanders, immigrants and our farmers cannot compete with these huge systemic groups. Our communities will not survive. These groups have more power in purchasing because they have unlimited funds. They buy commercial, agriculture and residential properties.

I identify these priorities as we need change. The problem I am pointing out is somewhat contained to the Community of Three Rivers, but I hope the rest of PEI understands our worry and fear of the future.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
We need updating of the LPA.
We need policing, we need a new IRAC with power in making ultimate decisions. Who is in charge? Who is accountable? There should be no question who is in charge of the decision making during applications to purchase land. We have citizens blaming IRAC, Citizens blaming the Government, IRAC blaming the government, Government blaming IRAC. I don't think anyone knows to process anymore! This is the first item to fix.

  1. Establish responsibilities and accountability of Roles of IRAC and there interaction with The Ministers department.
  2. Re write the LPA. We get a new phone book every year, it’s time for a new LPA.
  3. Police the Act, we have Bylaw officers, Police officers, Highways officers, we even have Officers for shellfish. Its time for Land Enforcement Officers.
  4. Better future planning by our municipalities and government. Increase building heights to help reduce the spreading of towns and cities. Set a goal date in the future to Increase the buffer zones of all wetlands and waterways to reduce run off and erosion. Reduce the chemicals used on our land, including parks and golf courses.

Protect our drinking water.
Thank you

Respondent #322

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 
Every province should be obligated to protect farmland. On PEI you can build a house in the middle of a productive field and start mowing as many acres as you like. People tend to want to live in the most food-productive areas like the Niagara peninsula, Okanagan Valley and the Maritimes. If we don't protect farmland it will all go to the highest bidder and then where will the food come from. BC farms in the lower mainland could sell for millions but they are locked in by the Agricultural Land Reserve. As they should be.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Protect agricultural land.

  • Key Actions
    • Set up an agricultural land reserve that does not allow for subdividing or paving over with another rotary intersection.

Why did you choose these priorities?
People need to eat.

Do you have any other comments or input you would like to provide with respect to land-related legislation and/or policy?
Do not allow farms to become mini subdivisions including family members just constructing on prior productive land.

Respondent #323

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

The lack of any provincial land use policy is resulting in widespread environmental degradation. The ease with which forest and agricultural land can be developed is startling. Almost every other province has a land use policy and a process to manage development.

In addition, the lack of any effective enforcement of existing policies e.g. buffer-zone protection needs to be addressed. Conservation officers had admitted publicly that they do not even try to enforce the various buff-zone regulation because they are not enforceable in court.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Protect existing natural areas from development

  • Key Actions
    • Create land use plans for the entire province not just the areas under municipal jurisdiction.
    • Create a process that ensures that development is not happening in prime agricultural or natural areas.
    • Ensure that Forest, Fish and Wildlife are priority is ensure mature forest habit is preserved

Priority #2 Create incentives to prevent mature mixed wood forest from being harvested

  • Key Actions
    • Currently, mature mixed forest that is privately own is vulnerable to harvest, this type of forest can not be replaced in any meaningful time scale.
    • Reach out to private landowners and provide generous opportunities to protect this land.
    • Purchase key habitat and create wilderness parks

Priority #3 Enforce and expand regulations protecting buffer zones

  • Key Actions
    • Volunteer watershed groups and minimum wage student employees should not be trying to encourage land use owners to adhere to provincial regulations.
    • Employee additional CSOs and prioritize the protection of buffer zones. CSO should be walking buffer-zones and inspecting and enforcing violations.

Why did you choose these priorities?

PEI is classified as an at risk ecozone due to the lack of publicly protected land and the lack of land use planning regulations. Climate change threatens our remaining habitat, it we do not take steps now to improve the resiliency of our forest ecosystem collapse is a realistic possibility.

Respondent #324

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Mainly how corporations and other entities are still able to skirt rules!

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?
Priority #1 Investigation

  • Key Actions
    • The dept. responsible has to have the tools to investigate.

Priority #2 Full disclosure (from owners)

  • Key Actions
    • Individuals + corps must provide complete disclosure of relationships to land and take responsibility.

Priority #3 Enforcement

  • Key Actions
    • There has to be repercussions to false or bad info

Why did you choose these priorities?

I really get frustrated when you hear of the "loopholes" that Corp + people take advantage of.

Respondent #325

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

The issues have been well documented over many years.  Government needs to develop the courage to implement the legislation and regulations that will protect our land for the long term

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 properly support municipalities and departments of government so that they can reasonably enforce the current legislation, regulations and municipal bylaws

  • Key Actions
    • Either resource smaller municipalities with the expertise required to enforce their bylaws or increase size of municipalities so they have the tax base necessary to support the required resources.

Priority #2 Submission from the FPEIM

  • Key Actions
    • Follow the direction of the submission from the FPEIM

Priority #3 N/A

  • Key Actions
    • Ss above

Why did you choose these priorities?

Personal experience on a council for a small municipality and also accepting the expertise of the many people and organizations who have commented over the last many years.

Respondent #326

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

Too much out of province land ownership, as well as corporations owning too much agricultural land.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Out of province ownership

  • Key Actions
    • Set lower limits of acreage, increase tax amounts, increase penalties for infractions.

Priority #2 Holding ponds/irrigation

  • Key Actions
    • Set limitations on sizes, set limits on gallons pumped, constant monitoring for diseases.

Priority #3 Hedgerow removal

  • Key Actions
    • Just one. Stop doing it.

Why did you choose these priorities?

They are the most important to me.

Respondent #327

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 


What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 That property taxes in rural areas do not go crazy when non-residents start building extremely fancy homes.

  • Key Actions
    • Keep local residence property taxes in rural areas affordable.

Priority #2 Don't put my property taxes up if a million-dollar home is next to me.

  • Key Actions
    • N/A

Priority #3 N/A

  • Key Actions
    • N/A

Why did you choose these priorities?


Respondent #328

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

The issue of Short-term rentals, which are included as commercial purposes, occurring on land designated for residential use, disrupting the enjoyment of properties Islanders have chosen to live on through the infiltration of strangers into residential neighborhoods, excessive noise from those who don't live in the neighborhood, and the decrease in property values by having a short term rental property on residential property very close to where one lives. The whole personality of residential areas is being changed, and not for the better, by these short term rentals disrupting a way of life that people located in their residential neighborhood to enjoy. Right now, there seems to be no protection for property owners in residential areas as anyone and everyone seems to be allowed to operate their short-term rental property wherever they want.

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Keeping short-term rentals out of residential areas

  • Key Actions
    • Re-affirming the protection of property owners in a residential area from neighbouring property owners who use their homes in the residential area for short-term rentals, destroying the character of the neighbourhood. 
    • Strengthen the enforcement capabilities of the Planning Department, and enforce the refusal of Tourism accommodation permits to property owners in a residential area.

Priority #2 Removing, retroactively, designations of cottage properties as "summer" dwellings. In recent times, many people have moved to enjoy their summer homes as year round homes. Whether on a public or private road, restricting the use of any dwelling to summer only is a concept whose time has gone.

  • Key Actions
    • Retroactively removing the "summer" designation from all properties on PEI and not limit year round residential dwellings on private roads.

Priority #3 Protecting PEI residents from out-of-province land owners using their homes, anywhere on PEI, as AirBnB's when they are not present regardless of the zoning/land use designation of their property.

  • Key Actions
    • Putting PEI residents’ best interests first in enforcement of zoning/land use regulations.

Why did you choose these priorities?

My peaceful. serene neighbourhood has been invaded by AirBnB rentals, even though all the properties and designated for residential use only.  We feel helpless as there seems to be nothing we can do about it.  In our case, it is like the interests of out-of-province seasonal residents are put before those of us that make our homes and pay taxes year-round on PEI.

Respondent #329

Please identify any issues you believe exist with current land-related legislation and/or policy. 

SPAs: The 1994 Moratorium put in place has not been improved or lifted for 27 years. I purchased a 10-acre plot on non-agriculture land to build on and to give my children a plot of land to build a home on someday. That day has arrived. Unfortunately, because this 10-acre piece of property is within the moratorium surrounding Summerside I cannot sub divide this property into 4 x 2.5 acres of land for my children and their families to establish a home. Now they are forced to purchase expensive lots in neighboring communities or forced to rent at high rental prices (if anything available ) . The Moratorium is unfair, poorly planned, discriminating and hurtful. The land I speak of is in Wilmot Valley, secondary road, residential road overlooking Wilmot River. I have tried relentlessly to be granted to subdivide this property for my family use but to no avail. I am sure I am not the only landowner in this situation. If the land is non agriculture than why let it sit undeveloped. Over the years I offered the property free of charge to local farmers, but all declined saying to. Close to the River, Re buffer zone, too small area for their equipment. So, since 1994 I have mowed and groomed and paid taxes on this property on hopes this land issue would be resolved and my children could have a piece of land. Please consider non-use agricultural land to be developed for residential housing. Thank you for allowing me to voice my concern

What are your top three priorities for land-related legislation and/or policy? For your chosen priorities, what three key actions do you feel are most important to move that priority forward?

Priority #1 Lift the land Moratorium surrounding Summerside and Charlottetown

  • Key Actions
    • Remove Moratorium

Priority #2 Develop non-use agricultural land for residential housing

  • Key Actions
    • Remove Moratorium

Priority #3 N/A

  • Key Actions
    • N/A

Why did you choose these priorities?

Since 1994 have not been able to provide my 4 children with a building lot. The Moratorium is poorly planned, discriminatory, hurtful and so very non forward thinking.